Welcome to the 8th India Software Engineering Conference (ISEC 2015). ISEC is the annual conference of ISOFT, the India chapter of ACM SIGSOFT (http://isoft.acm.org ) under the umbrella of ACM India - flagship conference in Software Engineering out of India. The eighth ISEC is held at Electronic City, Bangalore, India. The response to ISEC 2015 has been very encouraging both in terms of submission and participation. This year we received 106 papers out of which 13 were desk-rejected. After a very careful review process we accepted 19 papers in the full research category papers (acceptance rate of 20.43%).
Proceeding Downloads
Compositional Software Language Engineering
We examine the current state and problems of modeling enterprises as well as software systems and discuss a number of approaches to tackle those. In particular, we discuss how to make use of models in large development projects, where a set of ...
Evidence Engineering
The costs of computing have decreased a billion times over half a century. The focus of software engineering has consequently transformed from trying to squeeze as much as possible from every compute cycle and of every bit of memory, to improving ...
Automated Test Generation Using Concolic Testing
In this talk, I will talk about the recent advances and challenges in concolic testing and symbolic execution. Concolic testing, also known as directed automated random testing (DART) or dynamic symbolic execution, is an efficient way to automatically ...
Pravaaha: Mining Android Applications for Discovering API Call Usage Patterns and Trends
Software libraries and frameworks, consisting of a collection of Class and Interface definitions, provide a mechanism for code reuse by providing methods, APIs, components (generic functionality) and a support structure for developers to build ...
Will this be Quick?: A Case Study of Bug Resolution Times across Industrial Projects
Resolution of problem tickets is a source of significant revenue in the worldwide software services industry. Due to the high volume of problem tickets in any large scale customer engagement, automated techniques are necessary to segregate related ...
Verb-based Semantic Modelling and Analysis of Textual Requirements
Automated machine analysis of natural language requirements poses several challenges. Complex requirements such as functional requirements and use cases are hard to parse and analyze, the language itself is un-constrained, the flow of requirements may ...
Reengineering Enterprise Wide Legacy BFSI Systems: Industrial case study
Financial services sector typically known as BFSI (Banking Financial Services and Insurance) invest substantial amount of their developmental and maintenance budget in Information Technology (IT). Client servicing, regulatory/compliance requirements, ...
SARATHI: Characterization Study on Regression Bugs and Identification of Regression Bug Inducing Changes: A Case-Study on Google Chromium Project
As a software system evolves, maintaining the system becomes increasingly difficult. A lot of times code changes or system patches cause an existing feature to misbehave or fail completely. An issue ticket reporting a defect in a feature that was ...
Analyzing Dependencies in an Industrial Automation Engineering System
This paper presents an approach to compute and visualize dependencies between elements of an industrial automation system. The various system elements are represented by a network of vertices and edges in a graph, which in turn is used for computing ...
Automating Crash Report Analysis Using 'Exception-based Patterns' & 'Reference Assembly mapping'
When a complex real-world application is deployed post-release, a number of crash reports are generated. As the number of clients using the product increases, so do the crash reports. Typically, the approach followed in many software organizations is to ...
Simplifying Web Programming
Modern web programming is plagued by a jungle of heterogeneous programming frameworks and lacks adequate abstractions for end-to-end rapid, structured, design and development. We studied the current problems faced by developers using an online survey, ...
An Automated approach for Bug Categorization using Fuzzy Logic
Various automated techniques built to benefit software developers, bug triagers, stakeholders and users in open source systems, utilize information placed in issue tracking systems. The success of these techniques depends largely on the quality of ...
Predicting Object-Oriented Software Maintainability using Hybrid Neural Network with Parallel Computing Concept
Software maintenance is an important aspect of software life cycle development, hence prior estimation of effort for maintainability plays a vital role. Existing approaches for maintainability estimation are mostly based on regression analysis and ...
Lack of Conceptual Cohesion of Methods: A new alternative to Lack Of Cohesion of Methods
While often defined in informal ways, class cohesion reflects important properties of modules in a software system. High cohesion for classes is one of the desirable properties in Object Oriented (OO) analysis as it supports program comprehension, ...
Impact of Feature Selection Techniques on Bug Prediction Models
Several change metrics and source code metrics have been introduced and proved to be effective features in building bug prediction models. Researchers performed comparative studies of bug prediction models built using the individual metrics as well as ...
Measuring Inheritance Patterns in Object Oriented Systems: the Dynamic Inheritance Ratio Metric
Among the code structuration mechanisms in object oriented systems, class hierarchies based on the generalization relationship play a prominent role. Indeed it is used to represent and code hierarchies of abstractions supposed to help with code ...
A Hybrid Technique for Software Reliability Prediction
Reliability is an important factor of software quality. The accurate prediction of software reliability is a challenging task. There exist many reliability models to predict the reliability based on software testing activities. There are many software ...
Systemic Requirements of a Software Engineering Learning Environment
Software Engineering (SE) educators worldwide are attempting to create learning environments that can effectively achieve their desired learning objectives. However, there exist additional needs that impact the learning process and the overall quality ...
Naturalness of Natural Language Artifacts in Software
We present a study on the naturalness of the natural language artifacts in software. Naturalness is essentially repetitiveness or predictability. By natural language artifacts, we mean source code comments, revision history messages, bug reports and so ...
How Often does a Source Code Unit Change within a Release Window?
To form a training set for a source-code change prediction model, e.g., using the association rule mining or machine learning techniques, commits from the source code history are needed. The traceability between releases and commits would facilitate a ...
A Profile Guided Approach to Optimize Branch Divergence While Transforming Applications for GPUs
GPUs offer a powerful bulk synchronous programming model for exploiting data parallelism; however, branch divergence amongst executing warps can lead to serious performance degradation due to execution serialization. We propose a novel profile guided ...
An Approach of Generating Test Requirements for Agile Software Development
Test driven development, an agile programming approach, has been advocated as a promising approach for developing quality code. This approach aims at developing minimal, non-redundant code accepting only one test case at a time. However, not much has ...
How the Repository Driven Test Automation (RDTA) will make test automation more efficient, easier & maintainable
Many testing organizations find themselves lagging behind the development forces on the agile journey; it is obvious for us to demand an easy integration between all software program elements developed. Do we treat our testing artifacts in the same ...
Ahaan: Software Process Intelligence: Mining Software Process Data for Extracting Actionable Information
Software Processes consist of a structured set of activities performed during creation and maintenance of software products. The construction and subsequent maintenance of a software is facilitated by several applications and tools. Some of the tools ...
Applying Design Principles in Practice
It is widely recognized that the systematic application of relevant design principles plays a key role in taming the complexity involved in real-world software development. In our experience as consultant architects and trainers on software architecture ...
Recommendation and Regression Test Suite Optimization Using Heuristic Algorithms
In the Software Development Life Cycle, testing is an integral and important phase. It is estimated that close to 45% of project cost is marked for testing. Defect removal efficiency is directly proportional to the rigor of the testing and number of ...
A Report on Modelling Symposium (ModSym)
The principal objective of modelling symposium is to help form an active community working on various aspects of modelling and its applications. The focus is on problems that would be critical 3-5 years out in future. For example, problem spaces such as ...
A Report on Software Engineering Education Workshop (SEED) colocated with ISEC 2015
SEED 2015, The 1st International workshop on Software Engineering Education (co-located with India Software Engineering Conference - ISEC 2015 from 18-20 February) with a theme Evolving Body of Knowledge of Software Engineering - New ideas and ...