Regions offer an attractive alternative to both manual allocation of resources and garbage collection. Unlike the latter, region-based resource management makes resource disposal and finalization predictable. We can precisely identify the program points where allocated resources are freed and finalization actions are run. Like other automatic resource managements schemes, regions statically assure us that no resource is used after it is disposed of, no resource is freed twice, and all resources are eventually deallocated.
Monadic Regions can manage resources other than memory, as
explained by Brandon Moore:
``I'm assuming you understand how the type on runST
and the STRef
operations ensure that, even though you can smuggle out an STRef
in the result from runST
, you will never be able to use it again.
The idea was to do the equivalent thing with databases: use fancy types
to ensure that handle can only be used inside to origination
or withCursor
or whatever, and the
bracketing function can release the resource on the way out,
without worrying about it being used again.''
In a follow-up, Benjamin Franksen concurred:
``I think this is an extremely good idea. I have been very frustrated
with finalizers because of their limitations (can't rely on them being
called at all), so have (reluctantly) been using the unsafe bracket
version. Making it safe via a type system trick is really the way
to go.''
The paper by Fluet and Morrisett describes monadic regions, their calculus, and the type- and meaning-preserving translation to a variant of System F. The authors mention as future work providing a RGN
monad for Haskell programmers. We show exactly this monad in Section Heavy-weight implementation of region calculus , which however relies on heavy type-class trickery. A simpler, and still complete, solution exists, especially suitable for IO regions and ensuring the validity of file handles: Lightweight monadic regions .
With some limitations, File and Database IO regions can be implemented already in Haskell98 with a common extension for rank-2 types (existentials). This technique has indeed been used in Takusen, to provide precisely the assurances that Brandon Moore wanted. One may hope this assured approach to File IO would be more widely used.
Brandon Moore, Benjamin Franksen: Db and STRef. Messages posted on the Haskell-Cafe mailing list, Jan 15-16 2006.
block. Many handles can be open simultaneously;
the type system enforces the proper nesting of their regions.
The technique has no run-time overhead and induces no run-time errors.
Unlike the other implementation of monadic regions, only the basic
extension (rank-2 types, aka existentials) is needed. No new type
classes are introduced. The technique underlies safe database
interfaces of Takusen.The simplicity of the implementation comes with a limitation: although an inner region can use resources allocated in outer regions, an inner region cannot allocate such outer-region resources. That is, an inner region can read from a file handle opened in an outer region, but cannot itself create such file handles. An inner region therefore is not allowed to return any file handles. We also cannot store file handles in reference cells. These limitations have been overcome in another, also simple implementation of IO regions. The latter does require type classes, however.
test0 = withFile "/etc/motd" (const $ return True) reader q = do c1 <- qGetChar q c2 <- qGetChar q return [c1,c2] test1 = withFile "/etc/motd" reader test1r = runIOM test1 >>= printAbove is the first example of the region-based file IO. Instead of handles, we have
s -- marked handles.
They are created by the function withFile
and used similarly
to regular handles. A special mIOM
monad is a newtype away
from the regular IO. The phantom type parameter of the IOM monad, like
the s
parameter of the ST
monad, marks the region.*IORegions98Test> :t reader reader :: Q mark -> IOM mark [Char]According to its inferred type, the
takes a marked
handle and yields an IO computation with the same mark. If we try
to leak the handle, we get a type error:test2 = runIOM (withFile "/etc/motd" (\q -> return q)) Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected Quantified type variable `mark' escapes In the first argument of `runIOM', namely `(withFile "/etc/motd" (\ q -> return q))'We certainly can perform an
computation and return
its result: test3
below works. An attempt to leak mIOM
out of withFile
may seem successful: test4'
is accepted by the type checker. It cannot be run however, see
; the error message betrays the implementation,
which relies on the fact that only monomorphic types may be instances of
and so the required instance Typeable mark
cannot be created.
