89 posts tagged with baby and toddler.
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Rome Neighborhoods Without the Sights

Best neighborhood in Rome for eating pasta and going to the playground/park? Traveling solo with a toddler so we'll be eating nice lunches, going on long walks (in a stroller), visiting playgrounds and parks. Need easy access to the airport. November travel, [more inside]
posted by perrouno on Nov 17, 2023 - 4 answers

Play ball!

A 2-year-old has asked for a ball to play with and I'd like to get them a couple as a gift this season. What types of ball would a 2 year old most appreciate? [more inside]
posted by arcolz on Dec 3, 2022 - 10 answers

Toddler gift filter: very soft or texture-centric

What are some good gifts for a toddler loves petting and snuggling things, especially very soft, very large, or fuzzy, feathery, leafy, interestingly textured things? Looking to skew either more interesting or more durable and higher-quality than the generic polyfleece stuffed animals that quickly get ratty. [more inside]
posted by Bardolph on Nov 5, 2022 - 16 answers

When do I give up on vaccinating a toddler?

I’ve kept my son isolated for the first year of his life to protect him from COVID. There’s no end in sight and I fear the isolation will eventually harm him more than the disease. When do I throw in the towel? (more inside) [more inside]
posted by The Monster at the End of this Thread on Mar 8, 2022 - 29 answers

Is this normal baby stuff, or

My second baby, almost 15 months old, has been much more difficult that my first. How much of it is just normal baby variability and how much is something more? [more inside]
posted by stripesandplaid on Jan 19, 2022 - 29 answers

How likely are infants to be sources of COVID-19 transmission?

After a painful year+ of necessary separation, my partner and I are planning cross-country flight to see partner's 1.5-year-old nibling and are trying to understand the risks posed by the fact that while we and nibling's caregivers are fully vaccinated, other people who will have close contact before our visit will not be. [more inside]
posted by Cogito on May 24, 2021 - 12 answers

Endoscopy in one year old?

My 14 month old is scheduled for an upper endoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy because of recurrent colicky abdominal pain. Please tell me anything you know about endoscopies, anesthesia, emergence delirium, and eosinophilic esophagitis in toddlers! [more inside]
posted by bananacabana on Jan 23, 2019 - 3 answers

Meal planning for a toddler with allergies

Looking for ideas for how busy parents can feed a toddler (and themselves). Difficulty level: allergies. [more inside]
posted by parudox on Nov 11, 2018 - 5 answers

What are some great books for a 1.5-year-old that use the term "Mama"?

Every parent has their own preferred term of address. We have a lot of "daddy" board books, but comparatively few "mama" selections. I'd like to change that. What does the hivemind recommend? [more inside]
posted by a series of tube socks on Aug 19, 2018 - 17 answers

How can I prep my toddler for a new sibling?

We're about to have Baby #2 in a few weeks, and I'm thinking about how to prep or chat with Baby #1 (who is currently 17 months) about the upcoming changes to our family. I'm not sure how much he'll understand, but would like to help him navigate these changes. Do you have any book (or other) recommendations? We've been told the Daniel Tiger big brother book is pretty helpful, so I plan to get that one. Also any tips on how to navigate the first few weeks with 2 under 2 would be much appreciated. Thank you!
posted by melodykramer on Aug 8, 2018 - 12 answers

What early intervention can I do to develop babies speech?

I'm concerned about my toddler's speech development. I have put her on the wait list for intervention by the state but it can be up to six months before the evaluation. I would like to to do things in the meantime to help. Please point me to resources. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jul 31, 2018 - 24 answers

Night weaning a spirited toddler

I am so tired. It's just me and potato Jr most nights, and I'm hesitant but ready(?) to night wean. I've had one false start interrupted by toddler illness and sheer exhaustion. Please give me some new methods to try. [more inside]
posted by crunchy potato on May 9, 2018 - 18 answers

ISO: Main Birthday Gift for 1 year old

My baby will be turning 1 and I need a main gift for him (i.e. the "biggish" gift of something he will enjoy for at least a few months but longer is obviously better. Difficulty level: He has everything! [more inside]
posted by If only I had a penguin... on Mar 21, 2018 - 41 answers

App and Video Recs for a One Year Old

We are going on a long international flight soon (Denver to Tokyo) with our 13 month old baby. Help us keep her entertained with phone app and video recommendations! [more inside]
posted by warble on Mar 11, 2018 - 14 answers

Baby/Toddler Gate Recommendations

We're moving and will need baby gates. What are the best options that are very safe and can absolutely be opened with one hand by an adult carrying a rambunctious monster but NOT by the monster herself, even if she is very clever? Complication: wide doorway. [more inside]
posted by Mrs. Pterodactyl on Nov 2, 2017 - 6 answers

Safe eclipse viewing with 1 year old?

