35 posts tagged with storage and mac.
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What is taking up all my Mac storage, and how do I track it down?
I have a MacBook Pro (c. 2020) with a 500-GB SSD that is running out of hard drive space. In the "Storage" pane of System Settings, the bar chart at the top shows 432 GB used, including 226.5 GB of "System Data". But when I go to the "Macintosh HD" window in the Finder, tell it to show hidden folders, and tell it to calculate the sizes of all the folders (visible and hidden), it adds up to a little shy of 200 GB. Why is there such a discrepancy? [more inside]
Where do you file your stuff?
A mechanic's receipt, my kids report card, a tax form, all as PDFs.
Where do you keep them? [more inside]
How do I replicate Apple’s Time Capsule?
I miss having a way to update my Time Machine backup wirelessly and automatically when my Mac laptop is on my home network. Apple no longer makes the Time Capsule, but that’s essentially the functionality I want. How do I do that with current tech while keeping cost low and prioritizing reliability and stability over speed? [more inside]
Non-Spotify, non-Apple ecosystem music storage/streaming?
I am an Apple user who wants to quit using Spotify + Apple apps to save, store, stream, and sync my music. But leaving this ecosystem is hard. I would like recommendations for a more streamlined replacement that can: 1. play my mp3 library on desktop and mobile; 2. sync the library between desktop and mobile; 3. easily allow me to save/add songs to my library on desktop and mobile. [more inside]
How can I see the 3.9 GB of Messages in iCloud so I can delete some?
I want to choose among Messages' large attachments (images -- photos and videos) to clear out some iCloud space. The large images are mostly on my Mac, not my other devices. But when I delete Messages images from my Mac, it doesn't free up any iCloud space. Deleting them from Top Conversations on my iPhone doesn't free up space, either. How can I see the large Messages images that are on iCloud, and delete the ones I select? [more inside]
Help managing iCloud storage?
I recently replaced my old iPhone with a new-to-me one. Now, iCloud is almost full. It's almost all Messages, and I want to select and delete large attachments, but it seems really screwy. Also, I think I got an almost-full warning the last time I got a new device, too, but I don't remember what fixed it. [more inside]
What's my best option for home backup?
Looking for a simple 2-disk NAS that'll do RAID1. [more inside]
Help with mac mail?
My MacBook air is driving me insane. I keep getting a message saying my disk is nearly full. It appears that mail is the culprit, using up lots of storage space. I keep deleting mail, but nothing changes. [more inside]
Macbook storage solutions
Just bought a Macbook Air without realizing it has half the storage space of my old laptop. Oops! What are my best options for storing the movies and tv shows that are taking up most of the room on my computer? [more inside]
Bulk transfer of all messages from iphone 5S to Mac
My phone is running out of storage space and I have more than 1GB of stored imessages. How can I most easily transfer them all to a Mac, so that I can choose the setting of only keeping messages for a short while to free up space and still not lose them?
Any other tips for freeing up storage on the iphone are welcome, too. [more inside]
Disappearing storage on MacBook Air!
We have a Macbook Air running Sierra 10.12, upgraded within the last 10 weeks or so. Since then we can't keep free space on the hard drive. It just continually disappears, to the point where the drive is almost full and the computer stops functioning properly. I can't find the source of the problem, except that the space used by "System" files is just growing and growing -- today it's at 150GB! Are there any serious Mac experts out there who can help me? [more inside]
How to save info about photos on a mac
I'm a graduate student and the research project I am working on requires me to analyze articles and pictures from old newspapers. I took photos of what I needed, and then saved the info about each one (date, author, title, page number, etc) in iPhoto. Sadly, when iPhoto "updated" to the newer version, this data was lost.
I am looking for a more reliable way to store this data alongside the photos. Right now I just have it written in notebooks the old fashioned way - there has to be a better option. I want to attach the info directly to the photo so that if I switch computers or applications, it will still be in the file for good.
I hope this makes sense, I am not great with technology.
Is it possible to restore 25 photos from a time machine backup
So I've got a macbook air. There is NOT a ton of room left on it. But somehow a bunch (like 25-30) photos I took were deleted. I'm still not sure how. And I want to restore JUST those photos. But as I understand it, I need to restore the entire library. And I don't have enough room for TWO libraries on this computer. So is it possible to just go back, look for the photos I want, and restore JUST those? If so...how? Latest mac OSX.
Options for storing my growing collection of movies/music/TV on my Mac?
I own a macbook with 256 GB of space. I used to have a 1 TB backup drive but it broke, along with the majority of my media files; this is the second time in two years that I've had a hard drive go bad on me. I opted for a smaller 256 GB SSD for backup this time around as I heard they're less prone to failing, but it's too small for me to put on much besides my Time Machine backup. What options do I have to store my other files? [more inside]
Where do I put my bits?
Help me come up with an external storage solution. I want to move a large amount of data off my computer, but also start performing regular backups of the computer, as well as the migrated data, if possible. [more inside]
Easy way to manage iPhone photos and iCloud photo backups?
