L3 - an infrastructure for collaborative learnflow
- L3 - an infrastructure for collaborative learnflow
An Infrastructure for Collaborative Lifelong Learning
HICSS '02: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'02)-Volume 1 - Volume 1CLNGL01Collaborative learning has proven to be a successful method in traditional classroom settings. Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is regarded a new paradigm in educational technology. Nevertheless, in the context of infrastructures ...
Group formation in computer-supported collaborative learning
GROUP '01: Proceedings of the 2001 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group WorkGroup formation in CSCL environments is either done manually with little support from the system, or the system needs an elaborated model of the learning domain in order to select potential peer learners and to form learning groups in a pedagogically ...
Analyzing collaborative interactions: divergence, shared understanding and construction of knowledge
One of the most important facets of collaborative learning is the interaction between individual and collaborative learning activities - between divergent perspectives and shared knowledge building. Individuals bring divergent ideas into a collaborative ...
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