370 posts tagged with education and resolved.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 370. Subscribe:

How can I create student groups based on who they want to work with?

I have a class with 115 students who I need to break into groups of 4 or 5. Initially I said I would form the groups randomly, but I've noticed that they tend to work well with people they already like. Still, some of them haven't made any friends in the class and asking them to form groups on their own will be awkward and difficult. [more inside]
posted by stinker on Jan 23, 2025 - 23 answers

Suggestions for online math degree programs

I think I want to do a degree in pure mathematics. It has to be done online because I cannot go anywhere to do it (due to lack of funds--yuck--and a full time job--yay!), and the local university will not accept me. I have conducted an extensive search and turned up only two options: Open University and the Sorbonne. I'm writing to ask if you guys know of other options. More snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by Didnt_do_enough on Dec 28, 2024 - 9 answers

Old bat, new cave

I'm nearly 60, mostly retired and fairly idle. I'm contemplating entering a fulltime academic program that will take five years to complete. Have you, a fellow Old, done anything similar? How did it go? [more inside]
posted by rabia.elizabeth on Dec 24, 2024 - 14 answers

Who runs her life when we're dead?

Our autistic daughter is almost 20. She can take care of herself but has no concept of money. Who looks out for her when we're dead? [more inside]
posted by musofire on Dec 16, 2023 - 13 answers

Texas teacher wants to move and become Oregon teacher. What to know?

I am currently an art teacher in Texas who plans on moving to Oregon in the next year or so, where I would also like to teach. I'm trying to gather up the information I need now so I can get whatever certifications I may need out of the way sooner than later. [more inside]
posted by picea on Jun 16, 2023 - 5 answers

A book about matrices and linear transformations written for children

The book may not (or may) have been published. It may only exist as photocopies and pdfs, but it is not a figment of my imagination. It may have covered other subjects like solving equations, but I only flipped through the first few pages before losing track of it. I'm looking for some leads on finding it. [more inside]
posted by stuart_s on May 21, 2023 - 3 answers

Help me think about kids and schools

How should I think about my kids attending schools very different from the ones I attended? [more inside]
posted by sy on May 12, 2023 - 43 answers

Current elementary Alabama state history textbook?

What is (are?) the current textbook(s) approved for use in Alabama public schools to teach state history at an elementary level? If there are multiple approved textbooks, what is the most frequently used?
posted by quintessence on Oct 28, 2022 - 2 answers

The gift of compounding interest — for babies

My niece is turning one, hurrah. As such, I want to get her a gift(s) or investment that I can keep contributing to — or something that will hold its value over time. I am 0% interested in purchasing an extravagant toy or something that will be discarded in two months — that's what her grandmas are for! Does anyone know of a saving vehicle I can use in her name/my name for the long term, either in the UK or NZ? Gold stash? Pokemon cards? I'm a bit stumped by this. [more inside]
posted by socky_puppy on Aug 7, 2022 - 13 answers

Training room in the Boston area?

I am looking for a room with computers in the Boston area that my company could rent for a few days in August. We need to do some proctored online OSHA training with our employees. We would need 10-20 workstations. Any leads would be appreciated.
posted by manageyourexpectations on Jun 23, 2022 - 7 answers

Deep dives on non-Western cultures?

Western popular media often filters out facets of cultures that don't reflect our own. Does anyone know good resources for being exposed to a wide variety of the differing facets other cultures have evolved/retained in their unique environments? Things like castes in India, ideograms in Chinese writing, arranged marriage in a variety of cultures. [more inside]
posted by commander_fancypants on Apr 21, 2022 - 14 answers

Should I do this (follow-up)?

I posted this question anonymously awhile back. The responses that came in focused on the idea that I would be trying to recreate a missed college experience, to be 19 when I am very much 45, which is not my goal or intent so many of the responses I received were not that helpful. The misinterpretation was reasonable since I did not provide many details. It is now time for me to decide whether to enroll to get a second BA so I am de-anonymizing myself and posting this follow-up. [more inside]
posted by ponibrown on Apr 16, 2022 - 44 answers

How to find a way forward?

I’m deeply sorry I keep bugging you all with my questions and problems. I’m at a crossroads with very little time to make a decision. I’m at the castle of crossed destinies except that there isn’t a destiny and I am not in a castle. There are only two choices and I think the one I want is the wrong one. Special snowflake below. [more inside]
posted by Didnt_do_enough on Mar 27, 2022 - 27 answers

Help me find this famous study about teacher expectations?

