Digitization of Hindi photo articulation test for speech sound disorders
Statistical conversion of silent articulation into audible speech using full-covariance HMM
Conversion of silent articulation captured by ultrasound and video to modal speech.Comparison of GMM and full-covariance phonetic HMM without vocabulary limitation.HMM-based approach allows the use of linguistic information for regularization.Objective ...
Articulation-Disordered Speech Recognition Using Speaker-Adaptive Acoustic Models and Personalized Articulation Patterns
This article presents a novel approach to speaker-adaptive recognition of speech from articulation-disordered speakers without a large amount of adaptation data. An unsupervised, incremental adaptation method is adopted for personalized model adaptation ...
Individuality-Preserving Voice Reconstruction for Articulation Disorders Using Text-to-Speech Synthesis
ICMI '15: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on International Conference on Multimodal InteractionThis paper presents a speech synthesis method for people with articulation disorders. Because the movements of such speakers are limited by their athetoid symptoms, their prosody is often unstable and their speech rate differs from that of a physically ...
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- General Chair:
- Andreas Hein,
- Program Chairs:
- Susanne Boll,
- Friedrich Köhler
ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering)
Brussels, Belgium
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