29 posts tagged with math and school.
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Indie scientific calculators

I need to buy a new scientific calculator (a physical one, not a phone app). I stumbled upon Numworks, which seems great. I now wonder if there are other interesting innovative calculators from smaller companies that I have never heard of. [more inside]
posted by blub on Aug 16, 2018 - 4 answers

GRE Math-Tastrophe with a fine dusting of snowflake

I have a significant, documented math learning disability. I took the GRE in 2010 after extensive study with a tutor and time and a half as well as full use of a calculator. The result: A perfect score on the verbal and writing. 5th percentile on quant. It was kind of devastating. For * reasons* it looks like I need to take the new GRE again in about two weeks. I will not have any accommodations available to me. It seems like the revisions to the test have made it much more difficult on the math side. I need help weighing my options...more below. More below... [more inside]
posted by jeszac on Jun 6, 2017 - 11 answers

What homeschool program worked best for you and your child?

We are investigating homeschool programs for our 13 year old. We want some help as far as workbooks or textbooks and I definitely need help in quizzes and tests (with the answers). But at the same time, we don't want an online program where the online teacher is giving us deadlines and we also do not want them grading our child, even if it is for 30 percent of the grade. [more inside]
posted by lynnie-the-pooh on Apr 17, 2017 - 15 answers

Career question: museum and math edition

I'm about to graduate with a master's in museum studies. I'm doing a master's project on lesson plans highlighting the math within art pieces at a specific museum. My undergraduate background is not math, but I've become interested in learning more math. [more inside]
posted by azalea_chant on Apr 2, 2017 - 4 answers

Blue's Clueless

In light of this post, are there any programs or initiatives to offer an open, online, mainstream K-12 curriculum available to all students and school districts? [more inside]
posted by Christ, what an asshole on Nov 7, 2014 - 4 answers

Essay question has too many permutations or am I overthinking this?

For my son’s high school history class, he has been assigned an in-class argument/opinion essay. The teacher ended most of the lecturing this week and has given them time to prepare thesis statements for the essays. Here is where it starts to get complicated (at least to my son and me): [more inside]
posted by bionic.junkie on Oct 8, 2014 - 23 answers

I need to be able to memorize several formulas for a test next week

I'm taking a numerical methods class and there are all these discretization schemes of partial differential equations named after pairs of dudes and they all are kinda the same, maybe a bit different in indexes.... I'm trying to organize it all in my head, like a frat house, with the dudes that worked on the same scheme being roommates, but it seems to be taking a long time to actually "find" a place for each scheme in their "rooms" and keeping it there in a sort of visual arrangement. Test is no books no notes, and everything kinda of just jumbles inside my head right now.
posted by spacefire on Dec 11, 2013 - 10 answers

Returning to grad school after 2 year hiatus

So I'm beginning a statistics PhD program this fall and I'm concerned that my math skills have gotten rusty since I haven't done anything related for the past two years. I've been working as an actuary since I graduated college but I don't do that much math--mostly a lot of programming. Has anybody been in a similar situation to me? How was the adjustment for you? I'm considering retaking advanced calculus and linear algebra during my first year (probably next summer before I take 2nd year advanced courses) just to refresh myself again. I'm aware some people may think this is kind of pathetic but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Besides, it's only my first year. Is this frowned upon? [more inside]
posted by molamola on Jun 17, 2013 - 15 answers

Masters in maths? Difficulty level: Have bachelors in graphic design

Dear Mefites, a long time ago I got a degree in graphic design but never worked in the industry. Along the way I somehow (don't remember how or why or when) became interested in math and I finished a graduate diploma in maths as a distance learning course in my free time. I am considering applying for masters programmes in maths or related subjects but ... can I? Should I? [more inside]
posted by Cat Set Go on Mar 31, 2013 - 10 answers

If an geeky child is traveling South at 839 MPH, and his nerdy dad is going North at...

