17 posts tagged with math and Stats.
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Survey Design - should I stop a census with survey response-level
I'm a little farther away from survey design than I used to be, but I'm seeing a massive swing on a survey delivered on a regular cadence (not just at delivery) and I vaguely remember a reason why and it had to do with the way the initial population is identified. [more inside]
Can I math?
I want to pursue a degree that is largely a math degree, and I am really trying to figure out if it is something I can do at my age with my (lack of) math skills, if I work hard at it. I have always identified as being "bad at math", avoided it where I can, and yes, internalized "women are bad at math". I am 45 years old, which concerns me about tackling a subject that I will likely struggle with. But I want to switch to the the data science undergrad degree and as my advisor explained, its more math that computers. Its calculus and then some. [more inside]
Statistically prove the world isn't fair
I have two basketball hoops that, in theory, electronically record baskets made. The hoops blatantly under-report. With a big spreadsheet of points earned on each basket, but not shots attempted, by teams in a league can I statistically show the likelihood of one hoop being worse at registering shots than the other? [more inside]
Before the second intermission we need stats help
We know that Buffalo, Montreal and Carolina have the top 3 NHL draft picks, but not the ordering. We also know that they had, in order, 18.5%, 9.5% and 3.0% chance of winning the first draft pick. Given that we know one of them did, what is each team's chance of getting the first draft pick? [more inside]
Public librarian seeks statistics input
What information and statistical tests do I use to find out if moving biographies to their own special display actually increased their popularity? I want to take a rigorous approach that includes confidence levels. [more inside]
Determining the ranking of a series of items?
I have a set of items that people have voted on and given a score out of 10. For the sake of discussion, let's say they're movies. What's the best way to use those votes to determine a list of the top 10 movies? [more inside]
Math for Board Game Design?
I'm making board games as a hobby and I'd like to have a better understanding of statistics and similar math topics in order to start the design stronger outta the gate - having better balance instead of just guessing. [more inside]
Do I need to crash a high school stats class?
Where do English majors go to learn key principles behind deriving mathematically sound meaning from data? I worked for years as a digital editor. Now I'm a "content strategist," which means I'm responsible for proving my new strategy increases reader engagement via different metrics like UVs, shares, attention time, average story finish rate, etc.
I'm very familiar with platforms like Google Analytics and Chartbeat. But I want to learn how to see patterns in them there numbers, and I NEED to make sure my insights are mathematically accurate. How can I most efficiently do that without getting a brain transplant?
(Example below.) [more inside]
I can say with 99% confidence that this class is killing me
I'm struggling hard in my statistics class right now. Some of it comes from not grasping the concepts, but a bigger part is the ridiculous level of anxiety I've developed about my grades, and catastrophizing about what a low grade means. Help me attack both aspects of the problem. [more inside]
Fallacies and Errors in Inferential Statistics
I have recently been introduced to the concept of pseudoreplication as a mistake that people often make when using inferential statistics to evaluate treatment outcomes. My field (evolutionary and conservation biology) makes heavy use of inferential statistics, including techniques that are vulnerable to pseudoreplication, yet nowhere in my formal education have I been taught about how poor experimental design and lack of statistical rigor can lead to fallacies like this. My personal statistical proficiency is poor, but I am working to remedy that. To that end, could folks help me by identifying and ideally explaining whatever other potential pitfalls you can think of, and explaining how they can be avoided through careful experimental design and data-analysis?
When calculating a statistical average, is it reasonable to remove outliers?
When calculating a statistical average, is it reasonable to remove outliers? [more inside]
Help me sample accurately!
Please provide me with an *effective*, and statistically sound, table/chart listing suggested sample size guidance for associated population size [more inside]
Math for the fantasy sports enthusiast
Looking for resources regarding math in sports. [more inside]
Past performance, future results, &c
Statistics-filter: I need to establish to what extent student performance on a particular standardized test is predicted by each of the following: GPA, standardized test scores and a couple of other miscellaneous numerical factors. How do I go about this? [more inside]
Formulas for Food
Looking for math formulas involving food. [more inside]
How do I process user ratings of content fairly?
How do I process user ratings of content without skewing results of items that have only been rated once? [more inside]
Help with stats/excel
Ok, so I'm an Anthropology major ,and I decided taking a course called Quantification of Archaeological Data would be a good idea... [more inside]