10 posts tagged with math and engineering.
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Elephants on a Bridge

Mini McGee says, "I learned you can ask physics really weird questions! Like, how thick would a cardboard bridge have to be if it was over a 40-foot gap and could support the weight of an elephant?" [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Apr 8, 2021 - 30 answers

I'm studying industrial engineering, should I change my departement?

I'm an industrial engineering student. I am a very indecisive person with a lot of interests. Now I'm considering changing my departement but it's a big decision so I need advices. [more inside]
posted by confusedconfused on Jul 26, 2020 - 8 answers

Problem for physics, engineering, and other calculation hobbyists..

I need to figure out equivalent drop force. There's a standard that says certain kinds of industrial glass must not shatter when a 2" diameter, 1.2 pound steel ball is dropped on it from a height of 20.25 inches. What I want to know is if I had a 20 pound object, at what (reduced?) height would I need to drop that object to generate the same impact force on the same surface? Thanks!
posted by soulbarn on Sep 4, 2018 - 11 answers

Next step beyond Lego?

My son has mostly outgrown Lego but still loves building things from instructions. Challenging things. What are some building kits I could get for him? [more inside]
posted by bondcliff on Dec 4, 2015 - 38 answers

The Best Historical, Educational, or Informational YouTube Channels?

I'm looking for YouTube channels that are dedicated to providing education about or insight into interesting subjects. They can have humor in them, but I'd prefer for them to be primarily informative rather than humorous. [more inside]
posted by gregoryg on Jul 17, 2015 - 4 answers

Probability distributions and their practical applications

I am looking for a resource that lists probability distributions and their common real-world applications. For example, I'd expect to see: Lognormal - daily returns in the stock market. Poisson - failure rates for mechanical equipment, ... [more inside]
posted by wivy on Feb 19, 2015 - 6 answers

How do I go from one kind of nerd to another?

What steps should I take to switch to the aerospace industry from the academic world? [more inside]
posted by vernondalhart on May 21, 2013 - 9 answers

Formula to mesh two gears of arbitrary tooth count/position?

I'm writing a graphics app where I'm generating a simple gear transmission system with a variable number of gears each with variable number of teeth and placed at random orbits around each other. I generate gears in succession, placing and rotating each with respect to its parent/driver gear before moving on to the next. The problem I'm having is how to determine the initial orientation of each subsequent gear such that its teeth are properly meshed with that of its driver. [more inside]
posted by Epsilon-minus semi moron on Oct 25, 2010 - 6 answers

If it does exist, I imagine the school crest is something like duct tape, a paper clip and a mullet

Is there a REAL MacGyver School in the world? [more inside]
posted by rileyray3000 on Dec 22, 2009 - 15 answers

Seeking reading material before jumping into a master's in applied math...

Starting this fall, I plan on taking some preparatory undergrad coursework with the intention of eventually applying to a master's program in applied mathematics. I am seeking suggestions for reading material concerning the field of mathematics in general, both as a refresher and as insight into current focus areas and work being done. As a working engineer, my situation and background might be a bit different from most considering this route... [more inside]
posted by Bugg on Jul 15, 2007 - 2 answers

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