27 posts tagged with education and computer.
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How do I find a mentor?

I am a 35 year old person transitioning careers from the service industry into tech. I am a little over halfway through this process. I have been charting this journey alone so far, but am approaching a couple different breakpoints and believe that a mentor would be very helpful. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by lazaruslong on Oct 12, 2018 - 10 answers

Help pick a name for a maybe future business?

I've been spending a lot of time teaching older adults computer literacy skills. I've worked in retirement and nursing homes for years, and I'm very comfortable with older adults, and I love teaching, training and coaching. In order to further this service at work, I'm interested in creating a website that I can use a resource for my students, but I'm also interested in possibly expanding this as a future personal business. Please hope me name it! [more inside]
posted by skookumsaurus rex on Jul 18, 2017 - 10 answers

Make computer not go to sleep - without admin access

I am a teacher lucky enough to have several classroom computers. I am a teacher unlucky enough to not have admin access to these computers. I am a teacher whose students can't type capital letters. Help! [more inside]
posted by raspberrE on Sep 2, 2016 - 18 answers

Best Cloud Storage for Elementary Students

I need to teach my 3rd-5th graders how to save files on a network. They need to be able to access their files from different machines and locations around the school. My chief objective is that they learn to save thoughtfully and carefully, so that they'll develop good habits and be able to find their work in the future. (FWIW, I believe this means teaching them to be conscious of 1) what they want to call their file and 2) where they want to put it). [more inside]
posted by carterk on Dec 8, 2015 - 6 answers

Help my Cousin Get Back into a Computer Science Major

My cousin is a bright student and worked so hard to get to where he is, but a recent family emergence ( a death in the family) and his grades started getting really bad towards the end of the semester, he was put in probation but one thing led to another and he was dismissed from school for one full semester, he took the semester off and after much grief he was ready and more focused that before to go back and complete his undergraduate in computer science.The computer science department at his school won't let him continue and asked him to change to another major outside of engineering. [more inside]
posted by dolilmao on May 10, 2015 - 12 answers

need chromebook to connect to wi-fi, but it won't

My daughter's chromebook from school needs to connect to wi-fi. We have wi-fi at home. When I open up my home computer, I never need to put in a password....I just click onto my internet icon. By the way, I have netgear for my wi-fi. [more inside]
posted by lynnie-the-pooh on Aug 22, 2014 - 15 answers

Practical Online Courses for a Secretary Turned IT Person

What online courses are immediately applicable to IT knowledge for a medium-small "knowledge" company? [more inside]
posted by alice_curiouse on Apr 3, 2014 - 5 answers

How do you help people have an epiphany about difficult concepts?

How do you describe the basic concepts of a difficult subject you know a lot about that makes it "click" for a beginner? [more inside]
posted by reenum on Oct 11, 2013 - 18 answers

An app to demonstrate econ policies' efficacy? (helping to show extern)

Conservatives in the U.S. seem to inherently assesses economic policies based on the personal ethics (as in, self-reliance) involved, not on overall benefit or harm to the society. Is there a (simple, credible) online app that lets you easily try different policies (including "each must pay his own way" personal-ethics ones) & compare the outcomes? [more inside]
posted by ahaynes on Jul 19, 2012 - 11 answers


Can anyone tell me which institution offered the first computer science degree in Australia and when that was? My Google hand is not working.
posted by mattoxic on May 21, 2012 - 3 answers

Bright kid needs a hobby.

My 9 year old nephew does very well in math. He also has a voracious appetite for video games. How can I help him acquire a better understanding of how these games are made? I'd like to see him become more creative with a computer, rather than just spending his time clutching a game controller. [more inside]
posted by bonobothegreat on Nov 9, 2011 - 23 answers

How to set up an old laptop for a young child?

What OS and programs should I use to set up an old Windows XP laptop for a young child? [more inside]
posted by kitfreeman on Jul 4, 2011 - 9 answers

We're going back to school, but for what??

Please help two hardworking yet poor 30 year olds get careers and move out of this tiny one-bedroom apartment. [more inside]
posted by powerbumpkin on Apr 7, 2011 - 20 answers

AskLAFilter: Pierce vs LACC?

