Dear visitors,
The Centre for Knowledge Transfer in Information Technologies (CT3) at the Jožef Stefan Institute has joined IRCAI, the International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO, as of January 2025.
We invite you to continue following our work and activities in artificial intelligence on the IRCAI website and our social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, X). The CT3 website will remain active until the end of 2025.
We look forward to staying connected!
CT3 Team
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Dragi obiskovalci,
Obveščamo vas, da se je Center za prenos znanja na področju informacijskih tehnologij (CT3) na Institutu “Jožef Stefan” z novim letom 2025 priključil IRCAI, Mednarodnemu raziskovalnemu centru za umetno inteligenco pod okriljem UNESCA.
Vabimo vas, da naše delo in aktivnosti na področju umetne inteligence spremljate še naprej na IRCAI spletni strani in družbenih omrežjih (LinkedIn, Facebook, X). CT3 spletna stran bo ostala aktivna še do konca leta 2025.
Veselimo se nadaljnjega sodelovanja z vami!
Ekipa CT3
Welcome to the pages of
The Centre performs educational, promotional and infrastructural activities and provides direct exchange of information and experience between researchers and the users of their research results.
“Bias in Artificial Intelligence …and it’s influence on human rights”: AI4Gov at the 17th EUROSAI IT Working Group Meeting”
In 24th of September AI4Gov had a presentation at 17th meeting of the EUROSAI IT Working Group. The event was taking place in Norway, Oslo and...
Exciting news from Data For Policy 2024 conference in London!
The AI4Gov team is presenting at the Data for Policy 2024 conference in London this week. The conference, titled "Decoding the Future: Trustworthy...
Collaboration meeting in June (synergies)
Together with the University of Maribor (UM) from Slovenia we organized a collaboration meeting titled “AI4Gov-SOLARIS-TWON official meet-up in...
The Chair is intended to contribute to building knowledge societies, including by drawing on information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the internet.
By partnering and active engagement in the different European research projects the Centre successfully extends its activities to the research and development.
Most of the research is performed in the area of knowledge management for traditional and emerging forms of organizations like networked and virtual organizations.
Contact Us
Jožef Stefan Institute
Centre for Knowledge Transfer in
Information Technologies (CT3)
Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana
phone: +386 1 477 3593
fax: +386 1 477 3935
Design by Ana Fabjan