Company Seeking to Resurrect the Woolly Mammoth Creates a ‘Woolly Mouse’
On its quest to bring back the extinct woolly mammoth, Colossal Biosciences has developed the woolly mouse
Company Seeking to Resurrect the Woolly Mammoth Creates a ‘Woolly Mouse’
On its quest to bring back the extinct woolly mammoth, Colossal Biosciences has developed the woolly mouse
How Anime Fans Stumbled upon a Mathematical Proof
Author John Green on How Tuberculosis Shaped Our Modern World
How Ants May Save You from Future Traffic Jams
Killer Sudoku: March 8, 2025
Read all the stories you want.
Earth’s Oldest Impact Crater Discovered in Australia
Stand Up for Science Rallies Draw Crowds Protesting Trump Cuts
What Is Chloroprene, the Cancer-Causing Chemical at the Center of a Federal Lawsuit?
The Brain Science of Elusive ‘Aha! Moments’
Where Are the Universe’s Missing Planets?
This Backyard Bird Has a Lot to Teach Us about Sex Variability
Is It Time to Redefine Time?
Create as many words as you can!
Stretch your math muscles with these puzzles.
Inside the AI Competition That Decoded an Ancient Herculaneum Scroll
Building Intelligent Machines Helps Us Learn How Our Brain Works
God Chatbots Offer Spiritual Insights on Demand. What Could Go Wrong?
Will Machines Ever Become Conscious?
Scientists Are Putting ChatGPT Brains Inside Robot Bodies. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
How Plastics in the Brain Connect to the Wider Debate over Petroleum
The Latest on Measles in the U.S, a Mystery Illness in the DRC and the Flu Vaccines
Why You Can’t Get That Song Out of Your Head
Saying Farewell to the Gaia Mission, Which Mapped the Milky Way
Your Candy Cravings Might Be Controlled by This Gut Bacterium
Mouse and human studies suggest a connection between a gut microbe and the appetite-regulating hormone GLP-1
How Anime Fans Stumbled upon a Mathematical Proof
When a fan of a cult anime series wanted to watch its episodes in every possible order, they asked a question that had perplexed combinatorial mathematicians for years
Company Seeking to Resurrect the Woolly Mammoth Creates a ‘Woolly Mouse’
On its quest to bring back the extinct woolly mammoth, Colossal Biosciences has developed the woolly mouse
In the Quantum Realm, Time’s Arrow Might Fly in Two Directions
Scientists studying a centuries-old mystery of physics suggest two “arrows of time” control the evolution of quantum systems
Neuroscientists Should Set a High Bar for Evidence against Free Will
Neuroscience research claiming to question the existence of free will may have been misinterpreted
Most People Stop Ozempic after Two Years. What Happens to Weight and Health?
Ozempic and similar GLP-1 weight-loss medications are designed to be a lifelong treatment. But a new study finds the majority of people who use these drugs quit after just two years