The source code contains a number of tests, many of which have been
suggested by Brandon Moore.test3 = withFile "/etc/motd" (\q -> (qGetChar q)) -- OK test4' () = join $ withFile "/etc/motd" (\q -> return (qGetChar q)) test4'r = runIOM (test4' ()) No instance for (Typeable mark) arising from use of `test4''
We may open several file handles. Their regions may nest, the handles of the parent regions can be used in any descendant region:
-- Now we add the type signature, just to show that we can do that reader2 :: Q mark -> Q mark -> IOM mark String reader2 q1 q2 = do c1 <- qGetChar q1 c2 <- qGetChar q2 return [c1,c2] test5 = withFile "/etc/motd" (\q1 -> withFile "/etc/motd" (\q2 -> reader2 q1 q2)) test5r = runIOM test5 >>= print
The module IORegions98E
with a limited export is the
kernel of trust of our implementation. The module defines
newtype IOM marks a = IOM (IO a) -- data constructor is not exported newtype Q mark = Q Handle -- data constructor is not exported withFile :: Typeable a => FilePath -> (Q mark -> IOM mark a) -> IOM mark a qGetChar :: Q mark -> IOM mark Char runIOM :: (forall mark. IOM mark a) -> IO aWe wish to assure that the handle
never escapes from its region.
The handle can escape if it is incorporated into the result of
. The type of that result must then mention the type of hQ
The only computation that eliminates the type hQ
is qGetChar
yet the latter introduces the type mIOM
If we make sure that neither mIOM
nor hQ
may appear in the type of the
values produced by withFile
, our goal is achieved.
Constraining the type of the result of withFile
to be an instance of
does the trick: since IOM mark a
and Q mark
must be fully polymorphic with respect to mark
to be usable for runIOM
, these types cannot
be instances of Typeable
, because of the polymorphism.
The handle may also escape its region if it is stored in a reference cell.
The module IORegions98E
does not however provide any mIOM
computation for reference cells. And if it had, the type of the
storable values would have been similarly constrained to be Typeable
Since we are assured that no computation with the
marked handle can occur after we leave withFile
the implementation of withFile
may safely close the handle at that point.
The module IORegions98E
should not normally be touched by the
end user. Still, there may be a need for computations with hQ
other than qGetChar
. Since the functions within the module
have unrestricted access to unmarked handles, special care is required
when adding more definitions to the trusted kernel. The programmer must
not leak unmarked handles and must not close handles. To force closing
a handle, one should throw an exception.IORegions98Test.hs [3K]
IORegions98Test1.hs [2K]
extensive test code, including all the tests by Brandon Moore.
Because file handles and similar resources are scarce, we want to not just assure their safe use but further deallocate them soon after they are no longer needed. Relying on Fluet and Morrisett's calculus of nested regions, we contribute a novel, improved, and extended implementation of the calculus in Haskell, with file handles as resources.
Our library supports region polymorphism and implicit region subtyping, along with higher-order functions, mutable state, recursion, and run-time exceptions. A program may allocate arbitrarily many resources and dispose of them in any order, not necessarily LIFO. Region annotations are part of an expression's inferred type. Our new Haskell encoding of monadic regions as monad transformers needs no witness terms. It assures timely deallocation even when resources have markedly different lifetimes and the identity of the longest-living resource is determined only dynamically.
For contrast, we also implement a Haskell library for manual resource management, where deallocation is explicit and safety is assured by a form of linear types. We implement the linear typing in Haskell with the help of phantom types and a parameterized monad to statically track the type-state of resources.
Joint work with Chung-chieh Shan.
Monadic Regions through extensible effects
Section 7 of the Haskell Symposium 2015 paper presents an implementation that more closely matches Fluet and Morrisett's description.
[Old implementation]
SafeHandles1.hs [6K]
SafeHandles1Test.hs [3K]
Safe file IO in a single region: the library and test code for Section 2 of the paper, the warm-up. We satisfy all requirements but the timeliness: all open handles remain open until the whole single region is finished; the longest-living safe handle prevents closing of all the others. This code essentially implements the ST s
monad, only with safe handles instead of references. We introduce naive regions, which cannot share handles. We improve upon them later.
