6 posts tagged with lgbt and history.
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What is the first reference to gay marriage in U.S. history?

I saw this article about a poem Abraham Lincoln wrote. The article claims that it contains the first known reference to gay marriage in American history. Is there any truth to this claim? Does anyone know of any earlier references?
posted by matkline on Mar 3, 2019 - 1 answer

What's New In Edinburgh?

Visiting Edinburgh in January and wondering what the hot new things to do, eat, see, or experience there since my last trip 3 years ago. We usually enjoy unusual museums and collections, vintage menswear , fine dining, LGBT stuff, and historical tours and sites like the Mary King's Close tour (We're both suckers for the macabre). [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Dec 15, 2016 - 8 answers

readings on history of civil rights struggles for ages 10 to 12

I've seen requests from multiple acquaintances for materials suitable for 10 to 12 year olds the history of civil rights struggles and also in philosophy. Please help.
posted by bleary on Nov 11, 2016 - 4 answers

Toronto For First Timers!?

We're NYCers going on a 2 week trip to Toronto on the 26th. We've never been! What are the new exciting sites? The old established stuff? (Again, we've never been!) We like history, werid engineering dork stuff, movie stuff, dive bars, gayness, unusual stores and secondhand vintage menswear. We don't drive, but we'd like a nice trip out of town by train or even bus. Exciting cuisine a must overall. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on May 13, 2016 - 52 answers

What are some good books on the history of LGBT rights movement?

I really want to find out more about the history and progress of LGBT rights. Namely, early forms and social codes to express homosexuality, the civil rights movements and how psychology viewed before and now, and what led to finally removing homosexuality as a disorder from the DSM. [more inside]
posted by ahtlast93 on Nov 19, 2013 - 13 answers

Queer Country on a Motorcycle

Please help me think of historical LGBT locations in the United States. [more inside]
posted by carnivoregiraffe on Sep 17, 2013 - 18 answers

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