51 posts tagged with education and phd.
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Special Education/Education PhDs, what’s the academic job market like?
Based in the US and thinking about doing a PhD about disability, coming from an adjacent field. I know what the academic job market is like in my current field, but I’m not sure if it’s the same for the field in which I might end up working! Does anyone have insight on what it’s like for those in special education/education departments? [more inside]
Is there such a thing as a PhD consultant?
A family member is having difficulty drafting an acceptable proposal for their doctorate. [more inside]
data science + libraries + education + research
I've been teaching data skills with a masters in and out of libraries. I ALSO see the appeal of pursuing a phd to go a more traditional faculty route. How would you compare instructional librarianship to faculty/professor roles? [more inside]
Waiting until 33 to start a PhD: anecdotes, tips, advice, perspective
What was starting a PhD in your 30s like for you? Were there things you considered in preparation that proved to be especially useful for getting through it, especially in the time leading up to starting? [more inside]
Can I get into an OK grad school?
I've always wanted to get a Master's or PHD degree in Education or the humanities. But I'm worried that my poor academic record will stop me - after a decade long undergraduate career that included plenty of failed classes, I came out with a 2.5 GPA. More details after the jump. [more inside]
What have graduate students created?
What wouldn't exist now, if not for grad students? I would like to compile a massive list of high-profile or notable creations -- from inventions, to ideas, to works of art -- that were conceptualized or created by Masters/JD/MD/Ph.D seekers during their graduate education. [more inside]
is there a job for humanities PhD?
Let me admit first that I am a jobless humanities PhD (media studies). So this question has a very practical side to it. On the other hand, I think I am not the only one who has this problem. And I still hold the belief that there are ways to deal with the problem more than "don't give up" and "try everything you can". [more inside]
Anyone have experience with an online/hybrid EdD program?
Has anyone out there completed an online or hybrid doctoral program, and can you share your thoughts and experiences? [more inside]
Master's vs. PhD for a Program Evaluation/Impact Assessment Career
I'm halfway through a two-year master's degree in an applied social science field, and would eventually like to work as an evaluator for a non-profit or the government. Should I pursue a PhD on top of the master's? [more inside]
Will a M.A. in education be of any possible use if I ever pursue a PhD?
The M.A. isn't optional obviously if I want to continue to teach and the program is good, so that's fine.
If in the future I decide to pursue graduate level studies in something related to immunology or developmental biology, will having a Master's in a mostly unrelated field give me any leg up being admitted to a decent PhD program?
I'm guessing the answer is a straight "nope". The only thing I can think of is that a lab may look positively on a candidate with several years of formal teaching experience. [more inside]
The Bobcat or the Tiger?
I got accepted to two PhD programs in physics, one at Clemson University, and the other at Ohio University. I have one week to make my decision and I'm frankly terrified of making the wrong one. I don't really know how either school is seen in terms of what a degree from either one would mean for my future career. I know that neither is particularly well known or prestigious (at least I'd never heard of them before I applied). So, can anyone, especially anyone who knows the ins and outs of grad school, and particularly anyone who has attended either (or both!) help me make my decision? [more inside]
Not intelligent enough to become a social researcher?
Lately, I have seem to have doubts about my intelligence; particularly with the notion of becoming a social researcher. I have always wanted to explore the field of social research. I have a penchant for learning new knowledge and theories; my curiosity never seems to wane. However, I have little confidence that I'm able to obtain a Master's Degree in Critical Sociology. I need to build my confidence and reassure myself that I have the capability, passion, devotion, and worth ethic to learn and strive towards this career goal. I would be most appreciated for some scope of advice, tips, and encouragement. [more inside]
Higher Ed. Administration? Educational Policy? Where should I start?
I am on the job market with a PhD in the humanities (ughhh). I have quite a few publications in my field, and it's going *ok* so far, but my area is especially competitive, and I'm starting to think about how else I might use my PhD to help me find a fulfilling career. I have a passion for my field, but I've discovered my primary passion is teaching and administration, and I have been searching for a job specifically in a teaching-oriented college. However, I also have some experience in administration and curriculum development in higher education, and I'm wondering how I might apply these skills to a career in education policy (?) or education administration (?) or something else I haven't thought about yet. I'd love some resources that would help me educate myself about these options! [more inside]
Non-academic career options for PhDs?
