We are pleased to announce the long-awaited PocketSphinx 0.6 release, including SphinxBase 0.6. This release corresponds to SVN revision 9898.
PocketSphinx is a small-footprint continuous speech recognition system, freely licensed under a simplified BSD license, suitable for handheld and desktop applications. It features:
- Cross-platform: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, iPhoneOS
- Experimental support for Nokia S60v3 and Windows Mobile
- Support for semi-continuous, phonetically-tied, and fully continuous acoustic models
- Model footprint on disk of about 10MB per language
- Memory footprint under 20MB for medium-vocabulary continuous recognition
- Trigram language models and JSGF finite-state grammars
- Acoustic models for English and Mandarin
- Small language models for English and Mandarin (simplified and traditional characters)
- Python language bindings
- GStreamer multimedia framework integration
The release branch can be accessed via Subversion at http://cmusphinx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cmusphinx/branches/pocketsphinx-0.6 - this is the preferred way to access the release, particularly if you are using Windows.
This exact release tag can be accessed at http://cmusphinx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cmusphinx/tags/pocketsphinx-0.6
Source code archives are now available for download at http://sourceforge.net/projects/cmusphinx/
Debian/Ubuntu source packages are available from https://launchpad.net/~dhuggins/+archive/cmusphinx