We are traveling to the path of totality as I type! We also have a one year old toddler with us and a debate between his parents: can he safely be outside? [more inside]
posted by aoleary on Aug 20, 2017 - 11 answers

Fun videos to teach Mandarin to a toddler?

I want my 18 month old baby to speak Mandarin. I myself speak a grand total of two words of Mandarin, and that's the end of my personal contribution to his language lessons. I'm happy to find classes for him (and happy to hear suggestions - I'm on the north side of Chicago...) but what I want is fun language videos we can have on in the background so he can start hearing the language. The challenge is that I need to be able to watch them too. [more inside]
posted by Vatnesine on Jul 2, 2017 - 3 answers

How can we get our 3.5 year old to GO TO SLEEP ON HER OWN?

Since Supercoolkid was a baby, I have always stayed with her until she falls asleep. My husband/her father takes care of her full time, and until recently he did the same with naps. But while he’s been able to make the nap time transition to her going up to her room and falling asleep on her own (she’s even instituted some of the new routines herself) I have NOT been able to make the transition in spite of my efforts. I’m seeking your advice. More inside! [more inside]
posted by supercoollady on May 8, 2017 - 32 answers

Please help us have a great family vacation!

We're planning to visit far-flung family with our young toddler: where should we go, and what do we need to know? Phoenix, AZ and Portland, OR areas. [more inside]
posted by teremala on Sep 24, 2016 - 12 answers

Toddler Safety at a Lakefront Vacation Rental House

Please suggest tips and gear for keeping an active toddler safe for a week's vacation at a lakefront rental house. [more inside]
posted by aabbbiee on Jun 16, 2016 - 34 answers

gift for two year old and for new parents

Hi everyone. I am going to be traveling in a month and staying with close friends, whose children I am fairy godparent to. Nephew #1 is two and a half, nephew #2 is going to be less than 3 months old. I would like to get a gift for nephew #1, the two and a half year old, and perhaps something for the parents. My needs are fairly simple, but I'm not around kids much and I don't know what I'm doing. More details under the cut. [more inside]
posted by bile and syntax on Mar 25, 2016 - 22 answers

Toddler Proof IPhone Case

My husband saw a toddler-proof iPhone case online and now we can't find it again. Hope me. [more inside]
posted by amro on Feb 17, 2016 - 4 answers

What songs can I play on a Little Tykes Piano?

I want to be able to play and sing for my 13 month old. Difficulty level: four key baby piano. [more inside]
posted by Maastrictian on Jan 16, 2016 - 9 answers

Help me plan 5 hours in San Francisco

I have a long layover in SFO next week just before a very long trans-Pacific flight. Of the time I have there, I have about 5 hours total I can spend in the city (after transport each way). I have two goals: tire out my 1-year-old, and meet up with some friends for drinks and snacks. Can you help me plan where to go for these? [more inside]
posted by olinerd on Nov 26, 2015 - 12 answers

Keeping a Young Toddler Busy in the Car

Two upcoming road trips for the holidays plus one young toddler who could make it all pretty miserable. Please share any tricks for keeping the little guy busy in the car. [more inside]
posted by aabbbiee on Nov 3, 2015 - 13 answers

Christmas Planning: Awesome Toys for bright 2 year old?

What's your best toy(s) recommendation for a bright 2 to 2.5 year old? [more inside]
posted by crayon on Sep 22, 2015 - 22 answers

How many more months of formula are ahead with an 11-month-old?