My partner is finishing a PhD in a social science next year and is unsure about staying in academia. Have any MeFites been in a similar position? [more inside]
PhD-level conservation careers for maximum real-world impact
I'm in a PhD program pursuing a degree in conservation biology. When I finish (and possibly after completing a postdoc or two) I'd like to end up in a job where I can maximize my real-world conservation impact. I'd like to hear some suggestions on how I can do that; lots more detail to be found inside, as well as my reasoning on the subject so far. [more inside]
Exiting Academia
I just finished up my third semester of a PhD program in information studies. There are parts I like, but as I get deeper into it I'm beginning to realize that those aren't in the majority to the parts I dislike. I have a masters in Library and Information Science and have been keeping an eye on job openings and it seems like there are a number that I would be a great fit for. I'm remembering how much I liked the job when I was in it, and I'd like to exit academia before sinking too much time into it. However, my GAship is providing a steady salary and health benefits. How do I do this in a way that works out well for both me and my adviser? [more inside]
Am I too old (51) to go to grad school?
I have been thinking about getting my pHD—for a couple of reasons. Though I am a very well-established and published non-fiction author, I have been up for a few teaching positions lately and have been told that my lack of an advanced degree (I have a BA) is holding me back. In addition, I simply am interested in going deeper with my work; the degree I am considering is in geography, though history of science also intrigues me. The question: am I crazy to be thinking of this at my age? I don't want to get a degree strictly as a "broadening my knowledge" proposition—I want to be able to use it and to teach. But we're seriously talking being the oldest guy in the class, most likely. So, my questions: is it worthwhile? will it help me find employment teaching? does my existing experience count for anything? and where do I start? Thoughts, answers, advice...all appreciated. Thanks.
How can I pursue a masters or pHD in Canada if I'm working a 9-5 job?
It's a huge hassle for anyone who has a 9-5 job and no savings to pursue a masters or a pHD in a reputable/respectable college or university, no matter what country s/he's in. If that's my case, how can I make it work if I live in Toronto, Canada? (I'm interested in reading your thoughts and experiences even if they're not about Toronto per se).
Frustrated beyond beleif
I am in the last year of my PhD. My supervisor keeps canceling meetings last minute due to a number of personal events occurring (i.e. his life seems like a lifestyle movie) and my patience is wearing thin. My project has greatly slowed down - not sure what to do anymore. [more inside]
another PhD drop out thread
Considering dropping out of 1st year humanities PhD program. Terrified of starving on the streets. Help? [more inside]
How to get into academia later in life?
What possible avenues are there to get 'back' on an academic career path in your late 30s? Are there any unusual paths that I have not considered? [more inside]
PhD in nursing?
What do you do with a PhD in nursing? Is getting one a good idea? [more inside]
Make me less of an academic island!
I'm a PhD student, and I'd like to do more academic networking over email. How does this work, and what should the emails sound like? [more inside]
no seriously, is this masters worth it?
Help me make a decision I keep circling over again and again -- interdisciplinary masters that lets me do some cool research now, or continuing to work/exist in desired city and a more professional and/or appropriate MA/PHd in the next year or two? [more inside]
Bioinformatics Down Under
I would be finishing my bioinformatics master's degree next year and am considering to go to Australia or New Zealand for PhD in bioinfo, or Computer Science with a focus in computational biology related stuffs What are the academic and industry situations like in these two countries? [more inside]
What can I do with a PhD in Sociology/Criminology?
What can I do with a PhD in Sociology/Criminology? [more inside]
How to apply for PhDs in Germany, from the UK?
I'm currently living in the UK and am trying to apply for science PhDs in Germany. But how? [more inside]
PhD Failure - What next?
Where next after failing my UK PhD at the viva stage? [more inside]
How to lose my apathy and get a PhD
How to Be Awesome and Finish a PhD? I'm in my first term of an engineering PhD (post-bachelors and 2yrs working in industry). My work is sucking: I don't do enough homework or research. How do I get back the drive I felt in high school when I was a clueless single guy who felt he had to prove he was brilliant? [more inside]
Should I quit my job to live abroad with my girlfriend who will be working on getting her PhD?