I used to be a teacher, and I remember people frequently referring to a study that went something like this:
  1. At the beginning of the school year, elementary teachers are told that a (randomly selected) handful of their students were destined for a year of academic/intellectual "flowering".
  2. At the end of the year, these randomly-selected students demonstrated more growth than the control group, thus showing how powerfully teacher expectations affect performance.
[more inside]
posted by HeroZero on Dec 14, 2021 - 2 answers

Surviving Edmentum?

Our child is too young to be vaccinated, and our school district is not taking any real steps to prevent the spread of COVID. As a result, we’ve chosen what we see as the least-bad option: enrolling her in Edmentum, the “cyber option” that the district is providing. Folks who’ve had experience with Edmentum: What do you wish you’d known when your child started with this program? How can we make this less awful? Or, maybe, even good? [more inside]
posted by TEA on Sep 6, 2021 - 2 answers

So my kid wants to be…a politician?

Kid is a high school senior, about to start at a highly selective college, considering majors in political science and/or economics. When asked where he sees himself in the future, he says that he's very into national-level (left to far-left) politics, and is considering becoming a politician. This is a world I know zero about, and I can offer him exactly no guidance. What do you tell a kid like that? What should he study? What should he know and/or do now, as he prepares to start college?
posted by BlahLaLa on Mar 26, 2021 - 27 answers

I have become my mother, episode 45

One of the grade school kids I sometimes read to in my new country of residence has started to remark on my physical imperfections. I actually find this funny in an ironic sort of way, because I did the same thing to my mom when I was little. But in the year of our Bog 2021, this doesn't seem like something I should be allowing to let slide. Help this non-mom negotiate what could be a teaching moment. [more inside]
posted by Sheydem-tants on Mar 1, 2021 - 10 answers

What's the Latest College Review/Rating Resource?

my kid is done with her gap year and has been accepted to three colleges. she's been asking for my thoughts and i want to be informed. Thanks!
posted by j_curiouser on Feb 5, 2021 - 17 answers

Low-tech presentations for young children

Anybody here familiar with that old school technology of making presentations (usually for pre-school children) using a cloth backdrop (maybe felt) and sticking cut out objects on and off of it, for storytelling? I need to rig up something like that for online teaching of kids. Pretty sure it doesn’t use Velcro (what they call “magic tape” here in Japan) because the objects affixed to the background come off very easily, and quietly. Anyone who knows about exactly what it is that they use for this, please inform! Thanks.
posted by flapjax at midnite on Jan 1, 2021 - 10 answers

Tips for when your kid's at college far away

I went to college 2 hours from home, in an easily accessible big city. Now KidBlahLaLa will be going to college in the fall at a school that is far away + in a remote area that's hard to get to. Parents who've dealt this, how did you manage the practical and psychological ramifications of having your kid so far away? [more inside]
posted by BlahLaLa on Dec 14, 2020 - 19 answers

Cheapish MS Teams-Compatible Tablet Recs

Our child is doing online classes via Microsoft Teams. We do not have a laptop or webcam so we use an iPhone, which is not great. We were thinking about getting a webcam but now we're thinking it may be a better value to get a tablet in the upcoming Amazon Prime sale. However, Fire tablets apparently don't do Teams. What other <$100 CDN Teams-friendly brands or models should we keep an eye out for, either available from Amazon Canada or another Canadian retailer? [more inside]
posted by Alvy Ampersand on Oct 7, 2020 - 4 answers

Zoom with text and picture in same window?

Does anyone know of an add on for Zoom that will let you show your face and a document in the same window? [more inside]
posted by eleanna on Jul 10, 2020 - 9 answers

British pre-WWII girls' boarding schools: help me find book listing them

Many years ago I was stuck in a place with very little to read. There were two battered volumes, possibly from the 1930s, but very possibly older, that were sort of catalogs of British boarding schools for girls. I don't mean each was the catalog for an individual school. Each book compiled numerous entries for discrete and unrelated schools. Each entry listed characteristics of a school: there were pictures of buildings, lists of all the subjects they taught, lists of sports available, tuition, etc. Does anyone know what such volumes were called?
posted by mareli on Oct 11, 2019 - 5 answers

Getting your kid into college, 2019 edition.

You're a middle class parent with a bright kid. You navigated the US college system within the last few years. Your kid got in somewhere that won't break the bank, whether that's because it's a lower-cost school or you got lots of grants/scholarships/etc. How? [more inside]
posted by BlahLaLa on Sep 10, 2019 - 37 answers

How can my home-bound friend volunteer his engineering and math brain?

