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Henrik, Lindhjem ; TUAN, TRAN ; Tran Hu, Tuan ; Henrik, Lindhjem. (2008) Meta-analysis of nature conservation values in Asia & Oceania: Data heterogeneity and benefit transfer issues.
In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:11470.
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Jianjun, J. (2006). Economic valuation of the Black-faced Spoonbill conservation in Macao. Singapore Jianjun, J., A. Indab, O. Nabangchang, T. D. Thuy, D. Harder and R. Subade (2006). WTP for Marine Turtle Conservation: A Cross-country Comparison in Asia Jim, C. Y. and W. Y. Chen (2006), Recreation - Amenity Use and Contingent Valuation of Urban Greenspaces in Guangzhou, China, Landscape and Urban Planning 75(1-2): 81-96.
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