9 posts tagged with appalachiantrail.
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Getting to the Appalachian Trail from DC
We're hiking a 100-mile section of the Appalachian Trail. We're flying in and out of DC, but our section hike starts way out at Big Meadows in Shenandoah National Park. We're taking the Amtrak from Harper's Ferry to get back to DC, so our return trip is covered. How do we get to our starting point? From Google maps, it looks as though there are buses and trains all through the area. DC-area MeFites, what combo of public transit, ride-share services, and walking/hitching can get us to the trail head?
Help me help my mom hike the AT
Hiking a tiny part of the Appalachian Trail is on my mom's bucket list. I want to make it happen for her when she visits Georgia this October.
Is there a place in GA or just over the border into NC where we can:
1. park fairly easily near the Appalachian Trail?
2. hike a portion of trail (like a mile in and back) that is somewhat level, or at least not steep?
3. Anything else I need to know? I'm a casual day-hiker only. [more inside]
What kind of rock is this?
I have seen photos of this type of rock on several Appalachian Trail blogs and galleries over the years. Two instances were in the Bland County, Virginia section.
Joining a friend for a week on the AT, what do I need to bring? Tips?
A close friend has decided to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail starting in about 10 days at Springer Mountain in Georgia. It just so happens that I have a week off with nothing to do, and he asked if I wanted to start out with him, and I said yes. Help me make sure I'm not forgetting anything (and/or shed inessentials). Any tips/tricks would also be appreciated for this AT newb! [more inside]
Point A to Point B, not Point A to Point A again!
Hiking the Maine/NH Appalachian Trail for 5 days: need help with logistics [more inside]
Planning a 100 Mile Hike
We want to do a 100 mile backpack trip over a week next spring. What do we need to know? [more inside]
How bad can an insect bite be?
I was thinking of hiking in New England for three weeks this May. Was that is, until everyone started pitching in with scare stories of blackflies and other insects. Am I going to die? [more inside]
Novice Backpacking in Maine in September
Backpacking in Maine In September: What do I absolutely have to bring? And what should I expect? [more inside]
When(ish) do Appalachian Trail walkers pass through New Jersey?
When(ish) do Appalachian Trail walkers pass through New Jersey? [more inside]