64 posts tagged with education and history.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 64. Subscribe:

Sacagawea for kids, but make it anti-colonial

Please recommend me kid-accessible books on Sacagawea that don't promote colonialism [more inside]
posted by arrmatie on Sep 16, 2023 - 7 answers

Current elementary Alabama state history textbook?

What is (are?) the current textbook(s) approved for use in Alabama public schools to teach state history at an elementary level? If there are multiple approved textbooks, what is the most frequently used?
posted by quintessence on Oct 28, 2022 - 2 answers

Popular songs that also teach history?

I'm looking for popular songs that relate events or profile people from history in a straightforward, informative way. Can you help me add to this weird playlist? [more inside]
posted by ordinary_magnet on Jun 21, 2022 - 79 answers

Engaging a kid who loves Gravity Falls, Ancient Egypt, and mysteries

My 8-year old son is wild for Gravity Falls, and is very into things that have a similar vibe: Ancient Egypt, Mesoamerican cultures, secret codes, mysterious secrets, hidden rooms, cryptids, conspiracy theories, myths, black holes, space-time. I am homeschooling him due to COVID-19, and the key to keeping him engaged is to make use of his interests. What fiction and non-fiction books, tv or movies, video games, subjects of interest, historical events, etc. would a Gravity Falls-loving kid be interested in? [more inside]
posted by shirobara on Oct 25, 2020 - 21 answers

What easily digestible video history resources would you recommend?

I have been realizing more and more that I've forgotten most of the history I learned in primary school and college. I work/study in a STEM field, but in my free time I am very interested in leftist politics and organizing. However, I think having a good baseline understanding of US history as well as major events in international history is really important to discussing politics with people at a deeper level. Details on the types of resources I'm looking for below the line. [more inside]
posted by unid41 on Aug 12, 2020 - 8 answers

Global Music History Books and YouTube Channels

What books should I read and YouTube channels should I look at to study global music history? I learn best when things are really structured, so if I need to go order an old music history textbook from eBay I will at your recommendation. No podcasts or For Dummies style texts, however, please.
posted by Kitchen Witch on Apr 14, 2020 - 2 answers

Favorite Informational YouTube Channels?

I'm looking for your favorite YouTube channels to follow that are informational, educational, or historical in nature. I'm not interested in channels that are primarily comedic, but it's fine if they're humorous while being informative. [more inside]
posted by gregoryg on Dec 9, 2017 - 24 answers

Expanding (kids') views of the world through other views of history

Inspired by a note about secondary school curriculum across West Africa from glasseyes, I'm interested in how history is taught in different places, for myself and for my kids. Details below. [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief on Nov 21, 2017 - 4 answers

Thanks (for the newspapers), Obama

On November 5th 2008 and November 7th 2012 here in London England, I tried to collect as many British newspapers as I could that featured Barack Hussein Obama II's historic election to the presidency of the United States. The whole world was united in pride for the US on both of those days. Now that he's moving out of the White House, I feel like it's time to give them away; the question is, who gets them? [Preferably to someone in New York City. Sorry Duluth.] [more inside]
posted by Ten Cold Hot Dogs on Oct 30, 2016 - 7 answers

Maybe if I'd lived in a better school district, I'd Ask Metafilter less.

When did public schools become "bad"? And did the quality actually change, or are statements about the inferiority of public education the racist shibboleths I've come to assume that they are? [more inside]
posted by Sara C. on Jun 17, 2016 - 16 answers

The history of the world is but the biography of great men. - Carlyle

When my mother was a child, she had a book that was 100 short biographies of "great men of history". I am wondering if such a book exists for the modern age. [more inside]
posted by anastasiav on Jun 6, 2016 - 8 answers

Books on the tendency toward anachronistic approaches to church history?

So I've been listening to this podcast on the History of Christianity from the Reformed Theological Seminary and there is an odd way that events in the early period of the church are presented which seems rather anachronistic or suffers from "hindsight bias". Is there a term for this? I was wondering if there is literature on this tendency in religious thought (i.e. in which present orthodoxy is retrojected into past debates and conflicts over doctrine.) Is it common? [more inside]
posted by mary8nne on May 20, 2016 - 5 answers

The Best Historical, Educational, or Informational YouTube Channels?

I'm looking for YouTube channels that are dedicated to providing education about or insight into interesting subjects. They can have humor in them, but I'd prefer for them to be primarily informative rather than humorous. [more inside]
posted by gregoryg on Jul 17, 2015 - 4 answers

Best history of science podcasts?

I'm looking for a really great history of science or weird science podcast(s)! [more inside]
posted by WidgetAlley on Nov 19, 2014 - 3 answers

Online Resoucres For rural life in 1800s New England.