AskLAFilter: What's a better place to learn computer programming from: Pierce College or Los Angeles City College? [more inside]
posted by AmitinLA on Dec 12, 2010 - 3 answers

Educational Media

Can you recommend some great educational media for my nearly two year old daughter? I am looking for good DVD's, computer / iPhone software, or websites that I can load up for 30-60 minutes a day. I would like something she can learn from, but if she is having fun, that is cool as well. Right now she is a Dora and Diego addict. I just got her a few LeapFrog preschool DVD's that she loves. She can sing her ABC's and can count to 10 in English and Spanish. She is just starting to be able to answer "How does the letter A, B, C, etc. go?' She knows how to flip pages and push buttons on the iPhone. Are there any computer learning games that a two year old could handle. Flash games? iPhone games? Answers to this question do not involve telling me to take my daughter outside. I am familiar with the debunking of Baby Einstein. I would just like to find some good stuff for her to watch, play or interact with. General toy recommendations are good as well.
posted by jasondigitized on Aug 2, 2010 - 23 answers

Step-by-Step Computer Instruction for Seniors

Is there a site or document that has step-by-step basic computer skills instruction, especially for seniors? [more inside]
posted by mjklin on Mar 16, 2010 - 7 answers

Online Art Degree

Help me find an online master's degree in art. [more inside]
posted by gocubbies on Mar 1, 2010 - 7 answers

Can I find a school that teaches what I want to learn?

I'm currently attending MyCounty Tech School, and have been planning to transfer to Local Private University next fall to finish my Computer Science/IT bachelors. The thing is, I really don't know if that's the right way to wrap up my schooling. Can I get some recommendations on what to look for in a good CS program, and recommendations on slightly non-traditional/accelerated ways of getting a degree in Computer Science? More background info inside. [more inside]
posted by niles on Nov 10, 2009 - 7 answers

Help me be an IT wizard.

I will need to change careers, but I have a bit of time to plan this out. What should my next computer- or education-related job be? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Oct 23, 2009 - 4 answers

What iPhone flashcard application will best help me study for the bar?

What iPhone flashcard application will best help me study for the bar? [more inside]
posted by yesno on May 16, 2009 - 6 answers

Learning to program help?

Help me advance my computer education! [more inside]
posted by btkuhn on Oct 2, 2008 - 12 answers

Can an Apple-geared print server be set up and used in a Windows-only world?

Can I configure and use an HP wp100 AirPort print server in an all PC environment? If so, how? [more inside]
posted by potch on Nov 13, 2007 - 5 answers

Oh the places I might go

Looking for serious, modern, and fun art schools in Europe, or possibly the US. [more inside]
posted by tmcw on Aug 10, 2007 - 5 answers

Y'know, I'd really like to be a luthier.

I'm a college sophomore on my way to a CS Major / Religion Minor. Apparently my initial career options (just from that major) are a little bit better than my English-major friends. But I'd much rather make interesting things than work in a cubicle. How do I do this? [more inside]
posted by tmcw on May 13, 2007 - 13 answers

How can I broadcast real-time screen capture video to multiple other computers on a network?

How can I broadcast real-time screen capture video to multiple other computers on a network? [more inside]
posted by mikespez on Jul 14, 2006 - 9 answers

Ancient Computer Screenshots

Each year I try to teach some computer history to my 5th graders, just to put all the technology into a little bit of context. It would be tremendously helpful if I could show them actual screenshots of what computer programs used to look like. Specifically, I've looked for screenshots of Viscalc (some success, but lousy shots), early amber-on-black word processing, and pre-www internet (PINE, Usenet, etc.) Anybody know of a good place for this stuff? Other related suggestions welcome.
posted by carterk on Jun 11, 2005 - 20 answers

Recommendations for computer books

What computer books should I buy? i've been given 250 Euro's of book tokens for Waterstones (large UK chain). As I'm in Brussels, I can't thumb through the shelves, but will have to order them, I would appreciate any ideas.

Primarily I am interested in dreamweaver MX, Photoshop 7.0, PHP, asp and website and network management etc.
posted by quarsan on Dec 20, 2004 - 10 answers

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