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As is well known, Mozilla has chosen to renounce XUL/XPCOM based technology for extensions and has decided to replace it with Webextensions.

For non-experts, this means that extensions now use a completely different technology and that all "old style" extensions must be rewritten from scratch to work.

Not having enough time and motivation for such a complicated job, as well as for personal reasons, I decided to completely end the development and support of all my extensions.

The work with extensions gave me and taught me a lot and now I would like to thank the whole Mozilla community for their support and help during these years.

With regard of Thunderbird 60, the extensions compatible are ATTACH EXTRA TOOLS, HEADER TOOLS LITE, IMPORT EXPORT TOOLS, PRINTINGTOOLS, PROFILESWITCHER, THUNDERBIRD-DONTRESTORE TABS (you can find all of them at https://addons.thunderbird.net) and MOREFUNCTIONSFORADDRESSBOOK (available on this site).


NOTE ON UPDATES: For technical reasons, the update for some extensions must be performed manually, please check the current version.

LICENSE: all my extensions are released under GPL license.

INSTALLATION IN THUNDERBIRD: if you've troubles with installing extensions on Thunderbird, please read this page.

Extensions for both Thunderbird and Firefox

PROFILEPASSWORD (for Thunderbird): an extension to have a password for the profile in Thunderbird
latest : 1.0b1 version (TB - compatible 4-52 versions)

Read more - Download

PROFILEPASSWORD (for Firefox): an extension to have a password for the profile in Firefox
latest : 0.3.19 version (compatibility: FF 1.0 or higher)

Read more - Download

PROFILESWITCHER: An extension that makes easier and handier use more profiles on Thunderbird and Firefox.
latest : version (Thunderbird - 2.0 - 13, Firefox 2.0 - 52), 1.7.7 version (Thunderbird 14 - 60)

Download from A.M.O. - Read more -

Extensions for Thunderbird

ADDEXPANDEDLIST: An extension that allows to add lists, expanding them. Useful to delete unwanted recipients for a specific mail. The feature is accessible from the context menu of contacts panel (in the compose window). The 0.2 version is compatible with ContactSidebar.
From 1.0 version it's possible also to load the list in contacts panel, so that it's very easy see and select them.
latest : 1.1.1 version (TB - compatible 1.5 or higher)


ADD MAIL ACCOUNT MANUALLY: An extension that allows to create a new mail account manually. Totally rewritten and compatible also with newer Thunderbird versions!
To use it, just click on the new menu item "Add mail account (manual)", in "Account settings" window.
latest: 1.0 version (TB - compatible 3.1 and higher)


ATTACH EXTRA TOOLS: extension that allows to
- attach easily messages selected in the main window
- attach attachments from other messages
- attach files with copy&paste from your operative system
- attach files from 5 favourite directories
- attach files and directories in zipped format
- delete the attachments in the sent copy (from 1.3 version)
- modifiy the order of attchments in compose window (from 1.5 version)
French locale provided by Bigpapa
latest: 1.9.0 version (TB - compatible 3.0 - 60)


ATTACHMENT SEARCH TAB: an extension that allows to search an attachment in one or more folders.
To use it, click on Tools (in the menu bar) --> Attachment search.
latest: 0.4.3 (TB - compatible 3.1 or higher)


CHANGE QUOTE AND REPLY FORMAT (ex changequote): it's an extension that changes the format of reply mails.
latest : version (TB - compatible 1.0 or higher)

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CONFIRMBEFOREDELETE: an extension for Thunderbird that introduce a confirm request to:
- delete directly the mail with shift+canc;
- delete the contacts in the addressbook and in the contacts panel;
- delete mails and folders from the trash;
- delete calendar items (if you've Lightning installed);
- empty the trash (this function is native on TB3);
- move messages in the trash (0.2.3 or higher);
- delete messages from search window (0.2.4 or higher).
Moreover it can block deletion of messages and folder (0.3 or higher).
All the confirms are active for default, but can be disabled from Extensions --> Options.
Localized in english, italian and (thanks to Mark Gerber) german.
From the version it's been enabled the autoupdate.
N.B: from the 0.1.4 version the focus is on "Cancel", but this can be changed in Options.
latest : 0.3.5 version (TB - compatible 1.0 or higher)


DSN OPTIONS GUI: an extension that adds a graphical interface to handle the preferences, both global and per account, about "Delivery Status Notification" (DSN).
latest : 0.1.3 version (TB - compatibile 3.0 or higher)


EDITHTML: an extension for Thunderbird that allows you to edit the html code of the mail you're writing
latest : version (TB - compatible 1.0 or higher)

Read more - Download

EDITSENDER: an extension very light and user-friendly that allows you to edit as you wish the details about sender (name and/or address and/or organization) for each message. From the compose window, you must click on the "From" field and choose "Edit sender details for this message". See preferences panel for options. Slovak locale by Branislav Rozbora.
Please read: the extension could not work with some smtp servers that don't allow to modify the sender (for ex. gmail).
latest : 0.3.1 (TB - compatible 1.5 or higher)


