43 posts tagged with education and research.
Displaying 1 through 43 of 43. Subscribe:

Help me find this famous study about teacher expectations?

I used to be a teacher, and I remember people frequently referring to a study that went something like this:
  1. At the beginning of the school year, elementary teachers are told that a (randomly selected) handful of their students were destined for a year of academic/intellectual "flowering".
  2. At the end of the year, these randomly-selected students demonstrated more growth than the control group, thus showing how powerfully teacher expectations affect performance.
[more inside]
posted by HeroZero on Dec 14, 2021 - 2 answers

Global Music History Books and YouTube Channels

What books should I read and YouTube channels should I look at to study global music history? I learn best when things are really structured, so if I need to go order an old music history textbook from eBay I will at your recommendation. No podcasts or For Dummies style texts, however, please.
posted by Kitchen Witch on Apr 14, 2020 - 2 answers

Advice for a graduate advisor on harassment in external lab

I am an advisor to graduate students in a science-based discipline. The university at which I work has a centralized lab facility made available to all students to conduct their research. One of my graduate students needs this lab to complete their thesis. Unfortunately, the lab is currently managed by somebody who makes my student uncomfortable. I am trying to find a solution so that this lab manager's present does not impact my student's education any further. What can, and should, I do? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Sep 20, 2017 - 24 answers

Where can I find forums for researchers in Education policy and metrics?

I'm trying to identify possible online forums where social scientists--and in particular those interested in education policy and education assessment metrics--gather together and provide a support community regarding projects, answer questions, and offer suggestions about possible research approaches to take in answering questions. It could be associated with a particular university or it could be broader in reach and scope. [more inside]
posted by caudal on Dec 18, 2015 - 3 answers

How many K-12 schools have adopted 1:1 iPads?

I am working on a paper for graduate school and I'm having no luck finding a key piece of information: how many K-12 schools in NJ (or, failing that, the entire US) use iPads/tablets in 1:1 classrooms? [more inside]
posted by katie on Nov 6, 2015 - 9 answers

dissertation-free research

I love research and learning, and keep running into a lot of research groups and programs that sound absolutely fascinating. However, most of them either involve getting a Masters or Ph.D., or require possession of a Ph.D. beforehand - which I do not want. Is there any way I can still get involved with these research groups that doesn't involve being responsible for an academic paper? Are there similar groups that do this kind of research work that aren't necessarily academic? [more inside]
posted by divabat on May 23, 2015 - 12 answers

The honors thesis that I never completed

Due to extenuating circumstances, I never finished my honors thesis, and have since graduated and moved on to another institution. I feel bad for disappearing on my PI and for not completing the work. What to do? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 22, 2015 - 5 answers

Best research universities for behavioral economics and applied psych

I'm looking for universities that have strong research in behavioral economics, decision science, political psychology, organizational psychology—basically, applying psychology to understand systems and society. Any universities come to mind? [more inside]
posted by markbao on Feb 13, 2015 - 5 answers

PhD-level conservation careers for maximum real-world impact

I'm in a PhD program pursuing a degree in conservation biology. When I finish (and possibly after completing a postdoc or two) I'd like to end up in a job where I can maximize my real-world conservation impact. I'd like to hear some suggestions on how I can do that; lots more detail to be found inside, as well as my reasoning on the subject so far. [more inside]
posted by Scientist on Mar 18, 2014 - 3 answers

How to track down a teacher

Is it possible to track down a teacher through the NYC public school system? [more inside]
posted by Sara C. on Aug 19, 2013 - 5 answers

How do I learn to read peer-reviewed studies comfortably?

I come from an engineering background rather than a research background, and I find myself lacking in vocabulary when it comes to understanding research papers, particularly when they start talking about ANOVA analyses, F(x) effect sizes and p values. I can skim through the results of a study and see that certain numbers are bigger than other numbers, but I don't really know how to tell whether what I'm seeing is significant. I'm guessing that I'm missing basic education in statistics. Can I fix this in a simple way?
posted by sdis on May 28, 2013 - 9 answers

Name my university learning blog

Looking for a descriptive and short name for a blog about university study. Save me from bad puns and opaque acronyms! [more inside]
posted by Paragon on Jan 29, 2013 - 12 answers

How to email strangers who work in your academic area?

