60 posts tagged with education and music.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 60. Subscribe:

What's everything for a music classroom?

I've been put in charge of developing a wishlist for my new K-4 music classroom! We're also going to do some other things tangential to music. What are all the things (with a few exceptions) I need to set up the space? [more inside]
posted by transient on Sep 12, 2024 - 11 answers

Music education for the middle-aged

Please recommend books, videos, free courses, podcasts, and such that will help me learn two things: 1. How music works. From “what is a scale” on up. 2. “Our Musical Heritage”, as the course was titled, back in my undergrad days. [more inside]
posted by Caxton1476 on Mar 27, 2024 - 13 answers

ISO voice/music lessons/teacher for sorta shy music-loving 12 y.o.

In search of recommendations for teachers (especially, but not exclusively, voice) doing virtual lessons. Voice, theory, piano, and trumpet leads would all be welcome .. [more inside]
posted by elgee on Dec 22, 2023 - 2 answers

I want to learn music theory

I'm learning an instrument and also learning how to read music, and it's become obvious to me that I need to devote some time to learning music theory. I've tried in the past and quickly found it to be overwhelming and confusing. What courses/video series do you recommend that are good at breaking down music theory, starting with the absolute basics? [more inside]
posted by averageamateur on Jun 25, 2023 - 7 answers

Bite size baby step music learning

Hello! I'm looking for resources for learning music at an extremely beginner level. [more inside]
posted by prewar lemonade on May 3, 2023 - 10 answers

Popular songs that also teach history?

I'm looking for popular songs that relate events or profile people from history in a straightforward, informative way. Can you help me add to this weird playlist? [more inside]
posted by ordinary_magnet on Jun 21, 2022 - 79 answers

virtual piano-ish camps for 6th grader in 2022

ok.. google is failing me. all i'm getting are 2021 options.. no surprise, but.. this has to be happening somewhere , right? i'm hoping to find a group or cohort based, ideally, intensive, or couple-times-a-week-ish, virtual summer music camp for a rising sixth grader who recently got into piano (and some other instruments as well) and has been taking private lessons. Unfortunately for health reasons an in person experience is probably not going to work.. any metafilter folk have any leads for virtual experiences? I know of outschool, and that's an option.. but truthfully i was hoping for a summer program at a university or.. a private studio.. that has a group angle! thanks in advance!
posted by elgee on May 8, 2022 - 2 answers

Simple(ish) instrument building ideas

What are some great ideas for musical instruments that grade 4/5ers can make? [more inside]
posted by transient on Sep 19, 2021 - 16 answers

How do I climb a brand new learning cliff?

How should I approach developing an intuition for how to create the sounds I want with the (very expansive) palette of Ableton Live? [more inside]
posted by Alterscape on Dec 6, 2020 - 8 answers

Global Music History Books and YouTube Channels

What books should I read and YouTube channels should I look at to study global music history? I learn best when things are really structured, so if I need to go order an old music history textbook from eBay I will at your recommendation. No podcasts or For Dummies style texts, however, please.
posted by Kitchen Witch on Apr 14, 2020 - 2 answers

How do you figure out the solfege with a natural music sign?

If there is a piece of music with two flats then I know that a whole note on the C space will be RI if it has a sharp. But what about a natural? [more inside]
posted by lynnie-the-pooh on May 15, 2019 - 10 answers

Music degrees for music hobbyists?

What sort of musical degrees are available for hobbyists who studied something completely unrelated in undergrad? My interests are: music theory, singing, sight reading. If I want to study music, would I be starting over with another undergrad (bachelors) degree? Are masters programs available without a musical bachelors? Thanks!
posted by sunflower16 on Apr 19, 2019 - 11 answers

Recommendations for a textbook on orchestral instruments?

Recommendations for a textbook on orchestral instruments to prepare for the ABRSM music theory exam (Grade 4 / Grade 5) ? This would be used to prepare specifically for the questions on orchestral instruments and orchestral scores, as a supplement to the Eric Taylor textbooks. [more inside]
posted by aielen on Mar 31, 2019 - 0 answers

Complex music suggestions to help develop a baby's ear?

Inspired by this post about developing perfect pitch and musicality in a child by playing complex music during their window of language acquisition- can you suggest complex music that might help? [more inside]
posted by pseudostrabismus on Sep 17, 2018 - 19 answers

Video entertainment for my grandfather

My 95-year old grandfather needs some entertainment. Help me make a playlist of free online videos I can share with his caretakers! I've started collecting them here, to give you an idea: great full-length classical concerts, documentaries with clear visuals and narration (I added one on Ansel Adams; nature/engineering ones are also good), classic visually-arresting films low on dialogue (e.g. The Red Balloon, Buster Keaton), and calm shows like Great British Bake-Off he can zone in and out of. [more inside]
posted by waninggibbon on Aug 24, 2018 - 3 answers

Some music education for old men.

