46 posts tagged with rent and money.
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Landlord's unrealistic cleaning demands and a couch held hostage.
Please advise on how to proceed proactively and cautiously to prevent conflict from what seems like retaliatory whims after landlord spent money removing mold.
I rent a furnished basement in a house with landlords. Unrelated to mold, they were replacing furniture and removed the couch to make space for a new one. After several days without a couch, I requested it be delivered. They said “no”; I cost them money due to unspecified “neglect.” My rent was increased 20% and insist I pay $1000 for FOUR professional deep cleanings because the place is messy. I'm feeling squeezed. [more inside]
How can we pay our landlord?
We are having a surprisingly hard time getting money to our landlord. Maybe you know the answer? This is in the US. [more inside]
Somewhere to Live
My kids are trying to secure an apartment near a university and it's not easy. I need advice on finances and how apartment leasing works and what to do to secure a place. [more inside]
New Apartment, Same Building: Y/N?
I have the opportunity to move into an upgraded but much more expensive apartment two doors down from my current unit. Based on my number crunching, I can afford the hike in rent, and given its proximity, I could start moving my stuff over there on July 1. Can you help me make sure the math maths here? [more inside]
Should I pay more rent/bills than my boyfriend?
In a few months I (F, 35) will move in with my boyfriend (M, 38). I make more more money than he does. Snowflake inside. [more inside]
Should I try to get my rental deposit back?
When Covid first started and my gigs fell through, my landlady gave me a month's rent off. I have now moved out and it would be at this point which I ask for my deposit back. Should I bother, or just call it "even"? [more inside]
On new NYC rent laws, is an applicant allowed to pay more upfront?
Since the new NYC rent laws states (from what I've read on online articles) additional months upfront or additional security is illegal, does that apply to free-market units? I have a friend applying for a room (will be entering a joint lease agreement that's being renewed) in a free-market unit, and she is from the UK with US credit score and willing to pay upfront since she doesn't have a qualified US guarantor. Is the landlord allowed to accept additional months or security for approval? I've been told by someone else it only applies to rent-stabilized units.
My life is on the verge of falling apart and I don’t know what to do.
I’m terrified. My life is about to fall apart. I am about to run out of money and have no source of income and nothing in the horizon. I’m freaked out and seemingly unable to do anything about fixing my life; rather it feels like watching a train wreck in slow motion. I have zero idea where to turn. What do people do these situations? [more inside]
First & Last: The long and the short of it = N/A
My road to recovery is filled with potholes, and the potholes have alligators in them, and when the alligators open their mouths, piranhas and cobras shoot out at me.
I have found cheaper shelter, but I don't have first and last. I DO have a headache... [more inside]
Who should I be talking to?
My wife and I have a rental property, and it's basically one headache after another - and worse, it's costing us money every month. I need help! But I'm not sure where to go for sound advice. [more inside]
Help me figure out what to do?
So I have a job, and I work freelance design on the side. Due to several circumstances in the past month, I have less than half of this month's rent and the direct withdrawal of the rent is scheduled for tomorrow morning. What can I do? [more inside]
Landlord staying at my place while I'm gone - should I ask for $$?
My landlords (a lovely 60-something couple who we like and who like us and with whom we have multiple acquaintances) are staying at their/our house for 1.5 weeks while we are on vacation. Can I ask them to knock a few bucks off that month's rent and not be an asshole? [more inside]
Do I qualify for an apartment that has income restrictions?
There's a couple of apartment complexes that I've been looking at, but they're income restricted - you have to be making less than $36,960 for one person to qualify. I don't know if I qualify, even though my income is lower than that, because I'd also be going to school part time at a local community college for the next year or so.
Here's an example of an apartment complex that I'd like to check out: Addison on Fourth. [more inside]
A friend thought his lease ended August 1st, but he just got a call from his landlord saying that it ended two days ago. They don't have anyone slated to move in for two weeks, but say that they need that time to have the apartment professionally cleaned. What are the best steps for him to take? What rights does he have legally? We are in North Carolina. [more inside]
How can I safely and legally find 800$ in a week?
Ok, so...long story short, I am really having a hard time making rent for reasons outside of my control. It's due in a week, and despite exhausting every venue I can think of I can't come up with that money. [more inside]
Housemate money troubles
What is a fair way to divvy up finances when two people move out of a four-person share house? [more inside]
How can my family bar my bipolar father from access to credit?
My bipolar father will go on crazy consumer debt fueled sprees of spending / gambling. What can we do on a severely limited budget to ensure he doesn't end up homeless or otherwise in major trouble? [more inside]
Rent vs. Buy: Retiree edition!
Single retiree is selling a big paid-off house and asked me and huzzeh for help deciding whether or not it makes sense to rent an apartment or buy a condo. What questions should we consider to help make this decision? [more inside]
Best way for our 8-person co-op household to manage our money?
