28 posts tagged with relationships and distance.
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Managing the end of a relationship due to distance
My boyfriend is moving away for a once-in-a-lifetime job opportunity. My own career situation requires that I stay here, so we're breaking up. What are the rules of engagement for making this as endurable as possible? [more inside]
Should I date a semi-famous person on the other side of the country?
The title of this question doesn't even begin to convey all the issues here. He lives in Hollywood and is charting a path toward becoming a celebrity. I live on the East Coast, am a bookish introvert, and don't particularly want to get my heart smashed to pieces. I also have ZERO interest in the entertainment industry. Yet we share other interests and have major sparks. [more inside]
How to deal with distance from new boyfriend and not self-sabotage?
I feel my new guy pulling away a little - should I talk to him or leave it alone? [more inside]
How do you cope with a long distance relationship?
How do you handle long distance relationships, or rather potential long distance and keep your mind off of things without dwelling on it too much? [more inside]
Dealing with a love Conundrum
Should I take the leap, and take the risk, or should I just forget about it and move on? [more inside]
Middle distance relationship, no car, money issues? Here!
30 miles apart, without a car to have date nights and with a boyfriend unwilling to share expenses despite having little money. Result: us not doing much of anything and me feeling guilty and stuck. [more inside]
How to manage an LDR when there's no end to the distance in sight?
I have just moved to a new city for my dream job and I can’t stop crying. Long distance relationship woes inside. [more inside]
What do I do with these very, very strong feelings?
I just had a weekend (non-adulterous) affair with someone who lives halfway across the country. It went well, incredibly well, so well, and now she has gone back home and I am experiencing a massive onslaught of feelings and I am not sure how to proceed and maintain my sanity. Details inside. [more inside]
Can you really be addicted to a certain kind of sadness?
Can you really be addicted to a certain kind of sadness?
Ugh...I hate that song. My boyfriend has serious intimacy issues but is trying to work on them. I feel intermittently insecure/frustrated/sad/angry and I don't know how much longer I can take it... [more inside]
Do I miss my boyfriend or not?
So my boyfriend went away for a week for work. I thought I'd miss him like crazy, but I kinda don't? Is this normal?? [more inside]
Why doesn't my boyfriend respond to my jokes and stories?
Sometimes I can't tell if my boyfriend likes me. [more inside]
Oceans never listen to us anyways.
My SO and I are going to be on different sides of the Atlantic from March to September. Should we break up? [more inside]
Help me stop freaking out at my bf
Help me conquer my insecurity in relationships! [more inside]
How to avoid someone you're attracted to you know isn't good for you?
I am really attracted to someone I know I shouldn't be, when I'm not single and I know he is not the kind of person I should be interested in. We see each other almost every day of the week, and I'm in a new city with not many other friends. How can I find my way out of this feeling? [more inside]
How to make this long distance relationship work?
Long distance relationship: How can we make it work? How can we work it out so that we both feel fulfilled? [more inside]
Have you ever successfully fought for a relationship that you knew was worth saving? How did it work out?
Have you ever successfully fought for a relationship that you knew was worth saving? How did it work out? [more inside]
one third long distance relationship
my boyfriend goes out of town to deal with difficult things, I miss him: I need to keep these feelings 'normal and healthy' as opposed to 'irrational and demanding' [more inside]
Why is the world so big? How do I make it smaller?
What do you do when the people you love and care about live very far apart? Is there a way to live a multi-city life, or should I just grow up, pick relationships to prioritize, and resign myself to seeing everyone else a few weeks out of the year? [more inside]
Anxiety? or my gut instinct?
Trust my instincts? or just relationship anxiety? [more inside]
Do I tell my ex how I feel?
My ex-boyfriend is moving out of the state and things feel unresolved. I don't want to regret not expressing my thoughts, but am worried my unloading on him pre-move is unfair. [more inside]
Please make me a better letter writer!
My partner and I have broken up because of a move but have decided to correspond with one another through handwritten letters. Please help me be a better letter writer! [more inside]
Taking a "break".
[relationship filter] How to manage a "break"/"open relationship"? [more inside]
Long distance marriage troubles
My long distance marriage is starting to crumble. I don't know what to do. Any comments would be of assistance. Long story inside [more inside]
Summer of Love, Autumn of Love? Never of Love?
Love, intimacy, sexual frustration, distance, inaction... help me deal with the complexities of it all. [more inside]
I'm needy--help! (pun intended)
I'm needy--help! (pun intended) [more inside]
Jack and Jill
Yet another RelationshipFilter: This is the story of Jack and Jill... [more inside]
Should I talk to my boyfriend about me leaving, or ignore the situation?
Should I talk to my boyfriend about me leaving, or ignore the situation? [more inside]
My fiance and I have iChat AV cameras on Powerbooks. Can we work around blocked 16384-16403 ports to chat anyway?
OK, so my fiance just started med school 2000+ miles away from where I live. To stay in touch and keep our phone bills reasonable, we both got iChat AV cameras for our powerbooks. However, the neccesary ports (16384 to 16403) are not open on her school network. We contacted her IT department and a week later, the guy told her that he couldn't open those ports for security/bandwidth issues, leaving us high and dry. So, what would folks suggest we do in this situation? Is it really a security issue or just bandwidth? Are there any workarounds?