[Grad School Filter] “Hello more-established stranger who already did the academic research I wanted to do and my committee is making me email you…” Does anyone have any verbage that seems graceful and appropriate? [more inside]
posted by powerbumpkin on May 29, 2012 - 11 answers

Should I tell them I eventually want to teach?

Should I mention my plan to continue academic research in my interview for a fundraising management job at a small college that is part of a major research university? I have a lot of industry experience and raised strong results. I want to stress that I understand the time pressures but I also do not want to overload myself with more than one back-story. What are your thoughts? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 29, 2012 - 4 answers

Why kids need art

What are the most important/relevant research studies and academic journal articles on the topic of art education advocacy? Now that this semester is coming to a close, I'm interested in doing some reading while I still have access to a university library. [more inside]
posted by pupstocks on Apr 28, 2012 - 5 answers

Modifying Instruction for an advanced student

Chemistry research ideas for an 8th grader? [more inside]
posted by Peregrin5 on Mar 15, 2012 - 4 answers

Mountains of notes...

Calling all academics and graduate students: Tell me about your workflow for turning a piles of notes and ideas into something that resembles a thesis or research arcticle! [more inside]
posted by snowysoul on Mar 1, 2012 - 14 answers

Breaking into a Research mindset

How should I get involved in doing my own research? [more inside]
posted by Peregrin5 on Oct 25, 2011 - 10 answers

Shout-out for Ludo.

(Public education filter): Who decided that children are stupid? [more inside]
posted by Nomyte on Jun 4, 2011 - 20 answers

Science friction burns my fingers.

Where can my career take me except graduate school? [more inside]
posted by Nomyte on Nov 22, 2010 - 13 answers

How do I find English as a Second Language Funding for an African University?

I am a volunteer for an organization building a nonprofit university in Angola. I am tasked with finding funding for English as a Second Language education--all students who do not speak English will take year long intensive course in English. I'm looking for whatever help I can get in finding funds. [more inside]
posted by wires on Nov 4, 2010 - 9 answers

I need some real research help!

I'm starting to look for a person to help me all the way through a real, honest-to goodness research project. The subject area is public management. Where can I look for a patron, what will I likely find, and are there any red flags of which I would beware? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jul 19, 2010 - 4 answers

How do I do a good literature review?

How do I do a good literature review for a research paper in philosophy? I have access to good resources, but I really want to make sure that I cover everything that's been written on the topic. How can I put myself at ease while making sure I don't miss a beat? [more inside]
posted by superiorchicken on Jun 23, 2010 - 14 answers

Search, cross-link references in PDF articles?

Perhaps this is just a fantasy, but is there any application or online tool that could search through the references of an article I have saved as a PDF, in order to check whether I have those cited articles in my larger PDF library? It would be perfect if it would highlight, link, or somehow display cross-referenced relationships between all my articles. I am already familiar with many referencing/PDF organization software such as Papers (Mekentosj), Sente, and Devonthink. I suppose what I have in mind is a similar tool, but with the additional power of something like ISI Indexes. I have a fairly large library (about 300 references that I'm actively using, and more than 2000 total) and I'm just trying to get some "big-picture" grasp of how all these sources relate to one another.
posted by samac on Jun 20, 2010 - 5 answers

Are there any studies showing negative effects of inclusion in the classroom?

I'm not asking anyone to write this paper for me (so nobody's doing my schoolwork), but I need help finding peer-reviewed articles against classroom inclusion. [more inside]
posted by tzikeh on Aug 25, 2009 - 13 answers

Is there anything else I can do? If not, help me let it go.

Is there any further action I can take to recoup the financial loss and and deal with the emotional frustration resulting from my university's swine-flu-panic decision to cancel a much-anticipated field research opportunity? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jun 10, 2009 - 6 answers

Learn Math Via Programming?

I have always been horrible at math, but somehow a great programmer. I have found that writing a computer program that demonstrates a certain mathematical concept enables me to better understand the concept. I'm a psych major and I brought this up once in the research lab I've been working in. My prof said he recalls that someone did research and/or created a system in which a student writes a computer program that is pertinent to a certain mathematical concept and upon completion is given the regular math problem (as it would appear in a math class). This enables the student to better understand the math problem, solve, and learn math. Has anyone heard of this or anything similar? A learning system such as this would be a blessing to my education. Thanks.
posted by fightoplankton on Apr 13, 2009 - 15 answers

Action Research Video Footage?

