33 posts tagged with math and teaching.
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Modern math theory for little kids
My kid is 6 and really enjoys math. Her teachers have already given her a solid understanding of basic multiplication, division and algebra. But we haven't done much at home, and I'm wondering how to support her interest. I'd like to educate myself a bit first. Could you recommend things I can read/watch to better understand doing math with kids? My own skills are solid (technical career) but I don't know much about teaching! [more inside]
Collection of math problems requiring exploration but no trig/calc?
I'm a test prep instructor; one of the challenges I face is getting students to spend more than 2 minutes engaging with problems. I'm always on the lookout for problems that will require my students to invest thought/energy/deliberation, but at the same time will NOT require higher math (my students by and large need neither calc nor trig, save for a basic understanding of SOHCAHTOA; they DO need algebra/geometry knowledge). Where can I find a collection of such problems to give as "extra credit?" Books, websites, anything would be helpful. Example problem inside. [more inside]
Ever heard an explanation of a number that gave you an 'aha!' moment?
I'm looking for examples from any subject that have made a stat/figure/number come alive. Eg: If the entire history of the earth was compressed into one year, humans would only appear in the final 24 minutes. [more inside]
Where's the teachable moment in this math problem?
I am a long-term substitute teacher filling in for someone on maternity leave in a precalculus classroom. Last week I gave the first test of the marking period, which included a question on finding the intersections of a line with a circle. One of the students had an interesting alternate answer. [more inside]
What school to get Math MS - impact on getting CC teaching job?
I have an undergraduate degree in math and want to get a masters so I can teach community college. I’m choosing between three Tier 2 universities in Arizona - ASU, UA, NAU - that all come w teaching assistantships. The programs are virtually indistinguishable except one (NAU) offers a 2nd non-thesis track with coursework emphasizing Teaching Community College Mathematics. How much, if at all, will my choice influence community college hiring decisions?
Job for an easily distracted mathy person
I've recently decided to leave my PhD program in Educational Statistics, and so I'm out on the job market after many (MANY) years of being a Student Forever. I'm feeling a little lost about what kinds of work to even start looking for, and I'm hoping the hive mind might have some interesting ideas to jump-start the process. [more inside]
Books/review of high school math for former math major, current tutor
I need book recommendations two categories:
1) for myself for review (that are somewhere between high school text books and Spark notes)
2) just straight up textbooks for high school math (algebra i, geometry, algebra ii, trigonometry, pre-calculus) [more inside]
Netherlands Master's in education vs teaching experience in Asia, which?
I have a B.Sc in computer science and have one year of experience English using my CELTA qualification. Looking around, I see a lot of requests for people with North American B.Sc's to teach Math/Physics/CS in Asia. I'm trying to decide whether to go and start teaching, or whether it is better to get a state teaching qualification (2yr) in the Netherlands first... [more inside]
Seeking advice about teaching maths
I'm interested in teaching high school students mathematics through a tutoring agency. I have the required experience in mathematics, but very little in teaching. This doesn't seem to be a massive problem for many tutoring agencies, but I want to know: do you have any specific tips/advice about teaching mathematics? And more broadly, any advice about applying for and going to work for a tutoring agency? [more inside]
Teaching in France ??
Hi, my last questions have been about learning French, then skiing in France (thank you for all those answers to those questions)...and now I'm thinking "what about working in France"? [more inside]
I would rather throw a tantrum than learn math (10 year old edition)
I tutor a boy who is moving from 4th-5th grade. He's at grade level in most subjects, above grade level in reading, but getting an Elvis Presley head in math. Can you help me find ways to help him be less intimidated by math, allowing us more time to learn and practice before his eventual mental shutdown each session? [more inside]
How do I learn to be an effective tutor?
If I know the material that I'm teaching well, but don't have any experience with tutoring or teaching, how do I learn the skills and techniques that will help me be an effective tutor? [more inside]
Building website for math students, first-time programmer, need some guidance.
Building website for math students, first-time programmer, need guidance. [more inside]
Looking for a new or different High School math test generator, and Apple programs or apps for use in the classroom
I'm looking for software for a high school math teacher: first, a better/newer test generator, and second, in-classroom programs, bonus points for apps for an Apple laptop and/or an iPod touch. Details inside. [more inside]
How does science education work?
What's important for me to know about being a science teacher, since I've only taught math but will now be training teachers of both contents? [more inside]
"Why am I supposed to divide here?"
I need books that are good at explaining how to explain things to children. [more inside]
List places to teach/instruct/adjunct undergrad Math in Seattle?
List places to teach/instruct/adjunct undergrad Math in Seattle? [more inside]
Some good books to re-learn math?
I'm teaching myself to code (Python, mainly), and it's going well, except I keep on running into one big problem: I haven't done any math since high school (6 years ago). I used to be top of my class, and now I can't do simple word problems anymore. This gets tough because they inevitably pop up in the books I'm using, and then I stop dead in my tracks. Could anyone recommend a couple of books or web resources to help me get back up to speed? I never took Calculus, so a good Calculus book would help, too. [more inside]
Helping my daughter love math this summer
My ten-year-old daughter is entering the gifted and talented program and she is a little anxious about her math skills. [more inside]
Math and Crime
I've been asked to teach a week at a summer university. Help me to design the most awesome computer science/discrete math course ever. [more inside]
I am 85% certain I want to be a teacher
I've been seriously considering becoming a high school math teacher. I have some experience teaching in a classroom, and lots of experience tutoring. What I'd like to know now - before I jump into an alternative degree program - is what it's actually like being a teacher day in and day out. If I'm not going to be able to hack it, I'd rather know now. [more inside]
How do I fairly assign partial credit?
How do I assign partial credit consistently? [more inside]
Do math and science instructors lecture more than instructors in other fields?
Do math and science instructors lecture more than instructors in other fields? [more inside]
How difficult is it to get a job as a math professor?
How difficult is it to get a job as a math professor? [more inside]
Is there a simple computer program I can use to graph functions?
Is there an easy-to-use computer program (other than TI Interactive) I can use to draw graphs of functions when I'm writing my Algebra 2 tests? [more inside]
Can I get a math teaching job in Denver?
I have a career, but want to change over and teach high school math here in Denver. I'd have to get hired first to get into the alternative teacher certification program. Will it be impossible to get a math teaching job?
Help a first-time tutor get started!
FirstTimeTutorFilter: I'm plan to start tutoring Math, Chemistry, Physics and possibly ESL in January. Only problem is, I have *no idea what I'm doing*. Anyone have any textbooks, general teaching books, online certification courses, etc to recommend? [more inside]
Tips for university teaching
Teaching a university course for the first time: any tips or suggestions?
[more inside]
Puppets no can read good?
I need help writing a puppet show to teach the importance of literacy to kids k-5. [more inside]
Teaching Math Facts at 15
My sweet son has many disabilities--type 1 diabetes, ADHD, depression. At 15, he just confessed with great pain that he doesn't know his multiplication tables very well. Explains a lot.
Any really wonderful suggestions that don't infantilize and humiliate him. Ones that work? Any personal success stories and moral support will make me heart you.
Designing Math Figures and Shapes with M$ Products
Help me, please, with creating shapes, symbols and figures for teaching math class. [more inside]
Help Me Teach Programming
Help me teach people how to program: I need simple examples of functions, classes, etc. [more inside]
I need education tips: If you struggled with math, what helped you get through the abstract and repetitive parts?