Should I buy formula in bulk for an 11-month-old baby? I want to follow his lead on weaning, but I also don't want to waste money or formula. I'm looking for advice from parents who let their babies self-wean. [more inside]
posted by aabbbiee on Jul 27, 2015 - 28 answers

Congratulations! Your INFANT evolved into TODDLER!

I've read several baby books that provide a comprehensive overview of the first year of an infant's life: development, basic care, etc. Can you recommend a book that covers the toddler years in a similar way? [more inside]
posted by Metroid Baby on Jun 10, 2015 - 10 answers

I call the big one Bitey

Baby Stardust is a curious, energetic little boy, but you wouldn't like him when he's angry. He's on the verge of getting kicked out of daycare. How can we help him stop biting and pushing? [more inside]
posted by Kitty Stardust on Jan 20, 2015 - 15 answers

How can I secure a glass table top in a house with a toddler?

I have a dining room/kitchen glass table, with a round tabletop that sits on top of a metal base without any attachment point. It's sort of similar to this item. My daughter is 1 year old and just starting to become mobile. I'm concerned she might push or pull on the tabletop and cause it to fall, injuring her. I've been stumped on how to find a way to secure it. The best I've found are some round discs to attach somewhere, but I'm suspicious that they will really work. Has anyone successfully babyproofed such a table?
posted by scottso17 on Jan 3, 2015 - 21 answers

Stop hurting your sister!

11 month old "Grabby" touches 3,5 year old "Argh"'s toys, Argh reacts by pushing or dragging Grabby away. Inevitably, Grabby ends up hurt. Mom yells, banishes Argh to room. Everyone feels bad. Cycle repeats. Oviously, Mom is Doing It Wrong. What now? [more inside]
posted by Omnomnom on Oct 21, 2014 - 34 answers

No, I've been nervous lots of times.

In a month I will be flying transatlantic solo with a baby on my lap. I can't decide which is better: a window seat or an aisle seat? [more inside]
posted by lollymccatburglar on Jul 3, 2014 - 22 answers

The singleton is coming! Tips for infant+toddler

Baby #2 is coming at the beginning of August, and #1 will be almost 17 months. We're very excited, and wanted them close together, but I can't quite wrap my head around how it will actually work. So great hive what are your tips, tricks and experiences handling two under two, or two very close together? [more inside]
posted by pennypiper on Jun 19, 2014 - 10 answers

The twins are coming!

My wife is pregnant with twins who are due in November. We currently have a boy who will be two at the end of July. We know nothing about managing new babies with a toddler, especially twins. How did you manage your (breastfed) twins, particularly if you had a toddler in the house. What did you learn that you wish you had known at the outset, even just in relation to a new baby and a toddler? What worked best for you for developing schedules and splitting duties? Do you have any recommendations for twin specific how-to books?
posted by OmieWise on Jun 17, 2014 - 10 answers

BDSM (Baby-Directed Scrubbing and Mopping)

My precious little moppet is turning my house into a pigsty, and I'm getting very frustrated with playing maid. Can I contain the mess a little? [more inside]
posted by Kitty Stardust on Jun 15, 2014 - 25 answers

How to teach an old baby new tricks

Our 11 month old kid loves to be helpful and tries to copy whatever we do. Unfortunately, he's about a year or two or three away from having the physical ability to do so. So what simple things can we teach him that would be sort of helpful in doing everyday things, or at least wouldn't break stuff or actively hinder us? [more inside]
posted by gakiko on Mar 13, 2014 - 22 answers

Parent-facing Strollers For Toddlers

My one year old (tomorrow!) hates sitting in her stroller, but loves shopping carts. I think this is because she gets to face me in a shopping cart and we "chat" as we go about our business. I'd like to find a stroller that has this same seating position, but most of what I've found that is parent-facing is either for small infants or quite expensive. While I'm not adverse to buying a moderately expensive stroller, something like the Stokke Xplory (which is pretty ideal!) is a little pricey for my taste at near $1,000. She's too big for a travel system. Help!
posted by danielle the bee on Feb 20, 2014 - 15 answers

Can I get my 11 month old to sleep through the night?

