41 posts tagged with education and training.
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Training room in the Boston area?
I am looking for a room with computers in the Boston area that my company could rent for a few days in August. We need to do some proctored online OSHA training with our employees. We would need 10-20 workstations. Any leads would be appreciated.
Online SQL courses and classes?
I am looking to take an online course to learn SQL with business applications. I know a little bit, but I would like a course that goes deeper and has hands on examples with large / semi-realistic datasets (vs. really small illustrative tables). Recommendations? [more inside]
Moodle to the rescue?
The goal is to create a free short, interactive training course that graduate students could complete asynchronously online or on a mobile phone in areas with limited or low bandwidth. However, the EdTech world is enormous! I'm not quite sure what resources are commonly used for self-authoring interactive, short online courses. [more inside]
Book for learning modern web development
Mrs Mars is teaching herself web development. She’d like to have an actual book, both as a reference and because that’s her preferred way of learning. [more inside]
PMP or MS degree in Project Management?
Question for career development specialists and those with experience in project management: In terms of general return on investment/greatest bang for one's buck, is it better to pursue a PMP certification, a master's degree in project management, or an MBA with a specialization in project management? Which approach did you take, and did it pay off? Related: If you are in the business of recruiting or hiring project managers, what types of professional development and advanced education do you look for when sifting through resumes?
Spending my education allowance
The company I work for offers a generous education allowance. Please help me figure out what I should spend it on. I'm looking for online courses relevant to my role as a digital strategist. [more inside]
How to express righteous anger at work
I'm starting to train classes tomorrow and I need access to printing to do so. My manager knows I (and my colleagues) need access to printing, and has known that we are short on toner/paper since last Friday. My first class is tomorrow and we don't have a printing solution. [more inside]
Help setting up high school computer program / club.
Two high schools in my community have fairly modern computer centres. I'd like to help setup a program that would increase the use of these computer centres to help kids improve computer skills and lead some to careers in web/software development. [more inside]
How do I make corporate training videos quickly w/o audience?
How can I make corporate videos quickly? I'd like to start making corporate videos. I want to produce them quickly, but effectively. Tips welcome. [more inside]
Trades for a Young Man in the Midwest?
My son is currently working retail, stocking overnights, and he hates it, and wants to get into something else. [more inside]
continuing education with human resources or org dev?
A social enterprise I started a few years ago is finding traction and I have a real opportunity to go back to study part time while continuing to work. I want to build on some early work I did with volunteer fundraising training and operations management. What stinks or swims charities is volunteer participation. I am trying to find courses - master's, certificates, short courses (anywhere, online preferred) geared at volunteer management, community organising, political organising, and especially human resource management or human resource development with underserved populations. Can you signpost me? [more inside]
What degree/trade is worth the student loans?
I've got a little money I'm thinking about turning into some classes/training for a serious career change. With education at such a high price, I would need to pick a career/trade that can pay off the loans I would need to complete. I'm looking at trades, skilled craftwork, 2-year degrees, and 4-year degrees. Got any suggestions? [more inside]
Downtime Learning?
To what productive use can I put the (soon to increase) downtime hours at my job? Learning something would be great, other suggestions welcome. Complications: no internet, limited space, no phone access and more inside. [more inside]
Are there online trainings/tutorials for...well, creating online trainings/tutorials? (Books or other resources also welcome.) [more inside]
The Old "Foot in the Door" Conundrum
Plenty of education, but no experience--how do I break into health information management or roles as a trainer in a healthcare setting? [more inside]
Good design goes to heaven
How to get started in graphic design? [more inside]
Natural Gas Marketing - Where can I buy the worlds best training?
Please recommend to me a place to receive 'natural gas marketing' training. [more inside]
How to improve my UI skills?
What's the best way to get some user interface design training? [more inside]
At least it's not a High Anti-Oxidant Meal Replacement Cookie.
I have an 'opportunity' to get training in a business that has the slight whiff of MLM, but seems to have some legit parts too. Should I give it a shot? [more inside]
Who should teach me to rub people the right way?