Designing an action research class for teachers and need lots and lots of footage of real classroom activity. [more inside]
posted by yellowcandy on Mar 29, 2009 - 1 answer

PhD programs offered to foreigners?

Are there any respected PhD (or advanced research) programs offered from anywhere in the world that can be undertaken outside the country of the University that is offering it? [more inside]
posted by zaebiz on Dec 9, 2008 - 10 answers

Two Master's Degrees... What are my options?

This spring I will be finished with my second Master's degree. I've been at my current job for almost three years and while I enjoy it immensely, I am wondering about other opportunities that having two graduate degrees might open up for me. Am hoping to obtain answers especially from individuals who have multiple degrees and have gone into somewhat different career paths. [more inside]
posted by msposner on Nov 11, 2008 - 3 answers

How do I find a Research Experience in S.F. without starving…

I am a recent graduate of a M.S. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, an interdisciplinary degree, and have just returned to San Francisco to try and get some research experience (in social science research) but because I don’t have any real background I am having trouble getting anything… HELP! [more inside]
posted by elationfoundation on Aug 13, 2008 - 9 answers

Nix the degree, get the education

Free school options in New York? [more inside]
posted by puckish on Aug 3, 2008 - 7 answers

BEST web library for art?

WebLibary filter: MeFites, in your opinion what is the BEST web library for art journals and books a la, Questa? [more inside]
posted by CreativeJuices on Mar 24, 2008 - 2 answers

Online Biography Resource for 5th Grade?

Any suggestions for online biography resources for 5th graders? My lovely teacher-wife's students will soon be doing research on various people in history. The students are a diverse crowd. [more inside]
posted by snsranch on Nov 26, 2007 - 3 answers

Need help looking for research resources

Websites to research alternative programs for students who have been suspended or expelled, including students with disabilities. [more inside]
posted by greta simone on Nov 16, 2007 - 3 answers

Looking for webcams to use in ecology lessons.

I'm looking for existing webcams that document ecological phenomena. [more inside]
posted by Tehanu on Sep 19, 2007 - 7 answers

People & Resources in Student Welfare

I am deeply interested in education - not teaching, but in student life and welfare, as well as alternative/non-traditional education. How do I learn more about those issues? Which people are prominent in the field? What resources do I have? [more inside]
posted by divabat on Jun 3, 2007 - 5 answers

Congenial study spots in and/or around Baltimore, MD?

I need to find a good spot to study. I like libraries, particularly of the academic sort. What's the most congenial library in the Baltimore, MD area? [more inside]
posted by killdevil on Mar 14, 2007 - 5 answers

Writing Nonfiction and Children's Literature: Do you know of any good literature ABOUT these subjects?

I am looking for well regarded books/scholarly papers about writing. Most specifically in the areas of Nonfiction (the essay style of article writing) and Children's Fiction (for a young adult audience). Any tips? Go as far and broad as you can. I'll be off to the British library tomorrow, so the sky is the limit. [more inside]
posted by 0bvious on Jan 9, 2007 - 6 answers

Am I just nervous?

GradSchoolAnxietyFilter: I have no research experience. How do I describe my research plan? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Aug 29, 2006 - 7 answers

Studies options for a foreign medical doctor in Canada

As medical doctor I want to follow some postgraduate studies related to health (good if in research) so I can be in tracks in two or three years [more inside]
posted by zouhair on May 4, 2006 - 2 answers

Do I Have To Go To The Library?

When do students need to go to a library? I'm writing a lesson plan for teachers to use when teaching research to middle schoolers. Most kids probably figure the internet is the ultimate source for research, and wonder why anyone would bother going to the library. I'm trying to answer that question: this is what I have so far. [more inside]
posted by carterk on Mar 11, 2006 - 26 answers

Forget Memorizing!

I'm researching the pros/cons of brute memorization as it applies to the classroom. [more inside]
posted by jruckman on Sep 29, 2005 - 11 answers

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