My girlfriend's company has offered to pay for her PhD. However, for one reason or another, they would like her to get it abroad (outside of the US). Should she accept? Details inside. [more inside]
Calling all scientists: I need some advice about graduate school.
Is it too late for me to gain admission to the top PhD programs in the life sciences? What can I do to improve my chances besides the obvious? [more inside]
BA through phD, five schools too much?
I had a rocky experience getting my master's, and am eventually looking at getting a phD. I am worried that having gone to so many schools will reflect poorly on me later in my career. [more inside]
PhD now or later
Is there an 'expiry date' on your studies when it comes to being admitted to a PhD? I'm thinking of working for a while first. [more inside]
To MD or not to MD?
CrossroadsFilter. PhD or MD? I could invest an extra year into attending a one-year special master's degree program that, upon success, would pretty much guarantee admission into medical school. I'd be a 28-year-old first-year medical student. But what about babies? [more inside]
BA to PhD in Education Policy?
What are the pros and cons of going directly from a BA to a PhD in education policy studies? [more inside]
Should I apply for a PhD?
In grad school; older student. Should I apply to a PhD program? [more inside]
How to write a scientific literature review?
I'm at that point in my PhD where my experiment is (almost) up and running, so I have more free time to do other stuff. I've decided that writing a general introduction to my thesis will be less beneficial than trying to get a review article published.
How do I go about writing a review article, from the perspective of an unpublished graduate student? [more inside]
Can I teach college Spanish with only an MA?
Can I teach college Spanish without a PhD? Resources? [more inside]
Note to myself: Use better notes
I'm doing my comp. exam (also called doctoral exam here) this summer. This involves reading a whole bunch of books and articles (about 30), and writing a long paper that answers a few questions from my committee. I am looking for good note-taking methods. [more inside]
Suggestions for graduate studies in technology and society area
I am looking for cross-disciplinary graduate/phd course in web technology. More specifically, relating to societal use of web from a global perspective. My goal is to become an expert in use of web based technologies in developing countries (which involves computer use, censorship, etc.). So far, what I have found is STS (science, technology and society) which sounds perfect, but from what I have seen, tend to be more in the areas of applied sciences and engineering. Then there is basic CS programs which tend to be more technology than societal aspects. Does anyone have any thoughts, ideas, recommendations? [more inside]
PhD programs offered to foreigners?
Are there any respected PhD (or advanced research) programs offered from anywhere in the world that can be undertaken outside the country of the University that is offering it? [more inside]
To Ph.D., or not to Ph.D? That is the question.
Should I get a Ph.D.? [more inside]
What do you do in an advanced degree?
Those of you doing [post]graduate degrees...what exactly are you doing? [more inside]
How to get to speed in mathematics for a phd?
Looking for programs or study options to fulfill math, statistics and economics prerequisites ahead of applying to grad school? [more inside]
GradStudiesFilter: Best place for an education studies PhD?
I'm 21, living in London, UK. I just got a first class BA in sociology of education with philosophy. I'm already starting to think what to do after my Master's degree (still in the sociology of education).
If the planet's the limit, what are the best places to do a PhD in the sociology of education? (And is my envy to do it at somewhere like Harvard or Stanford worth pursuing?)
Bonus points if you've been there yourself and share a slice of your experience!
Help me learn math!
What are some good sources to teach myself advanced math in preparation for an econ/finance phd? [more inside]
What are the most interesting issues in your field?
What are the most interesting emerging topics in your field of study? [more inside]
What do you know of the online Ph.D. at CIIS?
Does anyone have any information and/or opinions about the Transformative Studies Ph.D. program at the California Institute of Integral Studies? [more inside]
New York Creative Writing/Critical Theory PHD
New York Creative Writing/Critical Theory PHD: I am currently undertaking an MA in Creative Writing and Critical Theory in London, and plan to go on to PHD after I finish. I would ideally like to go to an East coast USA/New York university to do this (for several reasons). I'd like some help with finding a good list of possible institutions... [more inside]
Gifts for a new PhD student?
My wife is going to be starting a (humanities) PhD in a few weeks' time. What gifts should I get her? [more inside]
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