9 posts tagged with math and graphs.
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What equations graph these curves?

I've got three curves that I'd love to find equations for, if such exist. I've done some research on the Internet but everything I find is talking way over my head. I got up through trigonometry in high school, but that was probably the miracle of teacher apathy during grading. So, do you know what equations graph these three curves? (Okay, one is straight lines, but that's still a curve for these purposes, isn't it?) [more inside]
posted by under_petticoat_rule on Jun 12, 2019 - 18 answers

Best network/graph theory software for non-techies?

I'm teaching a minicourse about networks, graphs, and computation to a non-technical audience (mostly grad students in the humanities.) What's the right software platform? [more inside]
posted by escabeche on Jun 18, 2012 - 7 answers

How do I graph pharmacokinetics?

How can I visualize the pharmacokinetics of a drug? Is there a way to create a graph of the blood plasma levels of a drug including the fluctuations caused by time of administration? [more inside]
posted by ladypants on Sep 30, 2009 - 10 answers

Best way to do graphs in LaTex?

What the best way to put two-coordinate graphs in a LaTex document? [more inside]
posted by mai on May 21, 2009 - 7 answers

Euler's map of the 7 Bridges of Königsberg

Do you know good sources for historical mathematics images, specifically the Bridges of Königsberg by Leonhard Euler? [more inside]
posted by tnygard on Apr 7, 2009 - 4 answers

Recommendations for making Venn diagrams?

Does anyone have software recommendations for making Venn diagrams? Especially complicated ones? [more inside]
posted by tnygard on Mar 10, 2009 - 9 answers

How to find domain and range on graphing calculator?

How (if possible) can you find the domain and range of a graph on a graphing calculator (which in my case is a TI-84 Plus)?
posted by meta.mark on May 8, 2008 - 3 answers

Algorithm to display a schedule calendar with specific constraints

I've charged with adding a feature to a shift scheduler / coverage requestor that displays shift information for a given week. I've been able to display them so as to satisfy the constraints I've been given, but it's got me wondering wondering if there's a more rigorous/mathematical approach to the general problem of organizing the display of any such calendar information. [more inside]
posted by Frankieist on Apr 12, 2007 - 3 answers

Bet-settlin'-filter: Exponential pond scum growth?

Mrs. Everichon is convinced that there is a law or principle (as in "Foo's Law") which describes the phenomenon wherein a pond can take weeks to become 50% covered in algae, but then the remaining 50% takes only a day. [more inside]
posted by everichon on Jul 25, 2006 - 9 answers

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