72 posts tagged with backpacking and camping.
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Bay Area Backpacking with Kids
Hi! One of our kids is interested in "backpacking" and so we are trying to find a Bay Area option. In my dreams, this would be a loop that we could do over two nights and three days, with about 2-3 miles to walk each day between the trailhead and the campsites, though I'm not even sure if that's the right distance, having never tried this with kids. But we're open to other options! [more inside]
CPAP battery for backpacking
Need to figure out how many hours I'll get on each battery based on my machine/pressure. [more inside]
Free Backpacking in Wyoming/Montana/Anywhere Else
So, after spending my money on a major surgery I need to save up money for a deposit on an apartment, and my family situation has fallen through. Instead of looking at it as being homeless for the summer I am trying to reframe this as a fun adventure, and a way to get away from people and recharge my batteries. But...I need some advice about details. [more inside]
Looking for a Personal Locator Beacon
I want to buy a personal locator beacon for outdoor adventures in remote areas. Something waterproof with excellent battery life. If it could send out a GPS signal to track my location remotely that would be great too--doesn't have to be continuous (actually, I would prefer it not be). That said, I am unsure as to what I really need. I'm not a crazy serious outdoor person (though I would like to be), I just want to be safe. Could you offer advice and/or recommendations? [more inside]
Overwhelmed by camping
I would like to do more hiking/backpacking/camping, but I don't understand where to do this or how. What is a good guidebook or website so I don't spend weeks researching with no camping a the end? [more inside]
Indispensable gear for mountain camping and backpacking
I'm going on a week-long camping trip in the mountains in a couple of months. It has been a very long time since I've been camping and I don't know anything about the latest cool stuff. Do you have absolutely indispensable camping/backpacking gear recommendations? Examples: underlayers you really love, the perfect stove or mattress pad, an emergency beacon . . . What sort of things are you always glad to have or wish you had? What about homemade gear? Also, I'm a cis-woman, in case there's neat gear specific to that whole situation. [more inside]
Where should I go camping outside of LA?
I live in Los Angeles and my birthday is next weekend and I just want to go be alone in the wilderness for a night and two days, with minimal interaction and noise from other people. Where should I go? [more inside]
What car do I want for forest service roads and around-town?
I bike commute daily, but would like to own a car again for short trips around town a few days a week, that I can also feel pretty good about taking up middling-to-poor forest service roads throughout a lot of the year. I realize this is probably conflicting usage, as anything with good city mileage is probably not going to have the clearance/AWD for the service roads, but I'm pretty open to whatever options are out there.
Thanksgiving weekend in Mojave National Preserve (or JTree?)
Heading to the Southern California desert over Thanksgiving weekend for some desert decompression, and trying to decide where to go and what to do. [more inside]
How to build a small wood gasifier stove-slash-campfire? TLUD for short.
I'm going backcountry camping in an area that doesn't allow campfires but does allow for contained fires such as you would find in a wood stove. I know there are commercial products out there as well as DIY/instructable type guides for making stoves out of things from tuna cans to soup cans to paint cans to aluminum pots. I want to hear about your first hand experience and/or empirical data or construction notes regarding best practices related to building my own. [more inside]
Temperate overnighter - sleeping bag or no?
I'm planning a quick and dirty bikepacking overnighter for next weekend, and need help sorting out which sleep system to take with me. [more inside]
Adventures in the smoky Northwest
My partner and I have been excitedly awaiting this weekend for a weeklong-ish backpacking trip around the Three Sisters Loop in central Oregon...except that we're not so sure about it now due to the smoky air and possible hindered views. We'll take a last minute look tomorrow and decide whether we do the loop or not. We're looking for alternative suggestions for outdoor fun so we don't sit at home moping for a week! Details within... [more inside]
Getting to the Appalachian Trail from DC
We're hiking a 100-mile section of the Appalachian Trail. We're flying in and out of DC, but our section hike starts way out at Big Meadows in Shenandoah National Park. We're taking the Amtrak from Harper's Ferry to get back to DC, so our return trip is covered. How do we get to our starting point? From Google maps, it looks as though there are buses and trains all through the area. DC-area MeFites, what combo of public transit, ride-share services, and walking/hitching can get us to the trail head?
Sleeping mats for curvy side sleepers
Curvy campers - what do you sleep on? I'm looking at doing more camping, backpacking and bikepacking, and I'm to work out if a sleeping mat that accommodates curves is actually a thing. [more inside]
Short wilderness spring getaway near Seattle, WA?
