9 posts tagged with math and English.
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What part of speech are mathematic operands?

I just heard a colleague mumble a change order number in Spanish, his native language. He said, "Numbers are the one thing I still have to do in Spanish - I learned tres mas cuatro es siete, not three plus four." Which got me to thinking, what part of speech are math operands? They're telling you to do something (verb) but they don't conjugate. Are they a conjunction? Something weird?
posted by notsnot on Nov 17, 2017 - 16 answers

Numbers to Words

I want a plain text file listing the English words for number 1-100 (ideally, one per line any delimiter will be fine, I can fix that). One, Two, ..., One Hundred. It's got to be somewhere on this great internet. Can AskMe find it fast?
posted by Wolfdog on Dec 15, 2014 - 7 answers

Grammar/style for mathematicians?

I'm interested in learning about the details of English grammar and usage, and also maybe in picking up some prescriptions or guidelines for writing well-styled/balanced prose (a la Strunk & White, though my understanding is that there's potentially a great many schools of thought to look at here). The kicker: my academic background is in math and computer science, including the very formal reaches of things like logic, formal languages, etc. Is there any way that this stuff can help me learn that stuff? [more inside]
posted by karo on Sep 18, 2014 - 9 answers

What curriculum/books should I follow to teach 2 students one in the 7th grade and one in 8th grade that are homeschooling?

What curriculum/books should I follow to teach 2 students one in the 7th grade and one in 8th grade that are homeschooling? [more inside]
posted by minsid on Mar 17, 2010 - 14 answers

Math? Maths? Mathesises? Mathelesalizes? Mathematisessizes?

When did "Maths" change to "Math" in American English? Or is it the other way around? [more inside]
posted by fishmasta on Jul 11, 2009 - 39 answers

I want to be smart so I can write clever Askme Headlines

What are some easy, relatively quick ways to learn to write better, think clearer, and express myself better? [more inside]
posted by Bageena on Jan 28, 2009 - 24 answers

Editing math papers for spelling and grammar - worth it?

Anyone ever worked as an editor/proofreader for science and mathematics articles not written by native English speakers? [more inside]
posted by number9dream on Jul 20, 2008 - 8 answers

Help a first-time tutor get started!

FirstTimeTutorFilter: I'm plan to start tutoring Math, Chemistry, Physics and possibly ESL in January. Only problem is, I have *no idea what I'm doing*. Anyone have any textbooks, general teaching books, online certification courses, etc to recommend? [more inside]
posted by anonymoose on Dec 17, 2007 - 8 answers

I need to learn basic to fairly advanced Math and English and I'm somewhat of a rookie who is taking action. Help!!

I'm looking to rebuild my mathematics skills from the ground up so that I have proper habits. I'm looking to start from the basics and go straight up to calculus. Math was a subject in which I didn't pay as much attention to as I wish that I had and am looking to find the best sources of information on the subject. I also would love software that would drill me kind of like speed reading software but for math. [more inside]
posted by Chamunks on Sep 4, 2007 - 22 answers

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