I live in a cooperative household in California - 8 people total - and we have a house bank account that we use to pay for communal food, toilet paper, etc. as well as rent. We all deposit $ in the account, and our house treasurer writes one big check for rent that our landlord cashes. Now the local credit union wants us to pay taxes on the money going in and out of that account, which we've never encountered in the ~5-10 years the house has been running things this way. What to do? [more inside]
What's the best place to live on a low budget given a life-consuming job in Manhattan near Madison Square Park? And how low can I go both before and after unintelligible-but-critically-important-tax-stuff?
What's the best place to live on a low budget given a life-consuming job in Manhattan near Madison Square Park? And how low can I go both before and after unintelligible-but-critically-important-tax-stuff? [more inside]
how much rent should i be paying in NYC?
mid-20s, moving to NYC jobless but with some prospects to realistically find an entry-level job in the $40,000 range. have $20,000 saved. what kind of rent should i realistically plan to pay? am looking at a $1150/mo (per person) in Fort Green. can i do better? [more inside]
Renting to Ace Ventura.
How do i collect from (soon to be former) tenants in Texas who do not dispute that or how much they owe? [more inside]
Help a n00b create a personal budget!
Novice/don't know what the hell I'm doing Filter: Moving away from home for the first time and need to create a budget! Any tips/help? [more inside]
This is more or less the first apartment I've had, so I'm figuring things out...
I want to tell my landlord that I won't be paying any rent this upcoming month, and that he should apply my security deposit to the rent instead. Would this be a wise move? [more inside]
Problem with a rental agreement, advice please?
Problem renting an apartment. [more inside]
Is it possible to move rented accommodation in the UK while claiming Housing Benefit?
Is it possible to move rented accommodation in the UK, in London, while claiming Housing Benefit? [more inside]
Do we take legal actiona
Sticky Renting Situation Filter: I just moved into a house that my girlfriend and two other friends have been renting from my girlfriends mother for about 2 years now. Now my girlfriends uncles want to increase the rent (oral lease) pretty heavily and planned to do so before they even knew I was moving in. Do I use the law to protect our rights as tenants, or because it's my girlfriend's family do we just pick up and leave instead of fighting it? [more inside]
Should I attempt to ask my boss to give me a raise?
Should I attempt to ask my boss to give me a raise? [more inside]
International researcher housing woes and tenant rights
Question: I'm from the UK temporarily working and living in a university city in Ontario, Canada for the 2009/2010 academic year. Due to the fact that I work from home a lot and have to transfer large files (via Skype/DropBox/FTP) from Canada to my labmates overseas, my landlady's internet usage has gone up since I've become a tenant. I think she's using Rogers Express or Extreme Plan. If I'm understanding things correctly, according to the Ontario Landlord/Tenant Act, Canadian landlords can't increase a rent until 12 months after a tenancy has started. What do I do?
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No lease, moving howto?
I live in an apartment with no lease and pay rent to my (dishonest) roommate. How do I minimize my financial losses when I move out?
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$30k: real estate or stocks?
I will receive $30k (canadian) as an inheritance. I'd like to invest it to start getting some revenue out of it. I have a few questions. [more inside]
Wasted money
Why do people say that they don't want to waste money on rent? [more inside]
Yeah, great timing, I know.
I'm an artsworker trainee who's also in the early stages of starting a new small business. I've been jobhunting like crazy but nothing's happened yet. I need to cover my living expenses. What can I do? [more inside]
Cutting the umbilical cord
This moving out thing, uh...how do I do this (financially)? [more inside]
How to start off in life without begging
How does one who is just starting out in the world pay for starting out? [more inside]
IRA to RIRA Advice
My Dad wants to roll his IRA over to an RIRA and use the money to buy my brother a townhouse. Is this a bad idea? [more inside]
renter/subletter issue in Brooklyn
NYC: i have a weird rent/sublet situation and would like some advice on how to protect myself, stuff, and money WITHOUT signing a lease. read on... [more inside]
$1000 in a few days?
I need to raise $1000 in a few day's time. How? [more inside]
Now that I'm out, she's keeping the cash!
My landlord won't give me my deposit back. Is there anything I can do? [more inside]
Anyone got a two bed/one bath in san diego for rent?!?!
Renting - It's been a while and I'm afraid we're gonna look bad on paper. Mid/late twenty year olds (one a musician) without a huge amount of $$ or history - are we screwed? [more inside]
What's the cheapest way to send money online?
RentFilter: What's the best way for my roommates to pay me their rent, paypal seems like they take way to big of a cut. [more inside]
I can't pay rent! What should I do?
Rent's due tomorrow, and I don't have the money yet. What should I do? [more inside]
I am not rational right now, and need advice.
What's the best way to approach our hippie landlord so that he agrees to waive our July rent? [more inside]
Where to get cheap CD/DVD resurfacing in NYC
Does anyone know where in NYC (preferably in or near the East Village) one can have CDs/DVDs resurfaced for cheap? [more inside]
What do you do with a little brother who can't pay?
I'm moving into an apartment with my two brothers in about a week. The younger one has had major issues over the past year finding a job and paying rent. What can I do to help him? [more inside]
Big (Broke?) Lebowski
I just finished watching the horribly mangled version of the Big Lebowski on Comedy Central. I never really thought about in all the times I watched it til now, but how do you think Lebowski pays the bills?