SafeHandlesFM.hs [7K]
SafeHandlesFMTest.hs [8K]
Nested regions using explicit witness terms: the library and test code for Section 3 of the paper. This is the implementation of FRGN by Fluet and Morrisett (ICFP04), adjusted for the application domain: IO and Handles rather than memory allocation and pointers. The implementation relies on term-level witnesses of region inclusion (subtyping).
SafeHandles.hs [12K]
SafeHandlesTest.hs [10K]
Nested regions as monad transformers: the library and test code for Sections 4 and 5 of the paper. This is the final solution: lightweight monadic regions with type-level--only enforcement of the region discipline.
multi-handle-io0.hs [12K]
multi-handle-io.hs [13K]
Alternative: tracking type-state in a parameterized monad, Section 6 of the paper. The more general solution in multi-handle-io.hs
supports recursive computations in the parameterized monad. Surprisingly, that requires regions.
monad for Haskell programmers. The code below does exactly that.The code gives the first example of the total type comparison predicate, which can handle even non-ground types and quantified type variables.
monad and the testsPhilippa Cowderoy: Monad.Reader IssueFour 2005-06-27. The ImpureThoughts column. Section ``Policing the State''
The question of statically tracking locks whose acquisition and release depends on a statically unknown value was posed by Naoki Kobayashi. The present code was written as a response. For clarity, the code uses two locks and a toy version of HList. The introductory locking program looks as follows:
tlock2 = do l <- lget lock lock1 x <- return (read l) lput (show (x+1))We read a line from the standard input, lock
, parse the line
and print something. The inferred type
LIO q (Insert (Lock N1) q) ()
tells that tlock2
finishes with the lock N1
still held.
To be precise, the state of locks at the end of tlock2
from the initial state q
by the addition of Lock N1
. Here
LIO p q a
is a parameterized monad, carrying the initial p
and the final q
type states, along with the result type a
of the computation. The RebindableSyntax
of GHC lets us use the convenient do
Attempting to run the computation, runLIO tlock2
, gives a type
error: the type checker complaints that Lock N1
is not released.The second example shows the conditional lock manipulations. Depending on user input, one of two locks is acquired; one of two locks is later released. We statically ensure that the acquired lock is released -- although we cannot statically tell which lock that will be.
rtcl3 = runLIO $ do l <- lget brand_bool ((read l) > (0::Int)) (\b bnot -> do clock b lock1 clock bnot lock2 lput l cunlock b lock1 cunlock bnot lock2)We read a number and check if it is is positive. We acquire
if it is, and lock2
if it is not. The locks
are released on the opposite condition, bnot
vs. b
The function brand_bool
produces the unique set of two complementary `keys'.
A lock locked with one key must be unlocked with the other.
We may lock with both keys, making the lock held unconditionally.
When we run the code, we see that depending on the input value, either
lock N1
is acquired and released, or lock N2
The lock safety holds in either case. If we forget a cunlock
predicate the release on a wrong condition,
or try to release a lock unconditionally, the type checker will
complain that it is unable to prove lock safety. The safety indeed
would be violated in some executions of the code.The example illustrates enforcing sophisticated resource usage constraints in a mature, well-supported language, relying on the existing type system and type inferencing. All types have been inferred. The code used a particular form of constraint-based typing (type families) and a particular way of solving them. Type function applications are reduced when their arguments become sufficiently instantiated so that a definitional case may be selected.
One is reminded of the adage that the dependent-type checker cannot test for the value of dynamic input. The type checker can ensure however that the programmer does not forget such a test.
Fun with type functions
In ``Reflections on the work of C. A. R. Hoare.'' ed. A. W. Roscoe, Cliff B. Jones, and Ken Wood. Springer, 2010. pp. 303-333.
Joint work with Simon Peyton Jones and Chung-chieh Shan.
< >
The paper explains a simple version of the lock safety problem.
Lightweight static resources, for safe embedded and systems programming
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