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Abel, Brodeur ; Louis-Philippe, Beland ; Taylor, Wright. (2020) The Short-Term Economic Consequences of COVID-19: Exposure to Disease, Remote Work and Government Response.
In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13159.
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Notes: Authors’ calculations. Data from the Current Population Survey. The time period is January 2016 to March 2020. Panel A plots the unemployment rate. Panel B plots the labor force participation. Individuals in the labor force were at work; held a job but were temporarily absent from work due to factors like vacation or illness; were seeking work; or were temporarily laid off from a job during the reference period. Panel C plots hours work. Hours work: civilians aged 16–70 who are employed and either at work or absent from work during the survey week, all jobs. Trimmed to exclude values below 1st percentile and above 99th percentile. Panel D plots hourly wages.
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