9 posts tagged with newyork by shothotbot.
Displaying 1 through 9 of 9.
Who will fix my readynas?
I have a Readynas which will not boot. I have gone through support and am ready to give up. Assuming the problem is fixable, is there anyone in New York who you would trust with recovering your music / photo collection?
I got a date with the night
Where can I get awesome dates? (The kind you eat, not the kind you go on). NYC or online. [more inside]
Fortunatly, it wasn't a tramp stamp
Where can I get some stamps mounted in NYC? [more inside]
Holy Sweater Batman!
I have a penny sized hole in cashmere sweater! Can you take the hole out for me? [more inside]
Help her tell her story
What is a good screenwriting class in NYC? [more inside]
No! I wanted a sharp card, not a card sharp
I am looking for a super-cool card store in NYC. [more inside]
Don't make me lie to a kid fer cryin out loud
Are there any arcades in NYC? [more inside]
I want some fabric that looks like it came from El Greco painting
How do I find fabric that looks like it came from an El Greco painting? [more inside]
Yoga near Columbia Country, New York
Good yoga studio in Columbia County, New York [more inside]