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A Faster Subquadratic Algorithm for Finding Outlier Correlations

Published: 16 June 2018 Publication History


We study the problem of detecting outlier pairs of strongly correlated variables among a collection of n variables with otherwise weak pairwise correlations. After normalization, this task amounts to the geometric task where we are given as input a set of n vectors with unit Euclidean norm and dimension d, and for some constants 0<τ < ρ < 1, we are asked to find all the outlier pairs of vectors whose inner product is at least ρ in absolute value, subject to the promise that all but at most q pairs of vectors have inner product at most τ in absolute value.
Improving on an algorithm of Valiant [FOCS 2012; J. ACM 2015], we present a randomized algorithm that for Boolean inputs ({ −1,1}-valued data normalized to unit Euclidean length) runs in time Õ((nmax,{ 1−γ +M(Δ γ,γ),M(1−γ,2 Δ γ)}+qdn), where 0<γ < 1 is a constant tradeoff parameter and M(μ, ν) is the exponent to multiply an ⌊ nμ ⌋ × ⌊ nν ⌋ matrix with an ⌊ nν ⌋ × ⌊ nμ ⌋ matrix and Δ =1/(1−logτ ρ). As corollaries we obtain randomized algorithms that run in time Õ( (n2/ω 3−logτ ρ + qdn2/(1−logτ ρ)3=logττ ρ) and in time õ( (n4 / 2+α (1−logτ ρ)+qdn2/α (1−logτ ρ)2+α (1−logτ ρ)>), where 2≤ ω <2.38 is the exponent for square matrix multiplication and 0.3<α ≤ 1 is the exponent for  rectangular matrix multiplication. The notation Õ(ṡ) hides polylogarithmic factors in n and d whose degree may depend on ρ and τ. We present further corollaries for the light bulb problem and for learning sparse Boolean functions.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Algorithms
ACM Transactions on Algorithms  Volume 14, Issue 3
Special Issue on SODA’16 and Regular Papers
July 2018
393 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 16 June 2018
Accepted: 01 December 2017
Received: 01 March 2016
Published in TALG Volume 14, Issue 3


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  1. Correlation
  2. fast matrix multiplication
  3. light bulb problem
  4. rectangular matrix multiplication
  5. similarity search


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  • European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme
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