I'm looking for online resources describing daily life and struggles in rural New England in the 1800s, ideally around the mid-century period and in Vermont/New Hampshire. Narratives favored over statistics but non-fiction favored over fiction.
posted by The Whelk on Nov 2, 2014 - 7 answers

Easy-reading history and politics sites

Can you recommend a website that has easy-to-understand recaps of important historical and political issues? I used to think history and politics were boring but after I returned to university and have been exposed to more of it, I've become fascinated to learn more. [more inside]
posted by oceanview on Oct 9, 2014 - 3 answers

Once more unto the breach...

I'm making a collection of ideas and best practices for history teachers. If you had an amazing history teacher, in either middle school or high school, what did they do that captured your interest? If you teach history, what have you seen work? [more inside]
posted by kingfishers catch fire on Sep 8, 2014 - 24 answers

US elementary school teachers, two history questions.

In general, which elementary school grades cover prehistory? American colonial history?
posted by Elsie on Feb 27, 2014 - 11 answers

An equally true history of the world?

Is there a list of important historical events which are now regarded (by at least a majority of historians) as true/accurate, which are or were recently regarded as fringe theories, hoaxes, or legends, or which are viewed as unimportant and given short shrift in US / western public school curricula and popular narratives? Links to lists or individual items appreciated. Thanks!
posted by Chris4d on Feb 4, 2014 - 13 answers

Differences/similarities between Great Recession & Great Depression

What good articles have you read about the Great Recession? I'm particularly interested in resources that help explain the causes, effects and responses to the recent Recession. Bonus if the article/video/infographic/etc. helps explain how the causes, effects, or responses are similar to or different than the causes/effects/responses to the Great Depression. [more inside]
posted by leitmotif on Feb 1, 2014 - 6 answers

Help me educate myself in the philosophical side of environmentalism

I'm a grad student in conservation biology who has always had a strong interest in conservation issues. However, I feel like the technical side of my education is much stronger than the philosophical side, and I want to restore that balance. Who should I read, what resources should I look into, what organizations or publications are out there that will help me gain a deeper understanding of the philosophical, historical, and cultural components of environmentalism? [more inside]
posted by Scientist on Jan 24, 2014 - 15 answers

How is the US Civil War taught in schools not in the USA?

I was watching the excellent Ken Burns documentary about the Civil War last night, and found myself wondering how this particular conflict is taught in schools outside the US. If you were raised outside the United States and remember learning about the US Civil War in school, what do you remember? I would love to hear about your experience.
posted by juniperesque on Oct 7, 2013 - 45 answers

ISO Educational Statistics: # of history students/faculty

Looking for statistical information on how many students study history at the B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. level in various non-US countries. [more inside]
posted by agent99 on May 9, 2013 - 1 answer

Mormon History?

How does Brigham Young University teach American History? Do they tell students that Jesus actually came to America? And how do they deal with the story that Missouri was the real Garden of Eden?
posted by mmf on Mar 4, 2013 - 11 answers

Education as Heresy in the Middle Ages

Did the Catholic Church actively suppress literacy and education during the Middle Ages, or was it simply a byproduct of the era? [more inside]
posted by zarq on Oct 4, 2012 - 28 answers

What do Mexican school children learn about the Aztecs?

What do Mexican children learn about the Aztecs in school? [more inside]
posted by GPF on Sep 15, 2012 - 8 answers

Do you think Art History is a good degree?

I am thinking about majoring in Art History, and would like to know from others that have obtained a bachelors in this area if it was worth it to them? [more inside]
posted by Lillian7 on Apr 19, 2012 - 42 answers

Step 1: college. Step 2: ??? Step 3: become a high school history teacher.

Right now, you're a college freshman. In ten years, you want to be a high school history teacher, probably somewhere in the northeast U.S. What path are you going to take to get there? [more inside]
posted by amy lecteur on Mar 7, 2012 - 17 answers

Books on technologies' effects on education?

Know of any books that look at the effects of technology on the delivery of education? [more inside]
posted by drzz on Mar 1, 2012 - 2 answers

Historical-Science wall art for school computer lab?

Looking for affordable posters or other decorative artifacts, with a history-of-technology or retro-futuristic theme, for the stairwell and walls of our small elementary/middle school computer lab. [more inside]
posted by unregistered_animagus on Feb 2, 2012 - 4 answers

What can I read to improve my knowledge of history and world events so that I can better enjoy the classics of the Western cannon?