I'm getting frequent alerts on my iPhone that my free 5gb of iCloud storage is full. Most of this is from years of photos on my phone--in fact, that's pretty much the only thing on my phone I would care about having backed up. I also think most/all of the images on my phone are already backed up to my computer in Lightroom. Is there a convenient/automatic way to handle what photos stay on my phone and what photos are backed up to iCloud? [more inside]
Best practice for living with less computer storage
I'm contemplating a new computer purchase, and one of the options I'm kicking around is a Macbook Pro Retina. Getting one of those with a big SSD is stupidly expensive. So I'm wondering what the best approach is for dealing with less storage on a laptop, and any particular tips or tricks. [more inside]
NAS for a Mac home: Airport Extreme vs. Seagate GoFlex
I want to move to network-attached storage. I've got two Macs and am trying to decide between buying an Airport Extreme or Seagate GoFlex. [more inside]
Is there a Cloud Storage for Dummies?
I have about 8,000 photos on my home computer and I'd be bummed to lose them. It's time for me to learn about cloud storage. Halp? [more inside]
Help me keep my Workstation quiet!!
I like to keep my home office incredibly devoid of machine noise. To that end, other than my sound system (where I choose the noise), my workstation consists of 1.) A Mac mini running Lion Server on Raid 0 3.5" drives (2 x 500GB) and 2.)A Lacie quadra 1TB drive doing Firewire 800 Time Machine backups every hour (I put up with the Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, every hour without being annoyed). I need more storage, but don't want to increase the (lack of) noise factor... [more inside]
Getting a Macbook Air in a couple weeks and need advice on moving to the smaller hard drive, specifically relating to iTunes and iOS devices.
Getting a Macbook Air in a couple weeks and need advice on moving to the smaller hard drive, specifically relating to iTunes and iOS devices. [more inside]
My closet is like a scene from Hoarders: The Mac Episode.....
I was an AD/Photoshop expert for years, but I've changed careers and my computer needs have become less hardcore than they used to be. I'm getting rid of old career/office stuff I don't need, but just realized I have an entire closet full of old Macs and hard drives that are full of all sorts of stuff I should probably sort through, consolidate, purge and/or save... How do people do that nowadays? [more inside]
Time Capsure vs Network Accessible Storage
What is the right apple/mac storage solution for me? [more inside]
How Do I Connect 3 External Drives To My WiFi Network?
I've replaced an aging iMac with 3 external drives hanging off of it with a Macbook Pro with the same 3 external drives hanging off of it.
The setup also includes a cable modem and a Time Capsule.
Right now the drives are in daisychained Firewire mode.
I'm looking for a way to connect the drives to my wifi network so I can eliminate the need to plug the first drive into the laptop? Staying with Firewire would be nice, but it's not a deal breaker.
Imac and old mac
Hi, I have a new Imac and an older 32 bit Mac Pro with 4 drives in it. I'm trying to find the best way to keep all of the media and files I have on the old drives but I'd like to access them through the new Imac. Is an external multi-bay case the best way to go? Could I turn the old Mac pro into a server? What's the most cost effective solution?
need storage device compatible with mac 10.3.9
mac filter: Several oldish ibooks at work (2002-03 vintage, running 10.3.9, it appears) that haven't been used for a while but have various files on them. Not sure what's what and need to go through everything. First step: transfer all the files to a more stable machine, but how to copy those files when the newish flash drives I have laying around don't show up as readable through the usb ports? [more inside]
Little deaths 4kb at a time
Is my data gone? Convoluted data storage question involving two Macs, a Drobo, and some file permission errors... Question on possible recovery options, and questions on how to stop it from happening again. [more inside]
PC won't recognize my HD.
My computer is having problems with recognizing capacity of hard drives or recognizing the drives at all. [more inside]
Get iphoto/itunes files off local drive? Maybe S3?
I'm looking for some best practice advice in moving my iTunes music and my iPhoto images off my local hard drive. The 160GB drive on my Macbook is about full. I know I can use a USB/Firewire/Network-attached external hard drive, but has anyone had luck using a service such as Amazon's S3 for this. I know if works fine for storing the files, but how usable is it to actually 'get' the files? [more inside]
Why are transfers to my external firewire drive so slow?
What kind of transfer speeds should I be expecting from my new external Firewire 800 drive? [more inside]
Homemade DVD server- Whats the best/easiest/cheapest way?
Homemade DVD server- Whats the best/easiest/cheapest way? [more inside]
File systems for Mac and PC
I just bought my first Mac and I keep finding conflicting reports when it comes to file systems. All of my music and photos are on an external drive, formatted NTFS. Will OS X be able to read/write to it, or will I have to backup the files and reformat? I still need to be able to connect the external HD to a PC on occasion, but it will primarily be used with the Mac. Thanks in advance!
Cost-effective, shared storage for Mac?
Cost effective, shared storage for Mac? [more inside]
taking my g4 for a drive
I need to add a bigger hard drive to my oldish Mac G4. This kind of machine can only see 120G of storage on a drive. [more inside]
Fish outta water...
Mac network/backup/storage questions. Any Mac gurus willing to throw their 2 cents at me? [more inside]