I have a friend who is a former pilot and mechanical/aeronautical engineer. He's struggling with a mental health disorder and, for various reasons I can't get into, is mostly home-bound. How can he volunteer his science and math skills to help humanity and keep that part of his brain as fresh as he can? [more inside]
posted by cross_impact on Aug 16, 2019 - 11 answers

What was going on with this early 90s interactive library kiosk?

I remember there being a kiosk in the local library when I was a kid in the early/mid-90s that was my first introduction to using a touch screen. I think it involved Penn and Teller telling me to eat healthier sandwiches and I don't think I'm making this up, but I need some answers as to what this was and why it existed in the first place. [more inside]
posted by StopMakingSense on Aug 5, 2019 - 7 answers

GovFilter: Learning municipal finance/budgeting (Massachusetts)

Looking for educational resources (people, books, university classes, training materials, etc) for building the literacy necessary to actively engage state/local government and their finance processes: budgets, tax revenue estimation, municipal accounting methods (free-cash, stabilization, reserve, bonding), grants, school funding, etc. [more inside]
posted by notpeter on Apr 25, 2019 - 6 answers

Should I learn accounting?

Can a layperson learn accounting to the point where they can truly understand it? And is it a good use of one's time? [more inside]
posted by rada on Mar 18, 2019 - 10 answers

Help me name my nonprofit?

A friend and I are in the early stages of developing a nonprofit organization related to promoting social singing. I would love some name ideas! [more inside]
posted by transient on Mar 9, 2019 - 27 answers

Dead Tech: Tape player + film projector

For retired educators and others who remember past times; I was in elemetary and middle school in the late 80s and first half of the 90s, so hop in your time machines and help me remember what this example of dead tech described inside is called. [more inside]
posted by Fukiyama on Feb 21, 2019 - 13 answers

Steps to Working with Special Needs children

My partner has an AS in education and currently works as a pre-school teacher. They have wanted to take steps towards working with special needs children, but the reality of simply planning going back to school is daunting. What are the steps to take? I assume that finishing a BA in early childhood education would be the first step? What happens after that? [more inside]
posted by kittensofthenight on Jan 30, 2019 - 2 answers

Online Tutor Me To Be An Online Tutor

You may have heard that there's a little partial government shutdown going on. If it continues for much longer I'm going to have to think about making some side money. This got me thinking about online tutoring as a possibility to make some extra cash. Tell me your experience with and tips for online tutoring. Some additional details below the fold. [more inside]
posted by runcibleshaw on Jan 8, 2019 - 12 answers

What's an ex-scientist, soon-to-be-ex-teacher to do?

I am a high school science teacher who is (sadly) falling out of love with the profession. I'm trying to figure out what jobs could match my skills that I haven't been considering. 'What color is your parachute' style sites are not helping, so I'm hoping for the patience and guidance of metafilter for this snowflake. Feel free to skip to the end if you don't want all the details. [more inside]
posted by thelastpolarbear on Jan 4, 2019 - 18 answers

Free video editing software for students

Hi Folks, I'm looking for some free video editing software apps for high school students. They will be creating an interview-style news report and will need to stitch together the questions and answers they create. I need something compatible with both Android and IOS. All of the students have smart phones. One may be using a laptop. I saw some previous questions, but they were over 4 years old. Many thanks on behalf of a colleague!
posted by KleenexMakesaVeryGoodHat on Nov 17, 2018 - 4 answers

Interesting space to day-host 100-150 preteen astronauts in Atlanta?

Location to stage an Space STEAM Day event for middle-grade students in Atlanta in March? [more inside]
posted by Mike Mongo on Nov 10, 2018 - 4 answers

Waiting until 33 to start a PhD: anecdotes, tips, advice, perspective

What was starting a PhD in your 30s like for you? Were there things you considered in preparation that proved to be especially useful for getting through it, especially in the time leading up to starting? [more inside]
posted by dubhemerak3000 on Nov 7, 2018 - 22 answers

How to help non-English speaking family with a possibly dyslexic child?

I have been tutoring an 8- year old boy from France for the past year. He is showing all the classic signs of being dyslexic, which explains his poor performance in school. His family speaks hardly any English. They have asked that I communicate with the school on their behalf, yet repeated requests for meetings with his teacher and principal have been ignored. What can we do from here? [more inside]
posted by chatelaine on Oct 30, 2018 - 14 answers

Should I delay FAFSA submission?