I am trying to read more 'classics' this year and find I am continually running to Wikipedia for background on things the authors assume I should know. What books can I read to round out my general education somewhat and fill in some of these gaps? [more inside]
posted by JoannaC on Jan 24, 2012 - 20 answers

Map-making software that allows picking individual geographical features?

Is there any software (online or Mac) that will help me to make clean, simple custom maps for a classroom? Ideally, I'd start with a simple, blank outline map, then be able to add features one at a time. (For example, perhaps I'd select "Ohio River" from a dropdown menu, and then it would appear on the map.) [more inside]
posted by SpiralT on Nov 20, 2011 - 10 answers

Video showing how Gutenberg-era movable type printing press works?

Purpose: use in a middle school classroom. Ideally, I'd like to find a relatively short video available online that gives a simple explanation of how moveable type works, and shows the mechanics of actually printing with one. I'd also consider buying a DVD, if it's really excellent.
posted by SpiralT on Oct 22, 2011 - 7 answers

Let me count the ways

[Philosophy/Language/HistoryFilter]: What's the name of this rhetorical or logical technique, where you explain a subject by making a lot of lists? [more inside]
posted by gallusgallus on May 27, 2011 - 6 answers

Learn me!

I want to fill my brain with useful and common knowledge. What can I put in there? [more inside]
posted by sucre on Jan 25, 2011 - 36 answers

Music About American History?

I'm a US History teacher, and have had great results using songs about American History, but I'm looking for more! Can you give some recommendations? [more inside]
posted by absalom on Nov 15, 2010 - 34 answers

Decline of Pay for Teaching Relative to Other Professions

I read somewhere at one time that the pay for teaching has declined relative to other professions starkly since the early 1900s, but I can't find a site to back this up... too much noise. Anyone have any info on this?
posted by mdpatrick on Oct 3, 2010 - 7 answers


I am a student with a embarrassingly poor knowledge of social and political history. As such I can't engage with current affairs and understand political problems on a deeper level. What would you recommend as good books/films/novels which give an outline of a certain important period in history? How can I improve my general knowledge of the past? [more inside]
posted by freud on Aug 10, 2010 - 28 answers

How to teach the great dust heap of history?

Help! I've been assigned to teach a class that I honestly have no idea how to make interesting to my students: world history through the late medieval period. So, Ask.Me: I want your memories or thoughts of your favorite approach to this class, or what not to do. [more inside]
posted by strixus on Jul 11, 2010 - 39 answers

I just don't have the time!

I'm looking for a specific timeline that a colleague of mine had about five years ago. [more inside]
posted by aetg on Jun 3, 2010 - 6 answers

Biography on William Henry Harrison?

Can anyone recommend a good biography of United States president William Henry Harrison? [more inside]
posted by GatorFan2000 on Apr 15, 2010 - 6 answers

Where to find copyright free historical images?

What are the best searchable sources for copyright-free historical and other images? I know about Wikimedia Commons, about searching for Creative Commons licensed material on Flickr, and about some regional repositories such as the Washington State Digital Archives (where I work). What other good sources are out there? Google searches lead me to subscription databases of stock photos.
posted by LarryC on Sep 25, 2009 - 9 answers

Help a 13 y/o get to know the Amercian soldier.

What resources (films, books, websites) can I share with my 13 y/o daughter who has expressed a recent keen admiration and care for the American soldier from the Vietnam War era to the present? [more inside]
posted by keith0718 on Sep 3, 2009 - 22 answers

It's a podcast about something!

What are some educational (yet interesting) podcasts? [more inside]
posted by Dreamcast on Jul 22, 2009 - 21 answers

Good Readings on Copyright for a Digital History Class?

What are some good readings on copyright law and practice for a graduate level digital history class? [more inside]
posted by LarryC on Apr 29, 2009 - 21 answers

Tell me some women who made a nonviolent difference!

Help me think of examples of individual women or groups that worked toward nonviolent social change!! [more inside]
posted by thankyouforyourconsideration on Feb 24, 2009 - 23 answers

Popular Music for Bored American History Students

Looking for popular modern songs with great historical content like Fort Minor's "Kenji" [more inside]
posted by NHlove on Feb 4, 2009 - 26 answers

How to argue against nationalism

HistoryFilter: What popular historical myths are there about Portuguese and English History? [more inside]
posted by omnigut on Jul 12, 2008 - 9 answers

So was that before or after Michaelangelo?

How about some ideas for creating a mental framework for studying history? [more inside]
posted by lauranesson on Feb 19, 2008 - 7 answers

In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue, and other mnemonic devices wanted. Apply within.

In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Great, Columbus=1492, got it. What else you know? I'm looking for silly and/or clever ways to remember history. [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Oct 15, 2007 - 53 answers

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