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Adam, Fforde ; Adam, Fforde. (2004) Persuasion: Reflections on Economics, Data and the Homogeneity Assumption.
In: Department of Economics - Working Papers Series. RePEc:mlb:wpaper:919.

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Henning-Schmidt, Heike, Li Zhu Yu and Yang Chao Liang (n/d) `A cross-cultural study on negotiation behaviour. A video experiment run in Germany and the Peoples Republic of China, mimeo. Henrich, Joe and Smith, Natalie (n/d) `Comparative experimental evidence from Peru, Chile and the US shows substantial variation among social groups, mimeo. Henrich, Joe, Robert Boyd, Samuel Bowles, Colin Camerer, Ernst Fehy, Herbert Gintis and Richard McElreath (2001) `Cooperation, reciprocity and punishment in fifteen small-scale societies, mimeo, Jan.

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