What books or online courses would you recommend to get the basics of music theory down? What's music theory 101 that a reasonably smart person could digest in his spare time? [more inside]
posted by signal on May 7, 2018 - 9 answers

"Don't go to conservatory"

Inspired by this old blog post, what’s the best way to obtain a 5000$-to-10000$-ish full education in music, without seeking a conservatory degree? [more inside]
posted by cinoyter on Apr 1, 2018 - 15 answers

NYC area: volunteering by providing music lessons?

I'm not sure if this is even a thing, so I'm trying to find out if it is. I'm a huge believer in music education for schools, and have donated in the past to charities that provide schools with new instruments and other equipment. I'm also interested in volunteering my time - whether through a school or some other program - and wanted to know if there was a need or service where I could provide free guitar and/or drum lessons (either to individuals or groups). I live in the NYC area. Any suggestions?
posted by rastapasta on Jun 4, 2017 - 4 answers

Bass Guitar App Wanted

Looking for the best app for learning to play bass guitar. [more inside]
posted by klausman on Sep 8, 2016 - 6 answers

What are some great music theory blogs?

I'm getting deep into music theory and I'd like to update my RSS feed accordingly. So what are some great blogs that post things like discussions of music theory books, musicological analysis of popular music, music theory related trivia, etc? How can I be more of a nerd in this way?
posted by everythingyoudoisaballoon on Jun 21, 2016 - 5 answers

Discussing minstrel songs with kid's school

I'd like some educational resources that I can share with my kid's daycare to help them understand why I don't want my toddler to learn blackface minstrel songs in music class. [more inside]
posted by medusa on May 12, 2016 - 17 answers

Options for adult who wants to learn piano

I would like to learn how to play the piano and am considering whether to learn via adult education courses, private lessons or teach myself. Or even a mix. [more inside]
posted by shortstuff13 on Jan 14, 2015 - 4 answers

community orgs for arts and technology?

Which organisations, companies, community groups, etc support and encourage embracing both arts/humanities AND STEM (especially technology)? [more inside]
posted by divabat on Aug 1, 2014 - 12 answers

Ideal instrument for a child to learn music?

My child (almost 5) is showing an interest in music and I would like to get him started with music lessons. Please help me pick an instrument for him. [more inside]
posted by rada on Apr 11, 2014 - 41 answers

Tablet piano instruction?

I have an electric, piano-weighted keyboard that I want to learn how to play. I can't afford lessons right now. It has MIDI in and out connectors. Is there a hardware/software combo that will take that MIDI out connection, plug it into an Android or iOS tablet, and provide a more interactive teaching experience? [more inside]
posted by jsturgill on Dec 23, 2013 - 4 answers

Goodbye songs for a flash mob of dancing elementary-school teachers

Help me find a goodbye song for a flash mob of dancing elementary-school teachers on the last day of school. [more inside]
posted by shrimpsmalls on May 1, 2013 - 7 answers

Possible to compbine babysitting and music lesson? how to find teacher?

I am a mother of 3 kids, age 2,4,10. I need babysitter to take care of my kids for 1-2 hours during the weekend, so that I can run other errands. But it seems that babysitters typically look for more work (money) than 1-2hrs ($30)/job (with typical rate of $15/hr). I am willing to pay $30 to $60 per hour if the babysitter can teach the kids music, dance, gym, drawing or other arts and can involve all three of my kids. [more inside]
posted by akomom on Jan 24, 2013 - 21 answers

Films, shows, videos, imagery representing success and failure in American culture?

Depictions of success and failure in American culture? Films, videos, commercials, shows, songs, and other (non-literary) media requested. [more inside]
posted by cymru_j on Jan 3, 2013 - 24 answers

The Great Re-Education

I realized recently that as a college graduate with a B.A. in Philosophy, i know absolutely nothing. I want to educate myself in classic literature, great music (folk, jazz, classical), philosophy, poetry, and art. Where should i begin? The project seems overwhelming to me. I'm throwing out the TV and i want to occupy my time with material that will help me grow as an individual. Any ideas? Suggestions?
posted by hiddenknives on Nov 4, 2012 - 21 answers

Fifth grade appropriate, positive, and catchy songs that have some enriching or interesting vocabulary?

I've been trying to help my wife with this over the last week. She's looking for "school-appropriate, positive, and catchy songs that have some enriching or interesting vocabulary." They have three main requirements: 1. The lyrics have vocabulary and other literary devices that they can use as teaching points. 2. The song is "catchy". (something 10- and 11-year-olds and their teachers will enjoy) 3. The song has a positive message. [more inside]
posted by adamwolf on Aug 20, 2012 - 28 answers

Dr. Wembley's Patented Tin-Ear, Athlete's Foot, and Gingivitis Cure

My weekly musicfilter: Help me train my ear. [more inside]
posted by outlandishmarxist on Feb 2, 2012 - 10 answers

Documentaries on inspiring music education

What are the most inspiring, exciting documentaries on music education? [more inside]
posted by ChristopherS on Jan 11, 2012 - 11 answers

How do I learn how to be a better song writer/composer?

