Espelho virtual interativo para simulação de maquiagem
Pages 345 - 348
Realistic makeup simulation can be used to create interactive virtual environments which users can try makeup products in a fast, low-cost and flexible way. This paper presents an interactive virtual mirror for makeup simulation and we propose a interaction model based on a person applying makeup using a mirror. A touchscreen monitor mimics the mirror and the user can apply makeup touching the screen in any face location creating different makeup styles. Once the makeup has been applied, the system is able to keep its position during face movement in real time and without the need of markers, expensive equipment or an initial step to create a user model.
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Index Terms
- Espelho virtual interativo para simulação de maquiagem
Virtual Makeup: Foundation, Eye Shadow and Lipstick Simulation
ISDEA '14: Proceedings of the 2014 Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering ApplicationsRealistic makeup simulation can be used to create interactive virtual environments where users can try makeup products in a fast, low-cost and flexible way. Most existing makeup simulators are not appropriate for interactive applications because they ...
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Published In
October 2014
492 pages
- General Chairs:
- Clodis Boscarioli,
- Sílvia Amélia Bim,
- Program Chairs:
- Carla Leitão,
- Cristiano Maciel
- Springer
- SBC: Brazilian Computer Society
- PTI: Parque Tecnológico Itaipu
- NICBR: Nucleo de Informatcao e Coordenacao do Ponto BR
- CNPq: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecn
- Intel: Intel
- Fundação Araucária: Fundação Araucária de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Paraná
- Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Ministério da Ciência e Ensino Superior: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Ministério da Ciência e Ensino Superior
- CGIBR: Comite Gestor da Internet no Brazil
- IDF: The Interaction Design Foundation
- CAPES: Brazilian Higher Education Funding Council
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação
Publication History
Published: 27 October 2014
Author Tags
- Research-article
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