36 posts tagged with sick and health.
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How to make the most of 2 weeks of mental health leave?

In another, non-pandemic time, I might seek help in a residential center, or travel somewhere. But I am in a covid hotspot, and those aren't options. How can I best support my medication changes and get some semblance of my life back with 2 weeks off work? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Aug 16, 2021 - 14 answers

Wait, Watch, Worry

I'm hoping I can get some direction on a very specific type of anxiety I've been struggling with. It revolves around the health of my family and those in my care. [more inside]
posted by Sassyfras on Mar 30, 2021 - 12 answers

What's up with flu symptoms coming and going?

My fiancee's flu symptoms are sort of oscillating in a way that's concerning me: is it normal for flu symptoms to recede and then come back? [more inside]
posted by insteadofapricots on Feb 1, 2019 - 7 answers

Is it possible to have a "cold" without upper respiratory symptoms?

I've had a few bouts of illness this year that feel like a cold (fatigue, head ache-y, maybe some minor muscle aches, a bit of brain fog) without much (or any) upper respiratory symptoms like cough, runny nose, etc. or a fever. Is this normal? [more inside]
posted by kylej on Apr 17, 2018 - 10 answers

Can You Have a Virus Without Sore Throat/Cough/Fever?

I’ve been sick the last few days, but with one catch: no sore throat, runny nose, or fever. The only symptom is that I feel completely exhausted, and can sleep for 10 - 12 hours a day. [more inside]
posted by AfterAlbuquerque on Dec 28, 2017 - 18 answers

Best remedies to avoid getting sick?

Mr. Circle and I leave in 3 days for the month-long European vacation of our dreams. I woke up this morning feeling like crap. Congested and exhausted. I blew it off as allergies and took some Flonase, but I'm feeling worse. What is my best defense to keep from getting sick, besides going home and going back to bed? [more inside]
posted by onecircleaday on Sep 20, 2017 - 27 answers

Recurring Mild Illness

For the second time within two months I have come down with an odd illness. The only symptom is that I feel tired and weak, similar to the tail end of the flu. My body is clearly telling me I am sick, but there are no other symptoms. None or the fever, runny nose, aches, sore throat that I can expect to see when I "normally" get sick. [more inside]
posted by AfterAlbuquerque on Sep 7, 2014 - 17 answers

What could be causing my running funk?

YANMD. I am seeing a doctor, but don't have an appointment for a follow up until Wednesday. I can't figure out why I'm feeling so ill. [more inside]
posted by roomthreeseventeen on Aug 24, 2014 - 15 answers

Anyone else experience similar chronic illness symptoms?

Note: I am the patient. Describing the symptoms is pretty difficult task but I will try to do my best. The patient has not felt normal since sometime in October of 2013. The best way to describe it is a feeling as if patient is about to get sick. That feeling as if a sickness is coming on but never really comes on. This feeling is often strongest at night and continues throughout the day and will be gone by night. This toxic/sick feeling that radiates throughout the body seems to come and go at times. [more inside]
posted by kvoorhees on May 20, 2014 - 45 answers

Throat of Steel

Whenever I get the slightest bit sick, I always feel it first in my throat. Having an itchy throat where it hurts to swallow is no fun, and this extended winter we've been having has been no help! I treat it with plenty of water, honey lemon ginger tea, and cough drops, of course, but I'm wondering whether there's anything I can do preemptively to keep my throat from being less vulnerable. If you used to have a tender, wimpy throat that now weathers stress and rapid changes in temperature like a champ, I'd love to hear what you changed (be it food, vitamins, habits, or something else entirely)!
posted by estlin on Mar 3, 2014 - 17 answers

How high can a fever get before seeking care?

Feeling ill yesterday and today, with a fever, slight cough, stuffed nose, sore joints. Taking dayquil and nyquil, and keeping track of my temperature every few hours. What temperature means "go to the hospital?" What other symptoms re: the cough and nose might man go to the hospital? [more inside]
posted by jsturgill on Apr 22, 2013 - 28 answers

Sick kitty, low on cash.

My cat is sick. I have next to no money. Is there a really-truly-worth it pet insurance company you recommend? Or is there a place I can apply for financial assistance? [more inside]
posted by greta simone on Jan 26, 2013 - 15 answers

Feelings are stupid.

How do you take care of a sick significant other without feeling resentful? [more inside]
posted by kat518 on Dec 26, 2012 - 41 answers

How do I stop getting sick on tour?

How do I stop getting sick on tour? [more inside]
posted by FuckingAwesome on Oct 23, 2012 - 25 answers

In sickness and in health

What are your expectations for your boyfriend/girlfriend caring for you when you get sick with a cold? [more inside]
posted by 3491again on Oct 2, 2012 - 48 answers

Sick of getting sick!