EMAIL ADDRESS CRAWLER: This extension has been created by Torge Kummerow, but is not developed anymore (see A.M.O. webpage).
This is a modified version, fully working also with the most recent versions of Thunderbird.
Moreover it can search addresses also in messages body (be careful, because this function can give some false positives).
Note: from 5.1 version there is an option to add addresses even if they're already present in other addressbooks.
latest : 5.1.2 (TB - compatible 1.5 or higher)


EXTERNAL TEMPLATE LOADER: an extension to load an external template for the new messages
latest : 0.4.4 (TB - compatible 1.5 or higher)

Read more - Download

FORWARDAS: a small extension that adds to the "Forward" button and to the context menus a submenu to choose if forwarding inline or as attachment. From 0.1.3 version it gives the possibility to change the format of inline forwards holding SHIFT key, just like it happens with other way of composing.
latest : version (TB - compatible 1.5 - 38)


HEADER TOOLS LITE: a new extension that allows user to modify messages.
latest : 0.6.1 version (TB - compatible 3 - 60 / Seamonkey 2.0 or higher)

Read more - Download

IMPORT EXPORT TOOLS: it's an extension that adds several tools to export/import messages and folders.
latest: 3.3.1 (TB : compatible 14 - 60 / Seamonkey : compatible 2.0 - 2.58)

Thunderbird Addons - Download - Read more

INCOMING ADDRESSES COLLECTOR: This extension allows you to add automatically the incoming messages addresses to the addressbook.
This feature was present in Thunderbird 1.5, but it has been deleted in Thunderbird 2. The extension restores it with some improvments.
latest : 0.3.3 (TB - compatible 1.5 or higher)

Read more - Download

JUMPBYKEY: an extension that allows to select messages sorted by subject, author or recipients just hitting one or more keys.
To activate this mode, that disables all the shortcuts with just a key (es. j for "Junk"), press CTRL-^ to exit press ESC. You can enable the "jump-mode" on startup, setting the pref "jumpbykey.enable_on_startup" to true.
latest : 0.2.4 (TB - compatible 2.0 or higher)


MOREFUNCTIONSFORADDRESSBOOK: an extension for Thunderbird that adds to the addressbook some features (copy of the data, access to all records, edit as new of a contact, import/export of a contact or a list, vCard support).
latest : 1.0b8 version

Read more - Download 1.0b8 (for TB 14 - 60) - For older version of Thunderbird click here

NEW RETURN RECEIPT HANDLER: a new extension that gives a completely different way to handle the return receipt requests, with these features:
- the native Thunderbird popup is replaced by a warning under the headers panel and this gives the user the possibility to decide the moment of sending the confirm, even after you've read the message --> see the screenshot, (0.4 version);
- after the confirm sending, a copy of it (not exactly identical, but very similar) is put in Sent folder. This feature can be disabled from the preferences panel.
- the pseudocopy of the return receipt in the Sent folder, with IMAP account, is put under Local Folders (versions 0.4.3 - 0.4.8) or under correct account (versions 0.4.9 or higher and TB3 or higher);
- the extension is new and so it's not tested enough for a safe use in serious environments;
- 0.4 has autoupdate enabled and uses a workaround to fix the bug 380399
- version 0.4.5 solves compatibility problems with Enigmail.

NOTE FOR TB 3.1 and higher: Thunderbird 3.1 handles return receipt requests in a way very similar to the one implemented in past by this extension. So on Thunderbird 3.1 this extensions provides just for the copy of the return receipt in the Sent Folder.

latest : 0.4.12 version (TB - compatible 1.5 or higher)


NOSUBJECTFROMTEMPLATE: When installed, the extension deletes automatically always the subject if you compose a new message from a template (doubleclikcing or opening it from the context menu).
You can also use it in a selective mode, to delete just the subject beginning with a specific character.
To do it you must change this preference "nosubject.fromtemplate.selectiveMode" from "false" to "true". The beginning character that makes the subject deleted is set in the pref "nosubject.fromtemplate.selectiveChar" (the default is "@").
28/07/2010: new version 0.1.2 (TB - compatible 1.5 - 3.1)


OPENATTACHMENTBYEXTENSION: an extension that allows you to open directly an attachment with a program associated to the file extension, not considering the mimetype indicated in the message.
Moreover you can also set a custom directory for opening attachment with the native system or with the system provided by the extension.
From 0.2 version there is a graphical interface for handling preferences, that can be found at Tools --> Addons.
From 0.3 version, temporary files are deleted on program exit, if this is the general setting.
From 0.3.1 version, user can also set paths as relative ones (must begin with a dot and the starting point is the directory where is the Thunderbird executable).
Note: if you've troubles with attachments with special characters in their name, go in preferences window, enable the option "Use this charset for executable arguments" and enter in the box the charset of your operative system (version 0.3.3 or higher).
latest : 0.3.6 version (TB - compatible 1.5 or higher)


PRINTINGTOOLS (ex PrintMyDate): an extension that tries to improve the layout of the mails in printing and printing preview.
latest : 1.3.0 (TB - compatible 1.0 - 60)