My birthday is approaching, and I would like to take an overnight camping/backpacking trip to celebrate. I want relative seclusion, not-too-freezing weather, no super strenuous hikes. Car camping only if it's really worth it. Pretty much something akin to the Ozette, but closer. Does it exist?
Assume I have access to a car, and all the necessary backpacking supplies. Thanks in advance!
Help me plan the trip of a lifetime...at the last minute.
I'm moving to Santa Barbara, CA from Richmond, VA in two weeks. My amazing friend is taking a couple of weeks off work to drive out with me in my little VW Jetta. Help us plan an epic road/camping/hiking trip...at the last minute. More details inside. [more inside]
Keto to go -- what to bring?
I am taking a road trip with my daughter and a few of her friends to a crafting retreat for a long weekend. And I am on day seven of keto (low carbs, medium protein, high fat). The meals are provided, but I don't want to drop the ball for four days. Any suggestions for things I can bring to snack on while avoiding carbs and sugars? ** Little snowflakes, all in a row below. ** [more inside]
Backcountry permits for Zion National Park
For people who are familiar with obtaining wilderness permit for Zion: It's too late to reserve wilderness permit online for Zion. What are my chances of securing one once arriving at the park itself? [more inside]
Is there a decent hiking GPS app for the iPhone?
My dad and I are now in the planning/training phase of the Presidential Traverse that I asked about earlier this month. I'm hoping to bring my iPhone plus a recharging pack and make that my total electronics solution. However, the one hiking GPS app I've tried is unsatisfactory and the others cost more than I'm willing to spend just to try them out. Review and comparison sites are not helpful. Is there a hiking GPS app for the iPhone that will do what I need? [more inside]
Can my Dad and I do a Presidential Traverse in three nights?
My father and I have a growing tradition of doing a hike in the White Mountains each summer, and we try for the biggest trek we can find time for. We're both experienced, but our condition isn't great. We've hit upon the idea of doing a Presidential Traverse—a 23-mile hike that summits ten(ish) of the Whites' tallest peaks. We think we're up for it if we take it slow (three nights) and plan carefully. Difficulty: we want to camp in the backcountry each night. [more inside]
Day Hiking
I would like to leave the world behind for a week in early July. I would like to do this by doing some solo day hiking in a awesome locale. Ideally I fly from Austin with minimal connections, rent a car, get a cool place to stay, and do some 5-15 mile hikes each day for 3-5 days. Where should I go?
Couch to Backpacker program?
Is there a hiking equivalent of the Couch to 5K? [more inside]
Great Chefs Outside
I'm working on creating a 2 hour class that focuses on cooking and nutrition for wilderness guides. These folks are generally 23-33, and they mostly have some of the basics down. What are your greatest tips and hacks that make you a good cook? What are your best recipes that can be cooked over a one burner camp stove? What nutrition science is true and not just a fad? [more inside]
Make me a better camper by telling me your favorite backpacking hacks.
I'm looking to up my backpacking game. What tricks, strategies, and indispensable-but-overlooked items do you take with you into the backcountry? I'm looking for little things that cost little or nothing in terms of weight or money, but which make life easier in camp or on the trail. What are some of your most clever solutions? [more inside]
Light, easy, fun game?
What is the lightest-weight thing that can bring the most joy and laughter to 4-5 people? [more inside]
Going outside and staying outside
I have spent enough time indoors to last the rest of my life, I want to start sleeping outside more. I'm looking for places to wilderness camp near Chicago and I'm having trouble finding any. I've gone camping at a few drive-in type sites and that's not really what I'm looking for. I don't want to be around people watching TV in their RV. I want to be shitting in the woods. I have a hammock and a stove, where should I go within a days drive of Chicago that is actually wild?
Help Me Find Good Backpacking Backpacks
The two of us are interested in getting into backpacking, and are each looking to purchase a nice backpack. Help us find a good one! [more inside]
Where to do a 2-4 night solo backpacking trip the first week of March?
Requirements: 3-4 hours drive from a major airport (I have Southwest frequent flier miles)
Not very cold (sleeping bag is rated 30 deg F) [more inside]
Back-Country Camping in the Pacific Northwest
I'm looking for recommendations on where to do some back-country/wilderness camping in the Seattle/Portland area from around Aug. 31 through Sept. 3. Details inside. [more inside]
Where in New England can I take my dad camping to see the Perseids?