Very sleep deprived mom here at my wit's end, hoping you can help with strategy. Tried many different things without success. Baby wakes up 3-7 times a night to nurse back to sleep, has never slept through the night. Should we night wean? Sleep train? How to do this without too much pain and stress on either of us. Scared to sleep train, but really really really tired. [more inside]
posted by valmonster on Dec 1, 2013 - 23 answers

14 month old waking crying at night for extended periods

My 14 month old baby has crying thrashing wakeful periods during the night on a semi-regular basis (roughly speaking, perhaps once every fortnight). He wakes up crying and can’t be consoled – arches his body and pushes away from me while in my arms (but cries harder if put down in his cot). [more inside]
posted by fever-trees on Sep 23, 2013 - 24 answers

Looking for some kind of California/Nevada resort that has baby care

So I'm dating this single mom with a 6 month old. It's been going well but all our dates end with her rushing to take care of her baby - as a mom should. But she clearly needs a rest and I'm trying to figure out if I can take her on a vacation anywhere. Is there somewhere in the Northern California/Nevada area that is some kind of resort with stuff to do AND offers babysitting for a six month old as part of the package? Is there a name for resorts or vacations or recreation options like this? As a single guy with no kids I have no idea what the options are here. So please...educate me.
posted by rileyray3000 on Jul 16, 2013 - 13 answers

Don't you DARE ask me if he's teething

My 14 month old son cries and screams every waking moment he's with me. This has gone on for months, and it's killing me. Please help me understand what's going on and how I can make it stop. [more inside]
posted by arcticwoman on Jun 7, 2013 - 49 answers

Questions on adopting a dog, with consideration for desert and a baby

My wife and I have talked of adopting a dog for a while. Following the untimely passing of one of our cats, this is more feasible, and could help console us. But we have questions for adopting a dog in our desert climate, and on dogs coming into a family with a baby, and a cat. And we're concerned about being good owners, as our time at home is limited during the week. Also, we're discussing what a good age range for an adoptable dog would be. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief on May 3, 2013 - 33 answers

Parents of MeFi, share your day to day!

My daughter is home from the hospital (yay!). Now what? I'm looking to hear from stay at home parents of infants up to toddlerhood. Can you give me an idea of your daily routine at various ages and how you developed it?
posted by peanut_mcgillicuty on Feb 3, 2013 - 14 answers

Should we take our toddler to Kenya, if not, where?

I have a great opportunity to go to Kenya in June, the question is, does my partner and daughter (20 months by then) come with, or do I meet them somewhere on the way back to Australia? [more inside]
posted by smoke on Feb 2, 2013 - 21 answers

Tips/studies/articles to help put myself in my 1 year old's shoes?

Tips/studies/articles to help put myself in my 1 year old's shoes? [more inside]
posted by tzb on Dec 14, 2012 - 10 answers

So many adorable tiny humans!

What should I knit or crochet as gifts for friends and family who are having babies? [more inside]
posted by snowysoul on Dec 12, 2012 - 31 answers

Are all the other dads wearing cups?

I feel like I’m getting hit in the gentlemen’s region by my baby/toddler more often than is probably normal. Also a lot harder than I would have expected. I have some questions… [more inside]
posted by French Fry on Nov 29, 2012 - 16 answers

Stretched too thin...help!

Overwhelmed with parenthood/work/life...how am I supposed to manage everything? Am I being selfish? [more inside]
posted by andariel on Sep 8, 2012 - 26 answers

Baby on a bus situation

So it looks like I might need to start taking the baby on the bus to her daycare, which is downtown. I say baby… she's pretty much a toddler now, being just under one and a half, and pretty squirmy with it to. My preferred travel option with her when on foot is to put her in a backpack, which she loves and which chills her right out, but we also have a stroller. So… what is the best way to carry her on the bus? I've considered just standing with her in the backpack the whole way, but it seems like there might be a safety concern. There's taking the backpack off and keeping her in it, which seems like it might have similar concerns. Taking her right out of the backpack and putting her in my lap seems like it might be the most safety conscious option, but that assumes a seat and that she will stay put - that later condition being highly unlikely. And then it may be the same deal with the stroller. Thoughts?
posted by Artw on Aug 31, 2012 - 32 answers

A Chariot at my back?

Help us figure out which bike trailer to buy. [more inside]
posted by ambrosia on Dec 19, 2011 - 9 answers

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