Read more - Download

QUICKMOVEBUTTON: an extension for Thunderbird that adds two buttons to move quickly the mails in a chosen folder (to associate the folder to the button, use the button menu) - Now it should works also for IMAP accounts.
latest : 0.2.4 (compatible TB 1.0 or higher)


QUOTE AND COMPOSE MANAGER: an extension for Thunderbird that adds some options for the format of the reply or forwarded mails.
latest : 0.4.1 version (compatible TB 1.5 or higher)

Read more - Download

RECOVER DELETED MESSAGES: an extension that allows to recover deleted messages, if the folder has not been compacted yet. To use it, select the folder, right-click and choose "Recover deleted messages", then follow the messages in status bar.
From the 0.2 version it should be able also to recover deleted messages from Imap folders, if they're set for offline use.
Localized in english and italian.
latest: 0.4 version (TB - compatibile 2.0 or higher)


REPLYSEARCH: an extension that helps to search the linked messages to a message (replies and previous).
Usage: select a message, right-click, click on "Search for linked messages by" and choose "Message id number". This is the best option, anyway you can choose also "Subject and sender".
Locales: italian, english and (thanks to Franz Durr) german.
30/09/2011: new version 0.1.6 (TB - compatible 1.5 - 38)


RR BUTTON AND ICON: a small extension that adds, in the compose window, an icon on status bar to enable/disable the return receipt request. Besides, it adds an icon on headers panel, when the message had a return receipt request.
With TB3 you have another icon on status bar to enable/disable the "delivery status notification" request.
From 0.3.2 version, clicking on icon on headers panel, you can reactivate the return receipt request.
latest : 0.3.7 version (TB - compatible 1.5 or higher)


SEND AND FILE: an extension that allows to file outgoing messages in a folder choosen from a list (favourite folders or all folders).
To enable the extension, there are three ways:
- from compose window, Options --> Send and file
- from Tools --> Addons --> Send And File --> Preferences --> Enable
- holding "Shift" key when you click on "Send" button
latest : 0.3.1 version (compatible TB 3.0 or higher)

Download - A.M.O. link

SHOW FOLDER SIZE: an extension that shows in the statusbar and in the proprties window the filesize on disk of the folder. The label in the statusbar becomes red when the size folder exceeds the limit (default 100 MB, you can change it in the options panel of the extension). From the 0.1.2 version, you can read also the space that will be saved compacting the folder.
From the 0.1.6 version, for the IMAP folders it's shown also the size on server (this option can be disabled).
From the 0.2 version the extension can also check automatically the size of all folders at program startup and show a warning if some of them exceeds the limit (option enabled by default). Check of all folders can also performed manually from the context menu in status bar panel.
The current version has italian, english, french (thanks to Jojaba), dutch (thanks to Markh), polish (thanks to Teo), portoguese (thanks to Ghelman), russian (thanks to PiVV), serbian (thanks to DakSrbija), turkish (thanks to Manilyildiz), ukrainian (thanks to Sappa), vietnamese (thanks to Nguyen Hoàng), swedish, frisian (thanks to moZes), japanese (thanks to elf). If you are interested in traslating the extension in other languages, please do it through Babelzilla project.
latest : 0.2.8 version (TB - compatible 2.0 or higher)


SMART P7M SUPPORT : Extension to improve P7M attachments support.
latest : 0.4.7 version (compatible TB 1.5 or higher / SM 2.0-2.4)

Read more - Download

SORT TAGS : This extension allows user to sort tags, modifying their priority and shortcut. To do it, click on Tools --> Sort tags.
latest : 0.2 version (TB - compatible 3.0 or higher)


TOGGLE COMPOSE HEADERS : This extension allows to hide/unhide headers in compose window, hitting CTRL-SHIFT H (it was CTRL H until 0.1.4 version).
latest : 0.1.5 version (TB - compatible 1.0 or higher)


Extensions for Firefox

MOZEX: a modified version of the extension Mozex, that is fully compatible with Firefox 1.0 or higher
latest : 1.07.9 version

Read more - Download

SAVEWITHURL: an extension for Firefox that allow you to save the address with in the saved webpage
latest : 0.3 version

Read more - Download for Firefox 31 or higher

SEARCHHOTKEYS: An extension for Firefox that lets you modify or disable the keys that open the findbar. Usually these keys are ' (for search only in links) and / (for normal search). These keys can be not handy, also because of the bug #258285.
This extension sets as default the key | (for search only in links) and ^ (for normal search).
You can change these settings with the following two preferences:
"extensions.searchhotkeys.link_key" ("searchkeys.link.key" for versions lower than 1.0)
"extensions.searchhotkeys.find_key" ("searchkeys.find.key" for versions lower than 1.0)
setting a value equivalent to the ascii code of the key you want for that action.
You can also disable at all the feature, setting the preference "extensions.searchhotkeys.disable_all" ("searchkeys.disable.all" for versions lower than 1.0) to true.

From the 0.1.2 version, clicking on ctrl-F3, you will have the classic search popup, with which you can search also into textareas (see bug 252371).
latest : 1.0 version

Download for Firefox 1.5 or for Firefox 2.0 or for Firefox 3.0 or higher