I'm thinking about training as a massage therapist. Local options seem to boil down to Soma or Cortiva Institute, and I need help choosing! [more inside]
Good, reasonably priced Bay Area IT Schools?
SF Bay Area: Please recommend a school (vocational, community college, extension university, etc) for someone (age 27) to begin training for a second career in IT. [more inside]
Becoming an amateur architect?
How do I take my interest in architecture to the next level without going to architecture school or going pro? [more inside]
I want to learn to find the time to learn to do something.
Best practices for big, self-directed personal education project? I wanna learn something. How do I find the time and organize this? [more inside]
What sort of business/management training is relevant to lawyers?
What sort of business/management training is relevant to lawyers? [more inside]
Training for a new career in IT
I'm ready for a career change and I've always wanted to work in IT. What would you recommend? [more inside]
Intensive Sharepoint Training
At my office we are preparing to deploy Sharepoint 2010 Enterprise-wide and I'm the lead architect. What training will best prepare me for this role? [more inside]
Is a mature-age apprenticeship a good career move?
I'm interested in advice about changing career in one's thirties: specifically, learning a trade. [more inside]
Learn to be a Facilitator! Be a Licensed PractitionerTM Now!
Barbara Sher has a kit that guides you into running your own Success Teams. Vixen Noir is about to train facilitators for her erotic performance art course. I was a Trainee at a women's circus here last year, and at one point there was an opportunity to learn how to facilitate a certain style of hooping classes. What other packages and classes are there that train you to be a facilitator/teacher of a certain style? [more inside]
New career for an disillusioned teacher?
What's an okay paying new career for an disillusioned teacher? [more inside]
From the career perspective is there money in the online/e-learning space?
From the career perspective is there money in the online/e-learning space? If so, where is it, or where will it be in a few years? I specialize in software training and education and am looking to get my foot in the door if it is worth it. [more inside]
Conferences with less synergy?
Please recommend conferences dealing with leadership, management, and the like that aren't buzzword-tastic snoozefests. If they exist. [more inside]
Need recs for IT training in Seattle.
In the Seattle/Snohomish area. Which schools provide good training in beginning SQL, or database design, or IT project management? [more inside]
What should I do when I grow up?
The future of my current job is uncertain (familiar story, I'm sure). What should I do to plan for the future? My background is in art, and ... pharmaceutical training and compliance. [more inside]
How do I help Mom get digital?
How do I help my mother prepare for a modern office job after 30 years in a Luddite environment? [more inside]
I need to teach and grade from my little hole avoiding their little hole.
I need to create web based learning modules and need some advice. [more inside]
becoming an energy auditor - requirements?
My husband is interested in becoming an energy auditor. What education/training does he need? [more inside]
I need skillz
I have two weeks to learn PHP. Help me make a plan! [more inside]
If my nephew had a hammer...
18 year old guy from California really wants to become a contractor. Gimme the best advice for him please. [more inside]
How Did You Learn What You Know About Computers/the Internet?
I am taking a brain-painful networking class (hint: it's all about the routers, baby!) and the studying is intense. It's hard, but I'm holding my own. I see questions here on AskMe that bring really cool answers from lots of folks, with a lot of repeat answerers, which leads me to ask, How Did You Learn What You Know About Computers/the Internet? Was it in school? Did you apprentice with someone who had m4d sk1lz? Did you teach yourself? Other?
Web Development 101
Some people at my work are asking for "web development" training. We are a nonprofit that gives away computers, and a part of their job is to understand basic software capabilities, to tell grantees about it. (The grantees are schools and non-profits.) The people I work with are not trainers, they just need to be more informed than the basic user. If you were going to teach web development basics to an audience of former junior high teachers and fundraisers, where would you start?
Learning Languages
Have any native English speakers here had to learn a foreign language (especially Spanish) for work, etc. in a relatively short amount of time? How did you do it? Any recommendations for books/classes/training programs? [more inside] [more inside]