6 posts tagged with smoke and odor.
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It's not for a grow op, really
A single cigarette is being smoked. Would a cylinder-type carbon filter with an inline fan be sufficient to capture the burn and the exhalation, and how effective would it be in capturing the odour? Links inside. [more inside]
Dealing with cigarette smell from prior tenant
After living in my new apartment a couple months, I’m pretty sure that the prior tenants were smokers. The smell was barely noticeable at first (and mitigated by fresh paint and new carpet), but I just got back from a week away without the AC running, and now all my clothes smell like stale cigarette smoke. Is an air purifier enough to deal with this? Or since it’s not active smoking from somewhere do I need something more?
How to remove cigarette smoke smell from books
My dad inherited some books recently from a friend who was a heavy smoker. Some of them my dad intends to keep and others he'd like to add to local Little Free Libraries, but they all need to be de-odorized first. None of the books are valuable or vintage. They're mostly paperbacks and several are big, Robert Caro-style 1200-page volumes. I've seen a few deodorizing techniques online but people report varying levels of success. What's worked for you?
Window air conditioner that filters out cigarette smoke etc.?
We live in a ground floor apartment and our only windows face a walkway where people like to gather to smoke cigarettes and sometimes use as a toilet. [more inside]
Neighbor's weed usage is waking me up due to the smell. Help!
My upstairs neighbor has started smoking weed in their bathroom on a regular basis. This often seems to happen in the middle of the night, and unfortunately it wakes me up and sends me to the bathroom to dry heave, which is the worst place to go because that is where the smell is coming down into on the first place! My fancy air filters don't help and neither does febreeze. What else can I do when I sense the onset? Tonight the smell is so thick I am considering going to my office across town to sleep in peace, so immediately implementable solutions are very welcome.
I see a black wall, and I want it painted white
Can I seal the inside surface of an exterior brick wall in my house without trapping moisture in the brick or in the insulation? [more inside]