When I was very young, my dad took me camping to see the Perseid meteors; it was one of the defining experiences of my life. Now I am grown and he is nearly old, and I would like to turn it around. Help me find a suitable mountaintop in New England to go camping with my dad; somewhere where we won't have to see anyone else. Details within. [more inside]
Looking for a 2-day backpacking hike near Washington, DC
I'm trying to plan a last-minute backpacking trip this weekend. I'm looking for suggestions for a good 2-day (~12-16 mile) circuit hike that's within a 2 hour drive of Washington, DC. [more inside]
Best backpacking guide... book, website, whatever!
I'm looking to start backpacking/rough camping this year, and I've had a hard time picking a guide. Can you recommend a book (preferred) or a website for this sort of thing? I've done some not-so-rough campground camping before, but it was alway drive-in camping. We'd love to start off with over nighters and work our way up from there. We don't know what type of pack/tent/gear to get at all. Bonus: guides for the tri-state (Philadelphia-New Jersey-Delaware) area camping/packing would be nice, too. Thanks!
One outfit to rule them all
I will be trekking/travelling/volunteering in South America for 6-8 months early next year. I am looking for what to wear and bring. Ideally, comfortable, water resistant, fashionable, lightweight things. [more inside]
Help me find a women's backpacking backpack!
Living in Minnesota for the past few years, I've finally taken an interest in camping. It's been real fun and I'd like to progress from car camping to backpacking. There are a lot of recommendations online for men's backpacks but not so much for women. [more inside]
Backpack camping gear recommendations
My husband and I love to hike, and this summer we hope to go on some longer hiking trips that will require camping for one or two nights. What gear should we buy to make our trips enjoyable and safe? [more inside]
Joining a friend for a week on the AT, what do I need to bring? Tips?
A close friend has decided to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail starting in about 10 days at Springer Mountain in Georgia. It just so happens that I have a week off with nothing to do, and he asked if I wanted to start out with him, and I said yes. Help me make sure I'm not forgetting anything (and/or shed inessentials). Any tips/tricks would also be appreciated for this AT newb! [more inside]
Wow really roughing it there, tough guys
Weekend backpacking trip near Philly? [more inside]
Bike and camping supplies in Las Veags?
I'm planning a trip do Death Valley in january and I'll be landing in Las Vegas where I'll spend the first day or two preparing, and I wonder if anyone has some recommendations for places where I can get the supplies I need. [more inside]
Tips for a backpacking trip to death valley?
First time backcountry camping in the desert. I'll be biking and hiking. Any tips from people who've gone on similar trips? [more inside]
Backpacking in Peru, but where (how?) to get a backpack?
Backpacking in Peru, but where (how?) to get a backpack? [more inside]
I'll just toss this hammock up between those two coconut trees on the North Shore
Backpacking Hammock filter: I currently use a MSR Hubba for backpacking but am intrigued by the idea of hammocks and would like to go with a hammock for my next few trips; it could possibly replace my tent for all non-desert camping. There's a ton of choices to go with, so help me if you can please. [more inside]
Drank puddle water. Now how do we prevent an assplosion?
Drank a liter of unfiltered, chemically treated puddle water. What's the best course of action to avoid gastrointestinal Armageddon? [more inside]
How do I go backpacking in the backcountry?
What are the logistics involved in back-country camping / backpacking (CA specific)? [more inside]
Any experience with guided backpacking trips?
Backcountry camping question: Anyone have experience with commerical guided backpacking trips in the U.S., or have any suggestions for increasing backpacking skills and confidence when you don't know any experienced backpackers? [more inside]
Gourmet Backpacker
I'm going on a 7-day backpacking trip in about a month with three friends and I need your best lightweight meal recipies. [more inside]
I need a good backpack
I'm looking to get back into backpacking in a serious way, and right now I'm working on getting my gear together. I have reached the point where I want/need advice on a good backpack and have whittled the field down to three choices. So I need to choose wisely. [more inside]
Suggestions for Backpacking in the Cache Creek Wilderness Area in Northern California?
Suggestions for a weekend backpacking trip to the Cache Creek Wilderness Area in Northern California? [more inside]
Help us identify our campsite intruder!
Help us identify our campsite intruder! Possibly a bobcat or Florida panther? [more inside]
No GORP for me.
Can you suggest unprocessed or minimally processed foods for hiking day trips (approx. 12 hours) and three-day backpacking trips? The catch: no refined carbohydrates. [more inside]
Backpacking in the Sierra Nevada's in Early April?
Can I go backpacking in the Sierra Nevada's in early April? [more inside]
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