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James, Tobin ; Michael L., Mussa ; Paul A., Volcker. (1994) Monetary Policy.
In: NBER Chapters. RePEc:nbr:nberch:7753.
Full description at Econpapers
Feldstein agreed that there were many people within the administrationwho were takingevery opportunityto criticizethe Fed in 1983and 1984,especially as more and moreprivateforecasterswere predictinganotherrecession.Nevertheless, President Reagan often took the opportunity at news conferences to say that he was supportingthe Fed. Volcker added that, in his view, the most important single action of the administrationin helping the anti-inflation fight was defeatingthe air traffic controllers ’ strike. He thought that this action had had a rather profound, and, from his standpoint,constructive,effect on the climate of labor-management relations, even though it had not been a wage issue at the time.
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