I want to spend the next year getting better at writing and composing music -- how do I do it? [more inside]
posted by empath on Nov 4, 2011 - 20 answers

How can I increase the number of students in my piano teaching business

How can I increase the number of students in my piano teaching business [more inside]
posted by frodoxiii on Aug 3, 2011 - 11 answers

Classical Music Non-Profits

Help me find classical music non-profit organizations in the USA. [more inside]
posted by sleevener on Dec 4, 2010 - 11 answers

Options for casual music education?

Where can I go for a 1-2 year music degree? [more inside]
posted by antareus on Nov 21, 2010 - 4 answers

Music About American History?

I'm a US History teacher, and have had great results using songs about American History, but I'm looking for more! Can you give some recommendations? [more inside]
posted by absalom on Nov 15, 2010 - 35 answers

Suggest Charities that Support Music Education for Kids

I am currently researching charities that support music education for kids, for the purpose of a bequest from someone who held that as a high value in his life. [more inside]
posted by matildaben on Jul 23, 2010 - 9 answers

Best Canadian/North American Schools for Electronic Composition

What are some of the leading computer music (electronic composition) schools in Canada? What about North America? [more inside]
posted by ageispolis on Mar 2, 2010 - 5 answers

What are your musical "aha" moments?

I've just recently started teaching music & I want to do a good job not just teaching the technical aspects, but really getting at musicality. What were your "aha" moments when you were learning music & how do you think you could produce those same flashes of insight in someone else? [more inside]
posted by MesoFilter on Jan 13, 2010 - 30 answers

Where to find a music teaching job with an alternative/provisional license?

Advice on which school districts in Virginia specifically, but other states in general, have a shortage of music teachers and would be more willing to hire someone eligible for an alternative or provisional teaching license. I have taken and passed the Praxis II content test for music, and the VCLA test. [more inside]
posted by vilolagrl on Jan 5, 2010 - 5 answers

Looking for a retirement song.

Musicfilter: Looking for a song for a friends retirement. She's retiring from high school English teaching after 34 years. We're looking for something along the lines of: upbeat, rock and roll genre, has a positive message, sad to leave friends but happy to not grade any more papers, hoping she left a positive influence. She is considering a couple of songs, one by the Association, one by the Eagles and one by Daughtry (she can't remember the titles of the songs). All clever and fun recommendations are appreciated.
posted by crios on Nov 18, 2009 - 8 answers

Ways to see rhythms

I'd like any software or website that helps visualize rhythms. [more inside]
posted by argybarg on Jul 29, 2009 - 9 answers

Suggest some world music styles for me and my students to explore

I'm looking for striking, rich new fields of world music to explore with kids. [more inside]
posted by argybarg on Jun 21, 2009 - 9 answers

Can I teach music lessons?

How much musical experience/ability does one need to teach music lessons? [more inside]
posted by greekphilosophy on Feb 12, 2009 - 9 answers

Where can I study electronic music?

Over the last few years I've become very passionate about the pursuit of electronic music, and I'd like to become very proficient at sampling/remixing/dj-ing etc. Having been inspired by artists such as Daft Punk, Justice, the Twelves, etc., I would love to be able to do what they do, but many of their production techniques are completely beyond me. Are there any schools/programs out there that can teach me the skills to become a professional-level electronica artist? Ideally I would like to find a degree program in electronic music, rather than a diploma or certificate.
posted by CarrotAdventure on Feb 7, 2009 - 16 answers

Music for Librarians...

Musicfilter. We are a high school library and we're putting together an intro video for sophomores on nonfiction. Anybody know any music that might apply? [more inside]
posted by crios on Oct 1, 2008 - 6 answers

UCLA or UC Berkeley music program?

UCLA or UC Berkeley music program? [more inside]
posted by *lostatsea* on Sep 17, 2008 - 14 answers

Let my childrenz heerz muzics [and playz it tooz, and not be it classsicalz]

Music Teacher Filter Questions 1) Is it possible to be a music teacher in a public school and focus on non-classical music? 2) How would the market for that kind of music program be? [more inside]
posted by sully75 on Sep 3, 2008 - 8 answers

Open Source Media Player for Customized playlists using Thousands of Short Audio Snippets?

I'm looking for an open source MP3 (or OGG) player for creation of educational listening drills. Must be portable, and flexible for creation, editing, burning of playlists and queues -- details on its use in here... [more inside]
posted by Alabaster on Jun 14, 2007 - 3 answers

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