My son, who is finishing up third grade, loves math and especially the basic Algebra he's been doing. He is actually sad to be leaving school for the summer because he's so into it. How can I keep this going for him over the summer? Fun books, board games, computer (on-line and OSX) games? [more inside]
posted by bondcliff on Jun 8, 2011 - 42 answers

I Need All the Help Ever: Calculus Edition

Help me arm myself for a future-determining showdown with calculus. [more inside]
posted by geneva uswazi on Feb 10, 2011 - 28 answers

How to ace every math class I ever take

I just failed my math class (a finance class). I'm smart at math but I don't handle organization well for math-related classes. How can I handle them classes better? [more inside]
posted by dubadubowbow on Dec 17, 2010 - 17 answers

the maths, get them in my head

I need to learn Calculus II over the summer. I won't be able to take summer courses. I need to be ready to take differential equations in the fall. Hope me! [more inside]
posted by spikeleemajortomdickandharryconnickjrmints on Apr 28, 2010 - 11 answers

Getting over math anxiety

I have deep and life-long math anxiety. I want to overcome it. Help? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jan 18, 2010 - 15 answers

Help me sample accurately!

Please provide me with an *effective*, and statistically sound, table/chart listing suggested sample size guidance for associated population size [more inside]
posted by thankyoumuchly on Jan 14, 2010 - 11 answers

How difficult is it to get a job as a math professor?

How difficult is it to get a job as a math professor? [more inside]
posted by itsamonkeytree on Jan 13, 2010 - 24 answers

Learn Math Via Programming?

I have always been horrible at math, but somehow a great programmer. I have found that writing a computer program that demonstrates a certain mathematical concept enables me to better understand the concept. I'm a psych major and I brought this up once in the research lab I've been working in. My prof said he recalls that someone did research and/or created a system in which a student writes a computer program that is pertinent to a certain mathematical concept and upon completion is given the regular math problem (as it would appear in a math class). This enables the student to better understand the math problem, solve, and learn math. Has anyone heard of this or anything similar? A learning system such as this would be a blessing to my education. Thanks.
posted by fightoplankton on Apr 13, 2009 - 15 answers

Why doesn't math make sense anymore?

I've got math anxiety but not the traditional kind. I'm graduating with a math degree but I feel very insecure pursuing higher math. How did something this beautiful turn into a bugbear? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Dec 4, 2008 - 20 answers

Looking for a good Calc I/II workbook.

Planning on teaching myself Calculus I and II in order to take the AP Calculus BC exam this May. If you've taught or taken either class, at a high school, university, or independently, read on. [more inside]
posted by Precision on Aug 16, 2008 - 28 answers

How can I help my (nearly) seven year old son "get" maths?

How can I help my 6 1/2 year old son to *get* maths? It hasn't clicked with him at all and I find myself getting frustrated with having to repeat really basic stuff when helping him with his homework. I'm not a maths genius myself and I really don't want to put him off by getting cranky because he's just not getting it. How do I help him get it? [more inside]
posted by h00py on Jul 30, 2008 - 34 answers

Summer classes on differential equations for an LA resident?

Looking for summer courses in differential equations, online or in the Los Angeles area. [more inside]
posted by fermion on Apr 16, 2008 - 3 answers

Where should I go to grad school?

Help me choose between grad schools: I am accepted (with fellowships) to the math depts at both UC Davis and Penn State. Where do I go? [more inside]
posted by milqman on Apr 15, 2008 - 8 answers

Math is cool, right?

[Math filter] What fascinatingly cool mathematical topics do you wish you knew about in high school? [more inside]
posted by tomcochrane on Mar 27, 2008 - 101 answers

Long time listener, first time caller

I'm failing Trig. What would be a good makeup assignment to suggest to my teacher? Do college teachers even do that kind of thing? [more inside]
posted by malapropist on Nov 14, 2007 - 21 answers

#2 pencil - 20 years = x qty remedial math classes

Bonehead Math Filter: What sort of math is on the NJ College Basic Skills Placement Test [more inside]
posted by dancinglamb on Oct 23, 2007 - 8 answers

Me need mor math and chemistry

Does anyone know of any one-year science-ish programs for those who have a bachelors, but who want to bulk up on science and/or math. [more inside]
posted by melissam on Oct 21, 2007 - 6 answers

Prep Session Advice

I am currently a graduate student who has been tutoring first year students in math at my university for the past 4 years. I've tutored probably over 140 students. I'd like to start doing prep sessions for exams and am looking for some advice. [more inside]
posted by jplank on Nov 10, 2006 - 1 answer

Why do children in the United States perfom so poorly in math?

Why do children in the United States perform so poorly in math? [more inside]
posted by LoriFLA on Jul 15, 2006 - 78 answers

Mid life crisis at 23

I'm sort of in a crisis right now... Basically I am halfway through a bachelor in Film Studies and I realize it's garbage. I want to change my major to something that is useful. [more inside]
posted by Napierzaza on May 5, 2006 - 14 answers

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