I'm applying for a second Masters' degree starting in the 2019-20 school year. I am married with one kid. Our income in 2017 was much higher than our income will be in 2018 (and 2019 and beyond). Would it be beneficial to wait to submit my FAFSA until after we file our 2018 taxes at the start of the year? Or should I just do it as soon as possible?
posted by HeroZero on Oct 4, 2018 - 1 answer

If you had five books to educate yourself from start to finish, which?

I'm interested in how Abraham Lincoln self-educated with specific regard to the books he chose to do so. The common story is he got most of his education from "Euclid, Shakespeare, and the King James Bible." I'm want to read books that have extremely high auto-didactive value, that have historically been influential and preferably can instruct in more than one area. More follows. [more inside]
posted by iffthen on Sep 13, 2018 - 24 answers

Looking for Reading Materials for a 2nd/3rd Grade Level

Many decades ago, I remember classrooms had a file cabinet of "reading cards" which were a single page of text -- a story followed by some comprehension questions to check to make sure a student understood the story (or at least parts of it). What exists like this now? [more inside]
posted by mhh5 on Sep 13, 2018 - 10 answers

Pharmacy Technician +

I'll be starting a pharmacy tech program in the near future, with completion after the first of next year. My question is this - there are pharmacists and pharmacy technicians ... are there other pharmacy related positions within this continuum? [more inside]
posted by sandpine on Aug 16, 2018 - 4 answers

Free study materials for the GED test for an educated adult?

I am looking for online and self study materials for taking the GED in Texas, preferably free, or at least very cheap. Workbooks and videos, and lots of practice tests, suitable for quick review and self study, for an adult who is already halfway done with college. [more inside]
posted by ethical_caligula on Jul 8, 2018 - 6 answers

Another where in Washington (state) question with a twist

African immigrant mom and kid moving to Washington State. She wants a place that's safe, that has good schools, and that is somewhat affordable. Not Seattle. Where should she go? [more inside]
posted by mareli on May 22, 2018 - 24 answers

Advice for a classroom observation

I had a decent interview for an assistant teacher position at a Reggio-inspired preschool and have been invited back to see a class in action and be observed interacting with the kids. No formal “lesson,” just playing. I have worked with preschool-aged kids and have read up on Reggio methods, but am just curious what people in the community here think they might be looking for. Any tips/advice?
posted by sometamegazelle on May 22, 2018 - 4 answers

"Don't go to conservatory"

Inspired by this old blog post, what’s the best way to obtain a 5000$-to-10000$-ish full education in music, without seeking a conservatory degree? [more inside]
posted by cinoyter on Apr 1, 2018 - 15 answers

Help me find podcast episode about jobs that can't be more efficient.

I'm looking for a specific episode of a podcast which contained a comment about how certain industries - medicine and education - for example, can't always be made more efficient or productive. I believe that the episode was from Freakonomics or Planet Money, but I can't seem to find in my googling of their transcripts. [more inside]
posted by achmorrison on Feb 27, 2018 - 4 answers

Learning to love the spreadsheet

I'm a Creative Director, which means my career is becoming less "make things, be cool with clients, and manage a person or two" and more "build a vision for a practice, execute sound strategic decisions, become an expert in how clients should intelligently spend their money, interface with Global muckity-mucks, etc." Cool. But I don't yet know how. Looking for recommendations. [more inside]
posted by functionequalsform on Feb 12, 2018 - 6 answers

Can I pay for school without working?

I'd like to go to school to become a mental health therapist. I currently write about mental health on my blog, am trying to get a volunteer job at a mental health hotline, and am hoping to start a peer support group. Both the Bachelors program and Masters program that I'm interested in will have internships. I'll have plenty to keep myself busy with even without having a job. [more inside]
posted by Eevee on Feb 2, 2018 - 10 answers

No Student Teacher Placement; Need One By Next Month

I was given a student teaching placement 10 days ago, but the teacher changed her mind today. School is out until January 8th at which point I have to start teaching. What do I do? [more inside]
posted by bluekazoo on Dec 21, 2017 - 5 answers

How can I sort out this housing and school conflict?

A supportive living program has been working with me to find an apartment. The social worker and I have been applying to buildings for disabled people. A manager for one of these buildings told me that they tend not to like housing students cuz they think that students should live with their parents, and that the rules about this change constantly. [more inside]
posted by Eevee on Dec 16, 2017 - 6 answers

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