How can I stop getting sick? I teach High School and am constantly run down. I eat healthy, go to bed ridiculously early to get up early, exercise, and wash hands as often as possible (and have wipes in classroom) but it is pretty much impossible to stay healthy in a non-healthy atmosphere. [more inside]
posted by bquarters on Sep 29, 2012 - 30 answers

Paging Dr. House

What could I be doing that keeps getting me infected with fungal infections and infections in general? [more inside]
posted by These Birds of a Feather on Nov 5, 2011 - 18 answers

I've been sick forever

I'm sick. I'm not getting better. It is ruining my life and relationships. [more inside]
posted by windbox on Oct 23, 2011 - 36 answers

Urgent care? ER?

Urgent care? ER? Where am I supposed to go? I don't have a doctor here (Fairfax County, VA). I'm clueless. I got the flu last weekend but am still experiencing symptoms, including a new one - a burning hot pain in the pit of my stomach. [more inside]
posted by windbox on Sep 23, 2011 - 24 answers


So, my 4year old can;t blow her nose. Any amount of explaining how to blow your nose does not seem to help her, though TBH I am not sure I am doing a good job as is it's difficult to describe it more than "just blow out through your nose". Is this something that can be taught? When do people usually figure it out?
posted by Artw on Jun 10, 2011 - 39 answers

What to expect when diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and not getting treatment

My wife's grandmother has pancreatic cancer and is not getting treated. What can she (the grandmother) expect? [more inside]
posted by meta_eli on Jan 1, 2011 - 15 answers

The lowdown on Emergen-c

Alright, so it's cold/flu/etc season and my roommate brought home a package of Emergen-c. He welcomed me to it, so I figured what the heck, I'll take a look at it. Then I noticed it says you can take it post-workout, which spiked my interest because I'm a self-described 'gym bum.' [more inside]
posted by ascetic on Dec 14, 2010 - 21 answers

Why I'd get sick?

What was going with my body that caused me to get so sick yesterday? (WARNING: somewhat gross details) [more inside]
posted by bcreative on Mar 5, 2010 - 15 answers

Can employers tell people when employees are sick?

My employer just asked us to contact HR if any of our employees are diagnosed with H1N1 flu. Is this allowable under HIPAA? [more inside]
posted by um_maverick on Oct 27, 2009 - 10 answers

Help me absorb my vitamins & prevent my cold!!

How fast do vitamins & Minerals absorb into the body? [more inside]
posted by Black_Umbrella on Apr 13, 2009 - 16 answers

Pet vet on the 'net yet?

For minor pet health questions: suggest websites that are comprehensive & user-friendly? I'd like to avoid unnecessary vet visits. [more inside]
posted by pseudostrabismus on Oct 30, 2008 - 9 answers

How is my house making me, my girlfriend, and my dogs sick?

We've seen doctors, home inspectors, alternative medicine practitioners and we've got nothing. [more inside]
posted by baltimoretim on Oct 2, 2008 - 73 answers

Why do I seem to be *less* healthy when I exercise??

Why do I seem to be *less* healthy when I exercise?? [more inside]
posted by katala on Feb 9, 2008 - 22 answers

Coughy, a/k/a the 8th Dwarf

Coughy Asthma versus Wheezy Asthma? [more inside]
posted by dancinglamb on Nov 13, 2007 - 12 answers

Quietly, quietly... poison?

(Writing/Hypothetical Filter) Are there any poisons that (could) mimic the symptoms/effects of cancer if administered to a person over time? [more inside]
posted by teststrip on Oct 25, 2006 - 15 answers

Should I fill my prescription?

What will happen if I take 3 out of 10 ten days worth of antibiotics? [more inside]
posted by rglass on Oct 12, 2006 - 26 answers

Your best sickness prevention methods:

Let's hear your method for preventing colds and other sicknesses! [more inside]
posted by nitsuj on Dec 5, 2005 - 65 answers

Why do I get sick so often and what can I do to get sick less often?

I catch colds with alarming frequency- five or six times a year. If I make any sort of contact with somebody else who is sick, I can expect to have what they have within a day or two. I'm 21, HIV negative (recently tested and long abstinent), a vegetarian with a healthy diet, I excercise frequently and I take vitamins. I'm also currently taking Lexapro for depression. My question is twofold: first, what's wrong with me? Doctors insist that I'm fine. Second, what can I do to keep from getting sick so often in the future?
posted by anonymous on Feb 10, 2005 - 40 answers

Can horses (or other animals) throw up?

Someone at work has just asked me a bizarre question that I can't find an answer to - can horses (and in fact any other animal) actually throw up? (+)
posted by longbaugh on Jan 11, 2005 - 30 answers

How can I prevent bronchitis?

If you caught a cold this week
and hacked and sneezed and lacked some sleep
And when you talk you simply squeak —
How do you ward off bronchitis? [more inside]
posted by Happydaz on Oct 22, 2004 - 9 answers

What's the best nighttime cold remedy?

Tylenol? Contact? Advil? Who makes the best nighttime cold remedy? I haven't slept for three nights because of my running nose and cough. UGH!
posted by grumblebee on Apr 28, 2004 - 17 answers

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