10 posts tagged with beds and sleep.
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Is it worth getting a bigger bed size than a 4 foot 6 inch width bed?
So I have problems with sleep (non-restorative) and my wife has issues with her sleep too (not sure what, she just doesn't sleep well). We currently have a double bed (4 foot 6 inches wide and 6 foot 3 inches long), but have to sleep in separate rooms because we sleep so badly next to one another. (I talk in my sleep, she snores and she's also like a heater that's been turned on full and had the knob broken off.) - more inside [more inside]
Mattress me, MeFi.
It's been over a decade since I bought a mattress. I'm in the market now. Apparently, memory foam is a thing now? Where do I even begin this process and does anybody have personal recommendations? Preferences inside. [more inside]
How can I sleep cooler at night?
I sleep hot. My body creates a lot of heat at night, which is good for me but bad for my partners. My ex-wife used to complain, and my current girlfriend doesn't enjoy cuddling because I'm warm and often sweaty. I sleep hotter when I drink alcohol, I know that, and memory foam seems to be a problem (so I'm replacing my memory foam mattress with an expensive mattress that's supposed to be cooler). What other things can I do to be cooler at night? I want my girlfriend to cuddle more!
How do I covercome my need for a large amount of personal space while sleeping?
My boyfriend and I are moving in together! But I have trouble falling asleep when I'm sharing a bed and can barely do it four nights a week. How am I going to upgrade to seven nights a week? Please give me your suggestions! [more inside]
Should we keep the waterbed?
Have you ever switched from a waterbed to a more conventional mattress? What kind of mattress (innerspring, foam, etc.) did you switch to and are you happy about it? Conversely, would you never switch? [more inside]
Do partners still sleep in the same bed and why?
Sleeping together.... no I mean SLEEPING together ... is it still common among partners living together? I always found I got much better sleep alone in my own bed but when partners sleep in separate beds, others seem to think something is wrong with the relationship. What's the common practice/s around the world?
How to comfortably combine two twin beds?
How can I connect two twin beds so that they become a comfortable king-size bed? [more inside]
Do British people use sheets?
Brits: Do you use sheets and blankets? Or does everyone use a duvet and cover now? Any ballpark guess on percentages of the population using each?
Sleep Number Beds
Does anyone here have experience with "sleep number" type mattresses? [more inside] [more inside]
Are Tempurpedic foam mattresses worth buying?
I need a new mattress. While shopping around, I tried one of those TemPurpedic, Swedish foam mattersses. They are about 4x more than I would ever expect to pay for a bed, but i am tempted. Anyone have any experience/advice/tips on these? Worth it or not? Any cheaper alternatives?