22 posts tagged with news and tv.
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Daily international news show a la The World in video form?

Looking for a daily international-focused world news and features program in video format, ideally accessible with a Roku or on Youtube. Thoughtful reporting, longer segments and a generally neutral tone. In short, something like public radio's The World, but on TV. Any suggestions?
posted by iamisaid on Jul 15, 2021 - 3 answers

Live TV news headsets

When a journalist or anchor is speaking to camera, what do they hear in their headset? Are there a lot of prompts? Or do they only hear corrections for when they make a mistake?
posted by East Manitoba Regional Junior Kabaddi Champion '94 on Feb 19, 2021 - 7 answers

Exposing mafeasence through the media

What is the overall success of people who have gone to "On Your Side" or consumer "Troubleshooter" type investigative news units within TV stations? Do those with situations the station considers legitimate enough to broadcast get resolution? [more inside]
posted by CollectiveMind on Nov 14, 2018 - 1 answer

Thai TV in the USA?

My grandma is visiting us for a month and change, and has repeatedly expressed a desire to watch Thai TV, especially news. I'd appreciate the hive mind's input on how I can make this happen. [more inside]
posted by Alensin on Apr 19, 2018 - 6 answers

What was that 1980s TV movie/show with an alien news show?

In the late 1980s, I remember seeing something on television that featured some kids picking up a signal/broadcast from outer space. The broadcast contained an alien news show. It was a standard type of news show with male and female aliens at a news desk with an inset in the top corner. The aliens were sort of heavy-set, not your generic, skinny bug-eyed aliens. I don't think it was intended to be scary but it kind of freaked me out as a 7-year old and it has stuck with me to this day. [more inside]
posted by lbo on Aug 17, 2015 - 5 answers

Cultural Literacy 101

For a friend: Say someone wants to develop a working sense of modern-day cultural literacy in the United States. This person has very limited knowledge of current events, and has limited himself to only a very narrow scope of popular entertainment. He now wishes to be able to converse about these topics with reasonably savvy adults (such as in dating scenarios and social gatherings). Can you provide sources of information for the following? [more inside]
posted by justonegirl on Apr 13, 2014 - 26 answers

Current events satire shows in English.

If we presume a person enjoys getting their news from Stewart/Colbert for the US, Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe for the UK, and Micallef's Mad as Hell for Australia, what shows would this person enjoy from other English speaking countries?
posted by pompomtom on Mar 3, 2013 - 8 answers

15 Minutes of Fame

I am looking for information on how people feel, like and want (or not) to be interviewed by TV, radio or newspaper reporters. [more inside]
posted by CollectiveMind on Jul 29, 2012 - 3 answers

Where do people go for B-roll?

I'm thinking of shooting and uploading some b-roll for sale to others who might need it, with locations and keywords and all. Is there a marketplace for this? [more inside]
posted by bryanjbusch on Jun 18, 2009 - 4 answers

Why do different news media have similar stories?

How do different news media (radio vs. television) end up doing the same news stories? [more inside]
posted by Hanuman1960 on May 6, 2009 - 10 answers

Eisenhower Vs. Kennedy Cage Match

Presidential trivia fight : Eisenhower or Kennedy? [more inside]
posted by HopperFan on Apr 3, 2009 - 9 answers

Where be the free tv?

Looking for live, streaming tv news to play in the background on my work computer. [more inside]
posted by jourman2 on Dec 9, 2008 - 5 answers

What's up with the funky syntax used by television reporters?

Extra! Extra! The verb "to be" missing from TV newscasts! Anchors and TV reporters omitting "to be," often favor using participles instead. Why? [more inside]
posted by HotPatatta on Oct 12, 2008 - 16 answers

Resources for Aspiring Online News Producer?

Resources for learning more about being the "web producer" (aka online content manager, etc) for a small-market TV news outlet? [more inside]
posted by davidmsc on Aug 12, 2008 - 5 answers

Does Katie Couric get to pick which news item opens the broadcast?

What kind of influence do US network anchors have on the news selection and editing process? [more inside]
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane on Aug 1, 2008 - 7 answers

The End of the News Media?

Newspapers and media: the sky is falling, the bowl is being circled. What can we do about it? Your best suggestions please. [more inside]
posted by Gagglehack on Mar 28, 2008 - 19 answers

What tv news shows skillfully cover the news of the day, and offer a bit of analysis, in 30 minutes?

I love that ESPN's Pardon the Interruption takes only 30 minutes each day to not only cover the biggest sports events of the day, but to also provide some analysis and decent interviews with people in the news. Bonus points, at least for me, on the show's humor and personality. I'd love to find another show that does the same thing with national and world news. Looking for something 30 minutes long (or less, if the front end of some larger thing works), that's smart and quickly paced - NPR's top of the hour update fleshed out a bit and filtered through that PTI sensibility. [more inside]
posted by boombot on Mar 11, 2008 - 8 answers

Who decides what the news is?

Who decides what's news? [more inside]
posted by ibmcginty on Sep 20, 2007 - 14 answers

Computer-based media clipping service?

How easy would it be to set up some PCs to record the local news on several channels for purposes of offering a media clipping service? [more inside]
posted by pzarquon on Oct 7, 2006 - 9 answers

Local TV News corrections

I see corrections in newspapers all the time. And now come to think about it Ive NEVER seen my local TV news do a correction. Nobody is perfect. So how do they deal with mea culpas? [more inside]
posted by freeflytim on May 16, 2006 - 17 answers

TV Stations and White SUVs

Why do TV stations (or any other news organization) have a fleet of white SUVs? [more inside]
posted by BradNelson on May 10, 2005 - 7 answers

How many TV networks is the US funding in Iraq?

PropogandaWarFilter: How many TV networks is the US funding in Iraq?
Al Iraquia (that doesn't have a site) and Al Hurra and..?
posted by ruelle on Feb 10, 2005 - 2 answers

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