14 posts tagged with baby and labor.
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Where can I read about how hospitals' labor & delivery teams work?
After a recent experience, I'm interested in reading about how labor and delivery teams work. Everything I've found online is very general and meant to describe the team in broad strokes to expectant parents--I'd like to know more about who is responsible for what and how they handle contingencies and emergencies. [more inside]
Childbirth. What's up with that?
Next in the string of Major Life Events: getting this kid out of me. I feel like most of the resources out there (including the classes I was looking to for advice) are pitched toward people who have already decided whether or not to have a natural, unmedicated childbirth, especially here in granola-land. I don't know; I want the baby out and safe, but I don't care about being SuperMom; I am pretty sure there's no reason to be in pain if I don't have to be. I just want to be able to get through it and be with my husband and baby. Thoughts, experiences, advice? [more inside]
How can I get my husband to the hospital for our baby's delivery?
My husband's boss just told him that he won't be able to take time off for the delivery of our baby. What should we do? [more inside]
What do you wish you'd brought to the hospital when labor started?
My wife and I have our hospital bags packed, ready to take with us when we're heading to the hospital to have the baby. We've got the various odds and ends like a change of clothes, toiletries, chapstick, devices & chargers, camera, etc. If you've done this before, what do you wish you'd brought (or what did you make sure you brought the second time)?
It sounds like my sister's twins aren't going to make it. Now what?
Family drama: what should we be doing? This was me. Last night, my pregnant-with-twins sister went to the ER with bleeding and what felt like early contractions. [more inside]
24 weeks pregnant facing bedrest!
24 weeks pregnant, facing bedrest and woefully underprepared for the birth of this surprise baby. FMLA, bedrest and c-section questions inside. [more inside]
C'mon, baby! Don't say maybe!
This is not my first baby. I am close to one week past my due date. No signs of labor. First, tell me how to survive because my first baby was here by now and I just cannot do this much longer. Second, why haven't I gone into labor yet and what if I don't? [more inside]
What are some great snacks/foods for childbirth and labor?
What are some great snacks for labor? The baby is due in a couple of weeks, and we're getting ready for the (natural) birth. [more inside]
C-Section Recovery
Tell me about your recovery after a cesarean section. [more inside]
What's going to make it easier to pop this baby out?
What should I know / do / bring to help me make it through the pain and exhaustion of giving birth? [more inside]
Music to give birth to
My wife and I are expecting our first baby any day now, she wants me to make some cd's for her to listen to during labor, she likes [more inside]
How can we keep anxiety down with uninvited vistors to the hospital?
New baby + uninvited family visitors = drama. More hormone-charged details inside. [more inside]
Oh Baby!
My neighbor/good friend just went into labor! I have the keys to her house. Give me some ideas of what I can do to rock out her house while she is gone! [more inside]
Get the baby out, now!
Anyone have any thoughts (experiences) on natural ways to persuade an overdue baby to make it's appearance? (and yes I know that one...!)